The “SUPER” Way To Turn Uncertainty Into Opportunity

Uncertainty is one of those unavoidable aspects of life that we all must face sooner or later. You are bound to encounter it more and more as you are growing and learning.
Nobody likes to feel uncertain because it feels like you're hanging out there blowing in the wind, not knowing where it will leave you.
We can be uncertain about making decisions like changing careers, choosing a mate, or even deciding what's for dinner.
Super Achievers fighting to get to the next level may be faced with the challenges of success or failure. So uncertainty is mandatory not matter what you set out to do.
Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to help deal with this uncertainty. Below is a blueprint for making it through successfully.
Let's get started.
Understand That Uncertainty Is A Part Of Life

Wouldn't it be a boring life if we know everything that was going to happen in our life? Knowing everything would take the curiosity and adventure completely out of the picture.
Well, fortunately life is not like that at all. Uncertainty is here to stay and will always be a part of your life. Some people will experience more than others.
It all depends on how often you are willing to step into uncharted waters to get where you want go. The challenge is learning to be comfortable in uncertainly in spite of not knowing how things will turn out.
Hopefully, these tips will help you accomplish just that.
Take Time To Fixate On Your Situation

When uncertainty strikes, allow yourself some time to fixate on your situation.
It seems like there is a natural tendency to start frantically looking up information about what it is you don't know. You research like crazy on the computer looking up every resource you can find on the topic.
This is a good first step. Give yourself some time to just dive in to see what information is actually out there. Get all the information you can get your hands on.
It will be informative and also help ease a little anxiety that uncertainly can bring.
Accept That There Are No Shoulds In Life

If you're under the impression that things will always work out how you want, you may be very disappointed.
Things don't always work out how you think they should. In fact, they rarely do.
Your life will be easier to cope with when you realize that there are no "shoulds" in life.
Instead, remind yourself that no matter how things work out, you will learn to be happy. Keep yourself open to the possibilities before you. Things usually turn out the way they should.
Reassure Yourself That You Are Strong

Another way you can power through uncertainty is to keep telling yourself you are strong. Reassure yourself that no matter what happens, you can deal with it.
This confidence can keep you strong both mentally and emotionally regardless of what happens.
If you are having a hard time mustering that kind of confidence, remind yourself of a time when you overcame a really tough situation. This can help you remember just how strong you really are.
Distract Yourself

If you are really feeling the stress of an uncertain situation, take a little break by distracting yourself with another engaging activity.
Sometimes stepping away from the situation is just what you need. Get something else that you can totally focus on.
Finding something that you can do to help another person can be a rewarding distraction.
Reflect On Past Successes

As mentioned earlier, take some time to reflect on your past experiences with uncertainty. How did you cope with it then?
Did everything work out the way you expected? If not, what did you do to get through? How did you cope with it? Can you apply any of the same techniques this time?
If things didn't work out and you still managed to make the most of it, you can do the same thing this time.
Plan What You Can

The worst part of uncertainty is that you feel like you have no control over the situation.
However, look again for anything that you do have control over and put a plan in place to take care of those things. There is always something that we do have control over. Even if it is a small thing, do some planning around it.
The act of planning helps us feel like we do have some level of control of the situation. Plus planning can help ensure that all your bases are covered. That in itself is a comforting thought.
Narrow Down Your Choices

When your uncertainty has to do with making a decision about something, it may be a good idea to reduce the number of choices you have to consider.
That sounds easier said than done, but start weighing your choices by some scrutinizing criteria.
You can see if they are in total alignment with your values and beliefs. What about weighting them against your personal goals? How well do they stand up?
Anything you can use to eliminate the ones that may not be as beneficial as you think, will make your decision that much easier.
Set Some Realistic Goals

Setting some realistic goals for yourself won't completely eliminate uncertainty, but will give you motivation to put all your energy towards accomplishing something worth while.
Setting goals for your life helps keep you from getting distracted by uncertainty. If there is something you want to achieve, goals keep you focused on doing what needs done to accomplish the goal.
Set some realistic goals that you want to achieve, write them down, and do everything you can to make them a reality.
Take Things One Step At A Time

Another thing you can do to help minimize the anxiety associated with uncertainty is to make it a point to take things one step at time.
Break larger goals into smaller steps that you can easily accomplish. You may even break a larger goal into "sub-goals". That way that goal doesn't seem overwhelming.
Also completing smaller goals can give you the motivation you need to tackle even bigger goals that may seem more challenging.
Take it one step at a time and keep moving forward.
Allow Yourself Some Flexibility

No matter how many goals you set out to achieve, there will always be hinderances that get in the way.
Allow yourself some flexibility. Just because you set goals doesn't mean they will be accomplished in the way you think. Things don't always go according to plan.
Stay flexible and let things unfold as they should. You may have to pivot from your plan, but you will achieve what you set out.
Have A Backup Plan

Lastly, make sure you always have a backup plan. No matter how committed you are to reaching your goals, unfortunate circumstances can get in the way. Therefore, it's always good to have a back up plan.
Having a good back up plan can help prevent uncertainly when thinking about your goals, because you have a plan no matter what the outcome.
If the unexpected happens, you are prepared. Hopefully you won't have to use it, but if you need it, it's there.

Uncertainty is one of those unavoidable things in life. Sooner or later you will be face to face with it. Since you know it's coming, you may as well be prepared to handle it. These tips will help you do just that.
Understanding that uncertainty is just a part of life, so be flexible if the outcomes don't turn out exactly how you would expect.
There are no "shoulds" in life, and when uncertainty comes, dive in and dig up as much information as you can to deal with it.
To help get through uncertain times, remind yourself how strong you are not matter what the outcome. Reinforce this even more by remembering a past success you experienced that made you feel empowered. This can boost your confidence even more.
If you need more stress relief, take a break and distract yourself with some other task that you can engage.
If you are having a hard time making a decision, try narrowing down your choices. Measure them by your values and see which ones stand.
Planning is a good process to feel like you have more control of the situation, and setting goals will produce that same feeling.
Take things one step at a time to achieve goals that you set, and break down larger goals into "sup-goals" to make them easier to accomplish.
Lastly make sure you put together a good back up plan.
You can do this. After all you are
("Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect")
When was the last time you had an uncertain situation work out in your favor?
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