The life of a Super Achiever entails doing that little extra bit or work that most people are not willing to do. That work might cause you to step out of your comfort zone a little to get the job done.
At times, you may even feel that what you are doing is a little out of the norm. You may even feel a little out of place being around others that don't posses the same drive and determination you have.
Being around "the average person" can sometimes make you feel out of place. While you are spending your time making the sacrifices to become extraordinary, others may not spend their time the same way.
Don't feel guilty about that. In fact, here are my Top 10 "Guild Free" Super Achiever Tips to help you get rid of those guilt feelings. Feel free to add any of your own to the list.
My Top 10 "Guild Free" Super Achiever Tips
It's OK To Be Different

In many ways, a Super Achiever looks and acts like anyone else. They get up, go to work or school, does some extra curricular activity, like play sports or belong to a club. Not much difference between them and everyone else in the world.
However, the biggest difference is what they do when it comes to spending leisure time. The average person fills that time with activities that bring the quickest sense of gratification.
Super Achievers are different. They spend their leisure time putting in that "something extra" that will make them even better at what they do. After work is over, they spend time figuring how to boost production even more. After school, they study even more. After practice, their leisure time is spent doing more conditioning to get even better results.
Don't feel guilty about that because the Super Achiever knows how to play the long game. Doing a little extra over a long period of time, adds up to huge gains that carry a big payoff.
If you are a Super Achiever, enjoy being different. Not everyone can do what you do.
It's OK To Be A Workaholic

Ask any wealthy person how they obtained their wealth, and you will hear words like, I worked like crazy to get to where I'm at today. Or, it takes hard work and dedication to make it big. No matter what, the word hard work always crops up.
There are only 24 hour in the day to accomplish what seems like monumental tasks. The only way to get it all done is to put in the time. Other things get pushed off the 24 hour tract and get replaced by what most people call work.
For the Super Achiever, this work might be the very thing that they enjoy the most. So, they do as much of it as possible. What other people see is that they seem to always be working. To them that is a disease called, being a workaholic.
If working is what makes the Super Achiever seem alive, then it's OK to let them work. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, but for the Super Achiever, it makes him happy.
It's OK To Say "No"

Not only is it OK for the Super Achiever to say "No", it should be the first response that comes out of his mouth. Why? Because for most Super Achievers, they are so willing to help that it is actually very difficult for them to say "No", period.
If they can help you in any way, the Super Achiever will give you so much help that it can seem like their fountain of help never stops. Since it comes so easy to them, they want you to get it too. Sometimes, they will even neglect their own obligations to help you first.
Yes, it is OK for the Super Achiever to say "No". Even though it may be hard, sometimes saying "No" helps you get your work done.
It's OK To Be The Leader

The funny thing about a Super Achiever is that they are so heads-down in their work, trying to perfect their skills, that they don't understand how far ahead of their peers they actually are. Other people see it, but they can't.
So, when they are asked to take a leadership role, they are surprised. It never occurred to them that they would be seen as a leader. Many times they simple decline. They don't view themselves that way.
For those Super Achievers suffering with this problem, instead of calling yourself a leader, just view yourself as a student sharing what you've learned with your classmates. That takes the pressure off a little. Everyone wants to help their classmates, and taking a leadership role is simply sharing your expertise with your group.
It's OK to be a leader.
It's OK To Feel Lonely

When most people think of loneliness, it bring to mind a state of being rejected and feeling unloved by the ones you care about the most. Feeling lonely is something that everyone experiences at one time or another.
For the Super Achiever, his loneliness comes, not from working by himself all the time, but from making a great breakthrough, and not beings able to explain it to others in such a way that they can understand how great it really is.
The difficulty may be understanding the technology, the inability to grasp a brand new concept, or the lack of interest in your subject matter. Not being able to find someone to share these things with might make the Super Achiever feel alone.
It may be time to find a connection with other Super Achievers who really understand what you're doing because they are on the same path.
It's OK To Dream Big

