The #1 Super Achievers Spring Cleaning Checklist

Super Achievers Spring Cleaning

“The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living with that environment.”

Marie Kondo

The #1 Super Achievers Spring Cleaning Checklist

The taste of spring is in the air and so is the thought of doing spring cleaning. For the Super Achiever, it's about maintaining a high level of productivity that has the simplest possible maintenance. 

This means that a period of inspection is necessary to determine the optimal way to keep your life on the most efficient path to achievement. 

The Super Achievers Spring Cleaning Checklist will give you some spring cleaning tips to simplify your life. Simplicity is the key. 


Get Rid Of The Clutter

Getting rid of the clutter sounds like it's such a great idea, and it is, but sometimes parting with clutter is extremely difficult. 

Where do we begin? 


Make Some Decisions: Identifying what are the most important items you want and what to eliminate, is what comes first. If the item is used frequently, keep it. If you haven't used it in the last 12 months, get rid of it. 


Do Quick Clean Session: After you decide what must go and what stays, do a quick clean session. Start with the high traffic areas, and quickly clean up what you can. This is not a deep cleaning, but will get you started. Remember, little steps first. 


Deep Clean: Use the beginning of spring to do a deep cleaning. This session is where you get rid of things and clean in every nook and cranny. 


Closet Check: Next, it's time to peek into the closets. Those bell-bottomed pants you used to wear in the 70's may need to go. Shrink down your closets to only the things you wear frequently. Give the rest away. 


New Things You Don't Need: Everyone likes a good sale but do you really need it? Avoid buying things you don't absolutely need. Even though it may be on sale. 


Downsize: Downsize as much as you can, and learn to live with less. You don't have to sacrifice quality, and use your extra money to grow your financial cushion. 


Digitally Declutter: Check you electronic devices for ways to simplify. Clean your email and keep your inbox empty. Off-load those pictures that are eating up disk space, and organize files neatly into folders that can be retrieved quickly. 

Getting Organized

Time Saving Tips


Plan What You Can

Treat every day as if you were going on vacation, and plan everything you can ahead of time. You'll be surprised how much time you will actually save this way. 

Give yourself deadlines to get your tasks done. Working toward a deadline somehow makes you get the work done faster. 

Plan for the unexpected. Save a portion of every day to handle things that seem to pop up out of nowhere. 

For more time saving tips, check out the article "Time is Ticking".


Delegate Household Chores

If you have the luxury to delegate some household chores, doing so will free up even more valuable time. 

Sometimes hiring a cleaning company can be a great alternative. 


Organizing Your Finances

Dealing with the finances can be a time consuming task that can be streamlined fairly quickly. 

Set up automatic bill pays, and manage your budget with apps like Mint, or PocketGuard.


Put Everything In Its Place

Everything has its place, so when we designate places for certain items, we save time. Knowing that things are in their proper places takes the mental stress of misplacing things away. 



Optimize your cooking time by finding recipes that are quick easy to prepare. You can also make meals for the week ahead of time and freeze them. That way you can just thaw, heat up and eat. 


Simplify Your Relationships


Clean Up Your Friendships 

Look at your friends and do some housekeeping. Decide to not waste time keeping friends who bring you down or bore you.

Make more time for friends you enjoy spending time with. And some relationships can be in flux. Just make sure you understand this and invest time in the ones that are bringing you the most joy. Eliminate the rest. 


Learn To Say "No" Sometimes 

For some people, it is hard to say "no". By nature they are the agreeable type, but saying "yes" to everything takes up lot of time away from other things you could better spend your time on. 

Do yourself a favor and say "no" more often. Some people automatically so "no" first, and if necessary, change your mind later. 


Spend Time Alone

Relationships with anyone takes a certain amount of time to maintain, but you need to spend time by yourself. You need time to work on you. People can forget that very easily. 

It's not selfish to arrange to get some alone time. Even if you have to take a personal vacation. It will rejuvenate you, and give you energy to keep going.  


Less Social Media 

Simplifying your life will extend to your mental capacity. Work to minimize the things that require unnecessary mental energies. 

Take less social media time and replace it with things that will help you achieve your goals faster. 

Slow Down

Slow Down Sometimes

1. Turn Your Cell Phone Off

No one wants to turn their phone off completely, but we can manage it so that it takes less time to maintain. 

Instead, just try putting it on silent mode when you're with your friends and family. Spend time being fully engaged in the conversations. 

2. Work A To-Do List

Start working from a to-do list, and stick to is as much as possible. Make it manageable, and you will find that you ultimately get more done everyday. 

Celebrate you accomplishments when you have a productive day.  Treat yourself. It's a great incentive. 

3. Practice Doing One Thing At A Time

Concentrate your time doing one thing at a time. As you do that one thing, focus on doing the best possible job you can on that one thing. You'll be surprised how quickly the jobs get done. 

4. Leave Your Work At The Office

If you have a heavy workload that needs to get done, stay at the office until it's done.  Leave your work at work. 

When you get home, take a minute to relax. Keep your home life simple and unclutter. Your home is where you do the things that make you happy. 

5. Try Meditating 15 Minutes Each Day

The last tip is to help you capitalize on your inner strength.  Try spending 15 minutes relaxing your body and let your mind calm down. 

Spending quiet time, just sitting in a comfortable place can do a lot to reduce stress. Sometimes some of the best ideas surface during these peaceful moments. 

The Super Achievers Network YouTube channel contains motivational videos you can use to get you pumped up everyday. 

Super Achiever Casual

Clean And Ready To Go

If you use this Super Achievers Checklist to do your spring cleaning, you will be ready to tackle the year ahead with ease. Every house needs a fresh cleaning, and there is not better time to start than now. 

You productivity increases when everything is neat and in its proper place. Your mind can flow when you are managing your time to get the most important tasks done on schedule. 

There may be some relationships that have to end, and others enhance when you give devoted attention to foster the positive ones.  But your experiences will be much more pleasant as a result. 

Whatever you do to complete your Super Achievers spring cleaning checklist, keep it simple, and take one step at a time.

You are on your way to a fantastic future.

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And remember, 

"Make something great happen today."

Albert Powell