Top 10 Common Causes of Failure

Top 10 Reasons for Failure

Louis Binstock

“Very often we are our own worst ememy as we foolishly build stumbling blocks on the path that leads to success and happiness.”

Self-Erected Stumbling Blocks

On whole, most people believe they know themselves pretty well.

We have hopes and dreams of becoming singers, writers, painters, or having some illustrious career that will make them wealthy. 

Unfortunately, as well as we think we know ourselves, we find it hard to capatilize on our abilities. We either overestimate, or underestimate them, and sometimes we choose to completely ignore our talents until they decay to nothingness. 

The error of not knowing who we realistically are creates a form of self-erected stumpling blocks that can inhibit our own successes. 

Causes of Failure

Top 10 Common Causes of Failure

We will take a look at the self-erected stumbling blocks that we may have unknowingly erected creating errors that we stumble on again and again.

Failures are part of success and are as varied as the individuals experiencing them, but the most common ones will be presented here so that you can see how relevant they are to you. 

Take an inventory of your life and see if you can eliminate any one of them to create even more successes along your journey to mastery. 

Here are the Top 1o Common Causes Of Failure.


Blaming Others

Blaming others

When failure strikes, there are two way to handle it. The primitive or juvenile way, or the sophisticated, educated, and civilized way. 

The first stumbling block is the aged old art of blaming others. This fastening of responsibility on someone else instead of taking responsibility for one's own doing is the stumbling block that keeps you stuck. 

The juvenile responce of blaming outside forces for your failues robs you of the opportunity to benefit from the lessons that failure teaches.

The intelligent educated approach is to take personal responsibilty for all your failures and successess.

Responsibility looks from within to rectify things from without.

Blaming does just the opposite.  


Privately Blaming Ourselves

Blaming Ourselves

I know the first stumbling block was blaming others and this one is blaming yourself. It sounds counter intuitive.

Blaming yourself as an excuse for not taking the time or initive to rectify your failures is the kind of blaming that is detrimental. 

This self depricating admission that you are the failure, you don't know what's wrong with you, and excuses like that do nothing to motivate you to investigate the real cause of the failure.

Self blame closes the door to self development when you neglect to do the self improvement that's necessary to learn and grow.  


Having No Goals

No goals

If you want to get anywhere in life, you must know where you want to go.

People that do great things are the ones that have goals and are ready to take advantge of every opportunity to reach them.

Goals help define exactly what you want and helps you get there. Make goal setting a part of your life that steers you in a  path towards continous achievement. 


Choosing The Wrong Goals

Wrong Goals

Nothing is worse than having no goals than choosing the wrong goals.  You can achieve all your goals and come to find out that you are frustrated and not happy. 

The act of achieveing your goals is one thing, but when those goals don't bring the satisfaction they intend, it could be that we've chosen the wrong goals. 

If those goals are not connected with fulfilling our life's purpose, the achievement of our goals will not bring us fulfillment. 

Make sure your goals reflect your true self which allow you to  utilize all your innate skills and abilities that will give you the true feeling of lasting satisfaction.


Taking Short Cuts

Short Cut

Taking the short cut equates to taking the line of least resistance to get to your goal the fastest. The deceptive appeal of this approach signifies that there an easy way to get what you want. 

Falling into this mindset is a sure route to failure, because there is never an easy way out. 

Any worthwhile accomplishment requires hard work. Hard work is not alway pleasurable, but is the only way to get true pleasure from your accomplishments. 


Taking The Long Road

Long Road

Taking the short cuts can cause you miss the mark, but taking the long route is just as bad. 

For example, a workaholic will spend all this time working to always be busy accomplishing somehthing that can be enjoyed in the future. If his life get cut short, what has he gained? 

Don't let anything prevent you from enjoying the little things in your life along the way.

Playing the long game may put you in a position that causes you to experience the pain of regret.

In the pursuit of achieving your goals, take the time you need to enjoy life's precious moments along the way. 


Neglecting The Little Things

Little Things

Super Achievers keep their fingers on the pulse of the little things. Handling the little things prevents those little things from becoming big problems. 

We must appreciate the details and take care of them.

Ignoring them is always tempting and sometimes you may be able to get away with it for a while.

However, sooner or later, those details will crop up and thwart your progress. 

Don't neglect the little things. 


Quitting Too Soon

Quitting Too Soon

Some say that the reason that men fail is that they give up too soon. 

 One attribute that will serve you when you are working toward your goals is that of persistance. 

Anything you do takes time.  When you are persistent, you will not give up until you reach your goals.  

It can be hard especially when things are not going well. But don't give up too soon. 


Carrying The Burdens Of The Past

Burdens of the Past

It's not easy seperating ourselves from our past especially when it is filled with disappointment and defeat. 

On the other hand, we could have memories of our joys and triumphs that can give us a sense of confidence and pride. 

However, most will find that when striving to reach our highest selves, memories of the past usually are filled with instances that are filled with pain, loss, and previous failures. 

When we feel our memories holding us back from making any forward progress, tap into our natural instinct for growth and advancement. Use our internal drive to keep moving forward. 


Believing The Illusion of Success

Traps of Success

Success is like a butterfly landing on your shoulder. It may stay for a while but any sudden move to touch it shows how quickly it can disappear. 

Don't make the mistake of equating success with one event in your life. When you revel in it too long, that shiny object can prevent you from doing anything else of any significance afterward. 

Success is not a permanent landing spot. It must alway be moving to the next destination. 

Someone said, "Success is like a sword, you can do everthing with it except sit on it." 

Success Conclusion


The road to become the best version of ourselves is filled with twist and turns, overcoming obstacles, and pushing to keep forward momentum. 

It becomes a lot easier when we constantly take an honest look at our actions to determine which ones are holding us back. 

Taking personal responsibility for everything we do gives us a chance to root out all of our self-erected stumbling blocks. 

We have the power to make the changes we need to get better. 

We can make plans to fulfill our highest calling, set goals to steer us in the right direction, and take care of the details that will get us there. 

The shackles of the past are not strong enough to hold us back when we are determined to never stop. 

Our success is the kind that accumulates from one successful feat to another so we can look back on a life of total fulfillment. 

Keep moving forward to the realization of experiening your dream of a lifetime. 


What stumbling block to success have you overcome? 

Leave a comment below. 

Watch This for Some More Motivation

"How To Overcome Failure"

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