My fear is not that you don't dream, but that your dreams are not big enough.
Have you ever had a conversation with a bunch of five year old kid asking them what they want to be when they grow up? Talk about dreaming big. They instinctively do that.
When it comes to adults, what happens? Why can't we put our inhibitions aside and dream big?
As a Super Achiever, I want to challenge you to look at your dreams and ask yourself, are they big enough? With access to more information than we've every had, are we dreaming big enough?
Reexamine your dreams and make them bigger. See where they take you.
It's OK To Fail Often

In my book "Are You A Super Achiever?", the chapter on Forgetting Past Failures looks at the fact that, if you are on the road to Super Achievement, expect plenty of failures.
The difference is, not that you expect them, but that, now you can plan how to quickly overcome them.
One of the best ways to overcome failure is to use a method I call, adjusted repetition. It's the willingness to repeat something with a slight adjustment. Each time the adjustment gets you closer and closer to a success.
Look at failures when they come, as an opportunity to use adjusted repetition until you get it right.
It's OK To Ask For Help

In the problem solving arena, Super Achievers really know their way around. That's what they do. Solve their most difficult problems.
There is a reason asking for help is so difficult.
- 1It's their nature to want to solve everything themselves
- 2It's hard sometimes to find someone who understands the problem, let alone help you solve it.
- 3Some problems require the expertise of a specialist who may be in such demand that they don't have time to help you.
- 4Time constraints can prohibit you from seeking help simply because it may take longer than your time frame can afford.
If you researched an answer to your problem, and came up blank, or it's taking to long to solve on your own, and there is someone readily available who has the knowledge, then it's time to ask for help. If, for no other reason, do it for efficiency's sake.
It's OK To Promote Yourself

For the majority of Super Achievers, it seems that self promotion doesn't come naturally. It is so hard that most avoid it altogether. To them, talking about themselves can seem like bragging.
For some, just the thought of selling makes them want to cringe and run in the opposite direction. Selling is for sales people, not them. They hate to sell.
Self promotion, among all the other skills that Super Achievers acquire along their journey, is essential. You are a visionary. You know where you are going ,and how you can help others. Your vision is clear.
However, it is your vision. Other people can't see it unless you help them. No one else can explain it better than you. So, if you are in the business of helping others, help them see your vision.
It is selling yourself and your ideas to others, but view it as another opportunity to master another skill; the art of tasteful self promotion. Other people won't see your great contributions unless you tell them.
It's OK To Never Stop Learning

Congratulations if you've been through the curriculum to graduate high school, or college. That, alone, can be a journey within themselves. It shows you have the capacity to learn.
But these days, real learning never stops. The rapid pace of technology almost forces us to be in learning mode all the time. The demands of the market place is not only what you can do, but also it's how much do you know.
It's a constant battle sometimes, just keeping up.
For the Super Achiever, learning is a part of their DNA. Learning is what happens after your experiment fails one hundred times before you make a breakthrough. Learning is what happens when you build your stellar product that no one seems interested in. Learning is when you get your degree, only to find that there are no job in the market for what you've studied.
Now you begin to see that constant learning is a prerequisite for anything we do. The constant learning mindset will keep you on track to get ahead of the curve. It's to your advantage to always be learning.

It's OK To Play Your Own Funky Music
The bottom line is that it's OK to be the Super Achiever you are, no matter what others may think. You are on the path to greatness with all the hard work and sacrifice it takes to get there.
You may seem out of the norm sometimes, because you are not the norm. You are headed for the top.
Beat your own drum loudly, work like you've never worked before, and play your own "Funky Music".

Albert Powell

"Thanks for reading. Hope it helps you in some way.
Share it with the Super Achievers you know. And join our mailing list for more helpful tips.
The information you share with someone could be the difference between success and failure in their life.
And remember, "Make something great happen today."
Very well written. Very encouraging.
Thanks Albert.