Just the other day, I was lucky enough to meet an 80 year old engineer who wrote a book about acoustic engineering that has been in circulation for at least 30 years. Not only was he astute in engineering, but is also an accomplished magician.
Excited to learn about how he achieved his successes, I listened to him tell me the progression from one level to the next. As he was talking, a pattern started developing.
Every time he reached his limit, and needed help, along came one key person with encouragement, advice, or support to get him back on track. To this day, he still speaks about everyone with a sense of gratitude in his voice.

Attract More Bees
My mother used to tell me, "You can attract more bees with honey, than with vinegar." Now, I realize what she meant was that, if you want to get far in life, it's easier to cultivate the network of support you need to succeed by developing a pleasant personality.
What do I mean by a pleasant personality? I'm referring to the person who is polite or agreeable. One who has good manners, easily gives compliments, and smiles often. As opposed to the one who screams and curses all the time, never saying anything good about anyone.
On the arduous road to Super Achievement, you will undoubtedly need the help of others along the way. Which person do you think more people are willing to help; the one with a pleasant personality or the unpleasant one?
One of the qualities that stands out in a person with a pleasing personality is their ability to easily, and frequently say "Thank You."

Two of the Biggest Small Words on the Planet
These two small words can create some of the biggest impact on the planet when you use them from a sincere and caring heart. The secret of the Super Achiever is to use theses words as frequently as possible where they will have the most impact.
Here's how they can be used most effectively.
Follow these steps, and it will pay you dividends that you'll never imagine. As time goes on, people will bend over backwards to help you out.
Give first, and you will always receive something good in return.

Showing Gratitude Just Feels Good
Showing gratitude not only helps the receiver, but also help you feel really good knowing that you have made someone else's life better.
The more you use those two small words, and watch the power they have to brighten someone's day, the better you'll feel about yourself.
Turn this into a habit and good things will surely follow. You begin to appreciate how others contribute to your life. And become more thankful for what you have, as you appreciate your life even more.

Albert Powell

Thanks for reading this post. Share it with someone you want to benefit from it. Let me know your experience sharing gratitude with others.
The impact you make can be the difference between success and failure in someone's life.
And remember, "Make something great happen today."
This one is really, really great and appropriate for thanksgiving. I will send it out.
Thank you so much Abby. I am so glad you liked it. It’s amazing what happens when you use the words “please” and “thank you”. Little words that carry big dividends.