When Adversity Smacks You In The Face, Smack Back

You never know your true internal power until you've been tested by adversity. Many people don't like to think of adversity hitting them right in the face, but if you want to accomplish anything of value, adversity must be overcome.
Did you know that Albert Einstein didn't speak at all for the first 3 years of his life? People thought he was lazy and unintelligent. In spite of it all, he pushed through the adversity and never gave up.
As you already know, he became one of the most brilliant minds of all time.
You may not want to become a physics genius, but you can overcome adversity that threatens to hold you down. I've compiled this list of actions you can take to triumph over the adversity that shows up in your life.
I hope you will use these to become everything you want to be and to experience in your life.
Let's get started.
A Positive Mindset Can Make It Easier

Some adversity is more difficult to deal with than others, but when the big one strikes, it can knock the wind out of your sails.
When things look so dark that you can barely stand it, know that your journey back will be a lot easier when you decide to adopt a positive mindset.
Adversity seems to bring out all the negative things that could possibly happen, so you'll want work hard to push those aside, and look for positive thoughts that you can concentrate on.
Yes, you must be realistic and see things for exactly what they are, but having a positive mindset will help you find ways to push through adversity.
Catch yourself whenever you're thinking negative thoughts and turn them into positive ones instead. Keep doing this and you will begin to form the habit of positive thinking.
Find A Little Humor In The Situation

Do you really want to take the sting out of adversity? Find a way to see some humor in the situation.
This could be difficult to do. It may take some time before you can get the perspective to see any humor. When you do though, things become less stressful.
Laughing helps you release tension, and trains your brain to be more positive. Although adversity is not funny, there may be elements that you can find humorous.
If you can use laughter to help you cope with the situation better, by all means, use it to our advantage.
Expect And Plan For Adversity To Strike

Another thing you can do to overcome adversity is to use preparation. Achieving anything valuable will be met with adversity. Certain unfortunate things are bound to happen.
So think ahead and prepare for what you think could happen, then prepare for it if it does. Some things you just can't foresee, but there are others things you can just predict.
Look at others who have been hit with adversity and this will reveal what is possible. Prepare the best you can.
Learn From Others

As I mentioned earlier, another way to deal with adversity is to learn from others who have dealt with it.
There are probably people in your network of friends, family, and colleagues who have gone through similar challenges. Those people can be a big help in giving you some tools to work with.
If nothing else, they can be a source of inspiration to motivate you to keep pushing through.
Inspiration can come from people you know or just from reading a book or watching a moving about someone who overcame a difficult set of circumstances.
Choose Supportive And Caring Friends

Nothing can give you a boost during your struggle like being around good friends who know how to support you and lift your spirits.
Not everyone in your circle can fit this bill. So be selective in the one you choose. If you are not careful, the wrong people with negative attitudes can make you feel worse.
Stick with the friends who care about you and want to help you accomplish your dreams. They will help you keep pushing when you feel overwhelmed.
Build your team of likeminded people you can count on for support.
Jot Down Your Thoughts In A Daily Journal

Writing out your thoughts can help you stay focused on achieving to your goals.
You can keep a notebook as a journal or use a digital journal app on your phone or tablet.
Try spending a few minutes each day writing down whatever thoughts, feeling, and emotions that come to mind.
Feel free to think out of the box. Look for different solutions to your challenges, or just to stay focused.
After a while, you will be able to look back at your progress to keep you inspired.
Think Of All The Struggles You've Been Through In The Past

To create some more motivation, look through your past to recall the various struggles that you've managed to overcome.
Note how you got through them. Use that as motivation to boost your inner strength, and resilience. You can use that same strength to overcome your new adversity.
You made it through then, and you can do it now.
Embrace The Adversity

Believe it or not, adversity can turn into on of the best learning opportunities you can encounter. It can be your greatest teacher if you let it.
If your adversity is a result of your own mistake, think about how you can avoid this situation in the future.
If it's a failure that you're dealing with, that failure can be used to reset. Look at your planning, preparation, and execution to see where improvements can be made. Make them and start again.
It's about taking the journey of self improvement that really matters. Always continue to get better and better each day.
Keep Your Long Term Goals In Mind

Adversity has a tendency to distract you from focusing on your goals. All your time and energy gets soaked up by the adversity.
Remember the goals you are working toward and stay motivated to achieve them. If your goals are big, you will face setbacks along the way.
When you're dealt a difficult hand, keep your long term goals in mind. Use them as motivation to keep pushing forward in the face of adversity.
Believe in yourself and focus on your goals. You can push through any adversity that comes your way.
Never Give Up

Commit to finding a way to push through a crisis, and never quit.
Michael Jordan famously said that he's missed more than 9,000 shots in his career, lost almost 300 games, and missed 26 game-winning shots. But he never gave up.
Neither should you.

Rest assured that as you climb the ladder of achievement, adversity can come out of nowhere and try to stop you in your tracks.
Here are some way to fight back.
Maintain a positive mindset which will make overcoming adversity that much easier. Plus, you can ease some of the stress from the situation by finding some humor in the situation not matter how bad things may seem.
Another thing you can do is to expect adversity to come and plan as much as you can to deal with it when it happens. Preparation is the key.
If you still need some help, take a look around for others who have overcome the same or similar challenges and learn from them.
Surround yourself with carefully selected friends who are positive supports. They can give you a boost when you need it.
Maintain your focus by starting a journal and writing in it at least once a day. After awhile you will begin to see the progress you're making.
Look at all the struggles you've conquered in the past and use that energy to work through the present.
Next, embrace adversity to drain every ounce of knowledge out of the situation. That knowledge will help you become more resourceful.
Remember your goals and use them for your motivation to keep going. By all means, never ever give up.
You can do this because you are
"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect."
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Albert Powell
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