The Secret To Squeezing The Most Out Of 24 Hours

As the days quickly race by, it's easy to get overwhelmed with everything that we deal with every day.
It's easy to see that time is a finite resource. To get the most of it, we have to manage it wisely.
When you think about that and really digest its meaning, your life will change.
You begin to see time as the most valuable resource you have to make your dreams a reality. This realization causes you to begin to make some concerted changes.
You realize that it is imperative to start setting priorities and maximizing your time. You being to arrange your daily life to fulfill your highest aspirations for happiness and well-being.
To help you get started on this journey, here are 10 things you can do right away to use every minute of your day to the fullest.
Start Each Day With A To-Do List

One of the best tools for getting things done is making a list of everything that you want to do today. It sounds simple but surprisingly, many people just don't do it. They store everything in their head thinking they will remember it all.
Writing a list allows you to get the information from your head, so you can see it visually. Just the act of writing things down can be a stress reliever.
With your list, you can rearrange items according to their importance, set priorities, and check items off when they're complete.
You'll be amazed at what you will get done by using a daily list of activities.
Clean Like It's Spring

The next thing you can do to create a powerful environment to get things done is to clean like it's spring.
Spend time cleaning your work space, so that it's clear of clutter and unnecessary items you don't need to get your work done.
Having a clean open space has a powerful impact on how capable you feel about accomplishing important tasks.
This cleaning applies to your physical workspace as well as your digital workspace. Delete old emails, notes, contacts, and old files that are cluttering up your folders.
Doing these things will make you feel refreshed and ready to take on everything that will arise.
Regulate Your Sleep Schedule

There's nothing like waking up after a good night's sleep. You feel refreshed, recharged, and ready for whatever the day brings.
It is so important to get at least 7 to 8 hours of good uninterrupted sleep. If that is not possible, supplement your day with a few power naps to stay refreshed.
The bottom line is to regulate your sleep by making sure you allocate sleep time in your schedule.
Find A Diet That Works

Another important health tip that affects your productivity is your diet. Sometimes stress can cause us to alter our eating habits, which can result in low energy and poor performance.
Manage when you eat and what you eat by keeping a list of basic items to keep handy for a well balanced meal.
Schedule your meals so that you are eating enough nutritious food to keep your body running like a well oiled machine.
Exercise To Clean Out Nervous Energy

Another valuable boost to your performance is to exercise to clean out nervous energy, and stay fit.
We already know that exercise causes the brain to release endorphins, adrenaline, and other chemicals that act to relieve excess tension and uplift our moods.
It doesn't alway have to be at the gym. Movements of all kinds have been proven to regulate bodily functions and enhance over-all emotional well-being.
You can choose what type of exercise helps you meet your daily goals, but the most import thing is to schedule it into your daily routine.
Monitor Your Vices

Everyone has vices like drinking, smoking, watching television, etc.. The vices aren't the problem, but how you use them can show what your time is really being used for.
Is your indulgence taking away from what you really want to accomplish? Is your vice helping you achiever your goals faster and more efficiently?
Become aware of the role your vices play in your life, and learn to use them more responsibly without cutting them out completely.
Just ask yourself, "Is this helping me accomplish my priorities?" You'll know what to do next.
Embrace Difficult Conversations

No matter who you are or where you work, your life is filled with others who you must work and share with. The issue is you're dealing with different personality types with different styles of operation.
There will be a time when things are not so agreeable. You may be afraid to have the difficult conversation because you fear what their response will be.
That's when it's time to embrace difficult discussions. Approach them without judgement, or preconceived notions.
The conversation may be a quick fix or it may take more extensive conversations to resolve. If it's more complex, approach it like a brainstorming discussion to come up with the most practical solution.
As long as you both can communicate respectfully, it's easier to come up with a workable solution.
By all means, don't avoid difficult discussions. Handling them head on will help you feel empowered and their resolutions will allow more time for other enjoyable activities.
Spend Time By Yourself

Spending time with yourself may seem counter-productive, but operating with a clear mind can be just what you need to increase your productivity.
How do you make spending time with yourself pay off?
Go somewhere quiet, like your backyard, or better yet, a nearby park. Then, pretend that you are a friend talking to you. Check in with yourself like you are talking to a friend.
If you have to vent about something, do it. If you are experiencing some insecurities, talk your way through it. Be as kind to yourself as you would your best friend.
Do this as often as you can and enjoy your alone time to make sure everything is OK with you.
Turn Negative Self-Talk Into Encouragement

After spending time with yourself, you may be more in tune with your thinking process. If you notice that you are doing some negative self-talk, counter it with encouragement.
When you are under stress, your negative self-talk usually centers around saying things like, "I can't do this", or "I'm not good enough".
That's when you immediately turn the tables. Encourage yourself by reminding yourself that you work well under pressure. Make positive affirmations that you are capable of doing anything you put your mind to.
Even when you are in your quiet time, remind yourself how powerful you really are.
Cultivate Acceptance For The Past

The final point that can impact your ability to get the most of every day is to accept your past as just that, the past.
Release any negative attachments to the past that may be still affecting you.
Let go of any past regrets and resentments. If possible, make amends with people who represent a strong lack of resolution in your life.
Any anger or disappointments that still haunt you should be released from your life. It's important to let those things go to give you room for the new challenges you will be facing.
If you must face someone you've had bad feelings, respectfully let them know that you intend to move forward in your life and want to bury the past.
At least you will experience a sense of peace, and closure. Then move forward from there, unencumbered from the past.

Time is a finite resource that we choose to use to get everything we want in life. It's your choice how you want to use it. If you want to get the most of every day, here are some good tips to get you there.
Start each day with a to-do list of all the tasks you want to accomplish for that day. To ensure you will get everything done, create a clean fresh environment to work in. Declutter everything you can and organize your space.
Energize your day by getting a good night's sleep, and find a diet that fits your lifestyle. Add some daily exercise to your routine, and you will be energized throughout the whole day.
As a word of caution, monitor your vices to ensure they are not taking up your precious time from achieving your ultimate goals.
Everyone must interact with others to accomplish anything in life. Along the way, you will discover differences that need discussion to move forward. Don't avoid the difficult conversations you will need to have to make things work smoothly.
Find time in your day for quiet-time where you can work out your personal issues alone. These include releasing yourself from past regrets and disappointments. Keep your mind clear of anything that will slow you down in reaching your goals
You can do this.
After all, you are
("Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect")
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