Top 5 Gifts You Can Give Every Day

Giving is an extremely rewarding thing you can do for others as well as for yourself. However, there is more to giving than giving gifts at Christmas time, birthdays, and other special occasions.
Giving material possessions are one thing, but when you give of yourself, you can give to others everyday.
Let's take a look at my "Top 5 Gifts You Can Give Everyday". It may surprise you how much you can give without costing you one dime.
When you find out what these gifts are, you can make it a practice to give something to others on a daily basis. Once you get started on the giving journey, focus on ways you can make giving a habit.
Let's get started.
Give Support To People In Your Life

One of the biggest things you can give another person is your support. Support means different things in different situations, but really it's about just being there.
When people are going through a difficult time, just being there with them means a lot.
Obviously, if you can help anyone, do whatever you can. This could be as simple as listening to them vent about what's bothering them. Or your support can be more extensive.
If you can't help them, be honest about it and tell them that. Be especially honest, when giving advice. People depend on you to look out for their best interest.
Giving support is one of the best gifts you can give.
Give Praise To Those That Deserve It

The next gift you can give is to give praise to those who deserve it. People can do some amazing things and never get recognized for it.
Give them the gift of praise when you catch someone doing something that's praise worthy.
It may seem like this is a small thing, but giving unprompted praise can help boost the receiver's self-esteem and self-confidence.
The praise should be always be honest, and given as close to the event as possible. It carries more impact when people know, as soon as possible, what they are being praised for.
Insincere praise can do more harm than good. Be sincere, otherwise your insincerity will be spotted and people won't trust you anymore.
Give too much praise and you run the risk of the person become overly confident, even cocky. Be careful how much praise is warranted, and give it only when it is well deserved.
Look for every opportunity to catch someone doing something praise worthy, and encourage them to continue their good work.
Give Patience To People, Especially To Loved Ones

Another powerful gift we can freely give is the gift of patience. This is especially valuable when dealing with the people we love. They say patience is a virtue, but it is also a gift when people are having a bad day.
We are all human, and we all have our trying moments. The ones closest to you can push buttons that no one else can. That's when mustering the patience to handle the situation is so important.
Emotions can get involved and sometimes even out of control. It will be hard to display patience at times. You may need to step away from the situation until you can calm down. But apply all the patience you can to the situation until things get better.
It may be difficult for you to be patient, especially when you already know what needs to be done to make things better. Give your gift of patience even when it's hard for you. Your gift of patience could be just what the other person needs to get them through a tough time.
Give Respect and Kindness To People Around You

This next gift follows the line of thinking that we should treat people the way we want to be treated.
Giving the gift of respect and kindness might seem basic, but it is one of the most powerful gifts you can give.
Show respect and kindness to people, regardless of their station in life. They don't have to be people of status like CEOs, police, or men of the cloth. Treat everyone, from the homeless to the President, with respect and kindness.
You can do this by leaning how to empathize with others even when they are having a bad day. When you sincerely try to consider and understand people's situation, you are giving a gift that can change their lives for the better.
Make it a point to give the gift of respect and kindness to everyone you encounter everyday. Your efforts will not go unnoticed.
Give Away Your Smile

This last gift is one of my favorite. Anyone can give this gift with hardly any effort at all. The rewards are amazing.
It is giving your smile away to everyone you encounter. You will not believe the positive affect this can have on someone. You can brighten their day, make them feel welcomed, and even change their disposition from negative to positive.
It might not seem like a big deal, but try it out, and see what response you get.
There will be some people who ignore you, no matter what you do, but there will be others who need to see a smiling face. Be the one who makes someone's day better.
Give the gift of a simple smile.

Giving the gifts of material possessions on special occasions has as its place, but there are gift you can give everyday that won't cost you a dime.
My "Top 5 Gifts That You Can Give Everyday" have the ability to make the most positive impact on the lives of other people.
The first one is giving the gift of your support for another person. Sometimes, people need your support to get through a rough situation. The real power comes when you just show up and be there with them.
Another free gift you can give is to give praise to someone who deserves it. Many times people do great things with no recognition at all. Keep your eyes on the lookout for someone doing good, and praise them for it.
Being patient with another person is a huge gift that can take a little effort to pull off. People that are closest to us can require more patience that anyone else. Give as much patience as it takes to defuse the situation, and bring about a good result.
If you really want to make an impact on someone's life, give them the gift of respect and kindness. No matter what station in life people occupy, treat everyone with respect and kindness.
Finally, one of the best things you can give is a smile. This small gesture has the power to change someone's disposition from negative to positive. Give it a try to see what happens.
These top 5 gifts are to be given liberally to make your life one of generosity towards everyone you encounter.
Give away these gifts everyday, and see how much better your life will be.
You can do it. After all, you are
"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".
How have you given of yourself to others today?
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Albert Powell
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you’re right! Giving of oneself can be so much more valuable, as long as it’s given without hesitation.
That is a very good observation. The quicker you give it, the more meaningful it is. Thanks for your insight.