Super Achievers Take The Leadership Pill Especially Now
Is it realistic to believe that a person can go through life escaping the challenging moments we call life crisis? Can we really expect that the unexpected will never knock on our doors because we somehow receive a pass for good behavior?
Sometimes it takes facing the possibility of total disaster to bring us to the realization of how powerful we really are. Sometimes facing the darkness of uncertainty allows us to focus on a new light.
Oftentimes, we will never know who the real Super Achievers are until we see them surface in times of crisis.
One thing we know for sure is that in our lives, crisis will come. We may not know when, or how it will manifest, but we do know it will surely strike.
When it does, here are some tips that may help you become a Super Star crisis manager.

Six Super Achiever Tips To Stay Cool In A Crisis
When impending danger hits, the resolutions for solving the problem are not always readily apparent.
The following are the things Super Achievers do in the meantime to maintain an open channel towards problem resolution.

Don’t Let Your Emotions Get The Best Of You
When impending danger unexpectedly knocks on your door, there will be a ton of emotions flooding your system at the same time. Some of the first culprits are fear, anger, and regret.
Fear is such a strong emotion that it wants to dominate the whole situation. It is so strong that it tries to force itself into every thought that comes to our mind, making us act in ways that may not be in our best interest.
It can be so dominating that it completely takes over normal rational thinking, and behaviors surface that seem to have a life of their own.
Anger wants to chime in next with the idea that it should be the dominate one because of all the disruption that is taking place.
Anger builds because you have to deal with all this unpleasantness that is not fun at all. Why do I have to deal with this now?
Regret then tries to get in the limelight by mentioning that if we would have seen what was coming ahead of time, we wouldn't be facing this crisis in the first place.
Stay Calm
Don't let these emotions get the best of you. As hard as it may seem at the time, you have control of your own thoughts. Use them to control your emotions.
Stay calm so that you can think rationally, and determine the best next steps.

Manage Expectations
Many times we are faced with situations that we are unprepared to resolve quickly.
In those situation, it is important to take the facts at hand to formulate a strategy to manage the expectations for problem resolutions.
Get clear about what you can expect in the next hours, days, and months ahead. And if you are in a leadership position, communicating those expectations to others often is extremely important.
As more information develops, those expectations could change. But at least you are communicating regularly.

Exercise Your Fearlessness
As a personal practice to center yourself for the most productive actions, practice being fearless.
Practice seeing yourself as a fearless hero leading the charge against the enemy, and you will lead your victims to safety.
You may not actually feel fearless at first, but keep on acting fearless until your feelings fall in line.
Other people can sense your fearless attitude and you can inspire them to be the same.

Make Wise Timely Decisions Followed By Courageous Action
When you are in the heat of a ferocious battle with the enemy, you can't afford to be weak. You have to focus on making the moves that you need to win.
In a split second, you figure out the best move and quickly strike with unwavering courage.
The same applies to fighting a crisis. You make the wise decisions and courageously execute your action plan.
The first blow may not take your opponent out completely, but if you keep at it, the victory will come.

Learn To Change Quickly
Some of the best lessons in life come from overcoming life's challenges. Learning from tough situations can yield some of the best results for moving forward.
Make it your position to respond quickly to change by being a fast learner. Going through hard times, you learn what works, and what doesn't. Quickly align your behaviors to get better results.
The more you learn to adapt quickly as you discover more information, the quicker problem resolution becomes.

Use Common Sense
Lastly, we may not be able to come up with a concrete resolution to our crisis right now, but as we approach finding answers, use common sense as you keep moving forward.
There are ideas on the table that may be good ones. but always weigh them through the lens of good common sense.
The practical approach may not be the popular one, but will get you to the next step on the road to the final resolution.

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