Top 4 Steps To Turn Adversity Into Opportunity

Adversity to Opportunity

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

Albert Einstein

No one gets through this life immune to adversity.

The question is "What will you do when it strikes?" 

We each face different types of adversity in our own way, but for the Super Achiever, adversity brings out their best.

They look for ways to create opportunities out of their adversity.

No matter how difficult their situation seems, they find a way to overcome it. You can too.

You can convert the challenges you face today into the strengths you draw from tomorrow.

Learn from Others

Step 1

Learn How Others Turned  

Adversity Into


We're all familiar with people throughout history who faced incredible odds and emerged victorious as a result.

Learning about their stories will motivate you and illustrate exactly how to turn tragedy into triumph.  Allow them to shift your perception of how to handle adversity when it comes.

You will find that none of those stories end with “when the going got tough, I just gave up.”

They alway say that they refused to let the situation defeat them.

Here are a few example.

1. Helen Keller

Helen Keller found her opportunity to turn the adversity of being deaf and blind into an opportunity to stand up for women's rights.

She was a shining example of what people can do when faced with adversity. It's not the end.

Sometimes it's just the beginning of the story. 

2. Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill's triumphant battle to overcome his stutter led him to becoming one of the most eloquent and successful public speakers and politicians of the twentieth century.

3. Others' Stories

Learn How This Lady Turned A Tragic Car Accident Into Opportunity. 

    There are many other stories just like these to give you inspiration. Use them as your roadmap to handle any adversity that comes your way.

    The adversity you experience today could be what leads you to your greatest successes tomorrow.

Strength in Adversity

Step 2

Use Adversity To Highlight Your Strengths

When adversity strikes, our first reaction is to immediately focus on our weaknesses. We worry about what abilities we've lost. 

We put a lot of energy into trying to strengthening our weaknesses. However, we are strong. Don't forget about accentuating your strengths.

You already have your strengths developed. Use them to help you build your bridge to greater opportunity.

Remember the following:

1. ​

    Although it may be easy to focus on the negative sides of adversity, place some focus on the strengths you've already accomplished to get you through. 

2. ​

    Remind yourself that you already have unique abilities that others already admire.

    Feed off the positive energies that come from these good qualities.

Frustration Into Motivation

Step 3

Use Your Frustration To Motivate You

Overcoming any difficulty in life is not easy. It can be hard work. Progress can be slow going. The slower the progress the higher your level of frustration. 

Don't allow yourself to crumble under the pressure. To get through, envision the adversity as if you are in a boxing ring fighting an opponent that wants to knock you out.

You don't want to lose, so get pumped up for the fight.

Consider the following tip:


Embrace the challenge as a competition and aggressively go after your opponent.

Take on a competitive mindset and look at the adversity as a challenge you were meant to overcome.

2. ​

    Look at what you're going through like a boxing match.  When adversity rears its head, remember, you have 12 rounds to fight. 

Reward Yourself

Step 4

Find Something To Look Forward To As You Work

As you work through any adversity, it's a natural tendency to get hyper focused on the adversity itself. 

We focus on how painful it is, how devastating it can be, and why is this happening to me? Thinking like that causes stress that can wear you out. 

Instead, give yourself something to look forward to while you are working your way through it. 

1. Make Plans 

Make plans to do something that you really enjoy. Use it as a reward system for the hard work you do everyday. 

As you reach a milestone, reward yourself. You deserve it. 

2. Short Term

    Even before you reach a milestone that deserves a reward, in the short term, build in something you look forward to doing everyday. 

    Building those small pleasures into your everyday routine can be the motivation that gets you through.

3. Work Through The Problems

    Take each problem, one by one, and work your way through them.

    Soon, you may find that you've made more progress than you ever imagined. 

Winning the Race


Turning your adversity into opportunity is a positive way to handle anything that comes between you and your success. 

Super Achievers learn to use their inner strength as weapons against an opponent they want to defeat. 

Others in history have managed to overcome adversity, and we can certainly learn from them how to turn it into opportunity.

Yes, it can be frustrating, but we can turn that frustration into motivation to get through. 

Keep doing the day-to-day work of solving one problem at a time, and your future will look bright again.

Your new opportunity is waiting to be discovered. 


What adversities have you turned into opportunities? Let me know in the comments. 

Super Achievers Jump Hurdles

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    • Regina, Thank you for being such a faithful reader. Incorporating tips that improve your life a little at a time will eventually turn into major life changes. Never stop learning and becoming the best version of yourself that you can be.

      Keep up the good work. Let me know what you are working on.