The “Super Achievers” Message for Jealous People and Haters

"Super Achievers" regularly experience successes and failures. Most people looking in from the outside may see the successes but not necessarily the failures.
It may appear that the "Super Achievers" get all the breaks and seem to get ahead of others on the same path.
Next thing you know, the jealous people start to resent being left behind, and start to vocalize their insecurities in the way of undeserved insults.
When this starts, learn how to handle the haters with strategies that protects your self esteem, and keeps you moving forward.
Here's how.
Don't Take It Personally

Rule No. 1: Don't take it personally. By that I mean, don't let what they say affect you because their jealousy has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with them.
Don't consider what they say with any validity. Be confident in yourself, and don't let that person create any self doubt.
Remind yourself to do these three things:
- Keep doing what you're doing, and don't allow others to stop you.
- Focus on people that support you.
- Remind yourself that they're jealous because you are doing something well.
Ignore Their Negative Comments

Some people will tell you hurtful comments straight to your face, and others will make the comments behind your back.
Either way, when you hear them, it may be hard to ignore initially, but do ignore it totally.
When you don't buy in, it invalidates everything they are saying. It makes them look weak and what they say totally ineffective.
Replace the negative with the opposite turning it into something positive. Then let your mind concentrate on the positive.
Address Haters In Your Daily Life Head On

If you have daily interactions with a jealous person and can't ignore them, address them head on about their behavior.
It doesn't have to be a confrontational battle, but can be one to foster a healthier environment.
You can start by saying things like this:
- "While I appreciate your constructive criticisms, it comes across a little harsh at times. How can we tone it down."
- "I want to have a positive working relationship, what can I do to help promote that environment."
- "I respond better to constructive feedback when I ask for it, but find hurtful attacks not very useful. Can we agree to eliminate them?
Reduce Your Negative Interactions With The Person

Sometimes it's hard to totally avoid a jealous person, but you can reduce the amount of time you have to interface with them.
Try spending even more time with people who support you. Haters are less likely to confront you when you are with a group that supports you.
Another way to limit your interactions is to politely greet them and quickly move on.
Change Your Routes To Avoid Them

To take it a step further, you may have to make the choice to change your whole routine to avoid them completely.
If you work with them, relocate your office to another part of the building.
If you take classes with them, change your schedule.
It might seem cowardly at first, but the peace of mind is well worth it.
Set Conversational Boundaries

If you must interact with a hater, set your boundaries around that conversation.
First, if you can find a common interest to talk about, limit your conversation around that topic only. When you start to stray into the negative, end the conversation immediately.
Another thing you can do is set a time limit to how long you will talk to a jealous person. If you have to use the excuse that you are on your way to an appointment, use it.
Finally, keep track of the negative comments. If you hear more then three, it's time to shut the conversation down.
Tell The Person You Don't Appreciate The Negativity

Some people don't respond to subtleties in a conversation. For them, you may have to just tell them flat out that you don't appreciate their negativity.
While you don't want to be rude and upset the person further, making them aware of how they are making you feel may cause them to change their behavior.
It's worth a try.
Rise Above Haters and Jealous People

It has been said that when you wrestle with a pig, you both get muddy, however the pig enjoys it.
Rise above the haters and jealous people hurling insults your way. Stay on higher ground by not stooping to their level.
If you want to retaliate, continue to complement the person on their positive traits. Be kind in all your interactions with them, and offer to help improve their skills in the area they are jealous of you.
Be the example of the adult way to handle jealousy.
Try To Connect With Them About Your Personal Struggles

There are two sides to every coin, and with success come failures.
Jealous people feel like they are the only ones who have struggles and challenges.
Connect with them about your personal struggles accomplishing the things you do, and maybe their jealousy will subside a little.
Tell them about your difficulties, and failures, and ask them to help you with something. This may boost their confidence in themselves.
Help The Person Improve Themselves

Jealousy stems from a feeling of inferiority to someone else. So maybe if you help the person improve, their confidence level will improve.
Offer to mentor them, or coach them in the area in which they are jealous. Take care to offer help in a supportive fashion, and not in a condescending manner.
If you are not careful, you could come across as being better than them. That will only make matters worse.
Help only if they are open to receiving it from you.

Taking the journey down the road to "Super Achievement" will produce many successes that the outside world can see. Those success may make them jealous enough to give them a license to berate you with all types of negative insults.
The following are some ways you can handle them like a pro.
First, don't take their insults personally. I know it's easier said than done, but lean to do this from the beginning.
Then ignore their comments and don't give them the satisfaction of a response. They can be left to die on the vine.
If you must interact with a jealous person daily, it may be best to address their negativity head on. It may put a stop to it.
If it persists, reduce you interactions with that person as much as possible. In extreme cases you may have to totally avoid them by altering your routine.
Either way it's always good to set conversational boundaries and when they get off track, end the conversation immediately.
You can try to connect with them by telling them your struggles and challenges, and even offer to help them with theirs.
Most importantly, always stay on the high road of positivity. Be an example of how to deal with jealousy the adult way.
You can do it.
After all, you are a
"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".
When the haters start throwing negative insults, what do you do?
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Thanks for sharing this information on how to handle jealous people. I have experienced it many time as performing work tasks just comes easy for me which often times makes people mad and jealous.