Want To Know The Super Achiever’s Master Key To Greater Opportunity?

Frequently Say Thank You

Ralph Marston

"Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return.

Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it."

Want To Know The Super Achiever’s Master Key To Greater Opportunity?

Making Promises

I was lucky enough to meet an 80 year old engineer who wrote a book about acoustic engineering that has been in circulation for at least 30 years. 

Excited to learn more about how he achieved his success, I listened to him tell me his progression from one level of accomplishment to another. 

As he continued to talk I notices a reoccurring theme.

Every time he reached a difficult spot and needed help, along came one key person with encouragement, advice, and the support he needed to get back on track. 

His constant gratitude for the help seemed to get him where he needed to go to achieve his ultimate success. 

You can use this same attitude to accomplish your greatest desires. 

Let's get started.  


Attract More Bees

fake smile

Greater opportunities come to those who have the ability to attract those opportunities. To make this easy for me to understand, I got some good advice from my mother. 

My mother used to tell me, "You can attract more bees with honey, than with vinegar."

Now I realize is that she was talking about developing a pleasing personality that attract opportunities. You can use this pleasing personality to attract a good support network of people who can help you get your goals accomplished. 

Pleasing Personality

What do I mean by pleasing personality? It refers to a person who has good manners, easily gives compliments, and smiles often. As opposed to the person who screams, yells, and curses all the time, never saying anything good about anyone. 

On the road to Super Achievement, you will undoubtedly need the help of others along the way. 

Which person do you think more people are willing to help: the one with a pleasing personality or the unpleasant one?

One of the qualities that stand out in a person with a pleasing personality is their ability to easily, and frequently say "Thank You". We'll discuss this next. 


Two of the Biggest Small Words on the Planet

Frequently Say Thank You

Thank you are two small words that can create tremendous impact when you use them from a sincere and caring heart. 

Super Achievers use these words frequently to let people know that they are appreciated. 

Here's how to use these words most effectively. 

First, look for opportunities to to thank someone. No matter how big or small the task, always give thanks for them all. 

Next, always engage in eye contact before you say the words. This makes the thank you very personal, and sincere. 

Third, give thanks immediately after the act reinforces it's effectiveness. If possible mention exactly why you are thanking them. Let them know how and why they helped you. 

Last, always, always be sincere. This is not a manipulation tactic. You truly want them to feel appreciated. 

Follow these steps, and it will pay dividends that you'll never imagine. 


Showing Gratitude Just Feels Good

Enjoying a good feeling

The best part of this process is that showing gratitude not only helps the receiver, but also helps you feel really good knowing that you have made someone else's life better. 

The more you use these two small words, the more you will see how you can brighten someone's day. That should make you feel really good. 

Turn this into a habit and good things will surely happen. 

You will begin to see how others contribute to your life, and will become more thankful for what you have. 

Plus giving gratitude simply make you feel good. 


Agreement Conclusion

Super Achievers understand that the contribution of others is something that is essential for achieving any success. 

Even the most accomplished people will admit that there are many people in their lives they are thankful for. 

Attracting the right people in your life that will be there for you starts with developing a pleasing personality. 

Use the power of the two small words that carry a huge impact. Make it a habit of giving a sincere thank you for anything someone does for you. Then watch their reaction. 

The bottom line is this: giving gratitude not only helps the receiver, but makes the giver feel good as well. 

Make it a habit to tell people how much you appreciate them, and attract more goodness into your life. 

You can do it.

After all, you are 


"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect"


What new opportunities have you created just by showing more gratitude?

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"Gratitude Means A Lot"

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Albert Powell

Thank You

Hope it helps you in some way. 

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The information you share with someone could be the difference between success and failure in their  life. 

And remember, 

"Make something great happen today."