The Secret To Overcoming Laziness
At one time or another in the life of a Super Achiever, a moment of laziness takes over preventing you from being at your best.
It can show up in the form of slothfulness, ineptitude, idleness, or the idea that doing nothing when something needs done is OK.
It can show up when you don't want to face something like a boring chore you don't want to do, or when you don't want to face some difficult confrontation you have to face.
Whatever the reason, laziness is not a trait you want to be known for. So, here are some ways to snap out of it and get busy.
You will be a much more productive person when you do.
Let's get started.
Figure Out The Real Issue

What is it that is really causing your inactivity? When you feel a moment of laziness, stand back and do a little assessment of what's been really happening.
Laziness is not a diagnosis, it is only a symptom. The real problem is there, somewhere.
Are you tired, overwhelmed, afraid, hurting, or just plain uninspired?
Whatever is holding your back, unearth it. You may find that it's something small that you can change. Once you've identified it, you can begin to fix the issue.
Focus On The Actual Problem

Now that you've identifies the real cause, it's time to find some practical solutions.
For example, you may be dealing with a bad habit that needs changed. Old habits are hard to break, so you may want to take small steps to get used to being productive.
Fatigue and overwhelm are common problems that can be addressed by consciously devoting more time to relaxing. Build down time into your daily schedule.
Sometimes simplifying your life can take care of a lot of overwhelm that you feel.
Whatever you've identified as your root cause, devote some time to figuring out a practical way to manage it.
Get Organized

Getting organized is one of the best ways inspire you to action.
Having clutter around us, even when it's just visual, can be a huge downer to our motivational level.
Whether it's your desk, your car, your whole house, or your daily routine, put some organization into it.
When things are neat and orderly, your brain function differently. you are less stressed and even excited to get to work.
Make A Checklist Of The Desires, Goals And Motivations You Want To Move Towards

One of the smartest things anyone can do for themselves is to create a personal time management system.
First, make a list of all the goals and desires you'd like to accomplish. Then break those down into yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily activities.
Then make a daily checklist of the activities you want to complete that day. That way you can enjoy the satisfaction of checking off all the completed tasks.
As those completed checklists start accumulating, you'll be surprised how much you are actually accomplishing.
Revisit the Value or Importance Of Your Goals

If you're still having a hard time staying active, revisit the importance and value of your goals on a regular basis.
It is even a good idea to put those goals somewhere you can see them daily. That will forge a lasting impression on your subconscious mind.
Before you know it, you will begin to automatically do things that are directly related to achieving those goals.
It's important to remind yourself of the benefits of going after the goals you've set.
Tell Yourself You Can Do It

Sometimes it is appropriate to become your own cheerleader. Tell yourself you can do it.
With some positive self-talk, you can actually get yourself ready to take some action. Action is what you're after. It changes everything.
Speak to yourself in the present, and say what you will do right now. The past and the future don't apply here.
Self motivation is that best kind when it is positively directed to accomplish a specific task. Try it out for yourself.

Everything begins somewhere. Even if you think you're not ready, the best you can do is get started. Just start.
Don't worry that things are not ideal, or that there will be obstacles down the road. The important thing is to get the engine started.
Overcoming the initial inertia is natural for most human beings. Remember the law of motion? But take that plunge and get started anyway.
Once you are in motion, you will tend to stay in motion. Remember, you can eat an elephant by taking one bite at a time. You just have to get started.
Learn To Reward Yourself

One final tip to keep you motivated to action is to learn to reward yourself even for the small things you do.
Occasional rewards will make completion of those tasks enjoyable. You can even make a competition out of it. If you complete your mission, you can accumulate points that go towards a final big prize.
Don't underestimate the power of a reward system.
Start out rewarding small tasks that you complete, then up the stakes. Give bigger rewards for completing the big and challenging tasks.
Rewards are a great motivator and fun to receive at the same time.

Eventually even the Super Achiever will suffer from periods of laziness. Hopefully those moments won't last long and hinder much progress.
First it's important to understand exactly what your laziness is coming from. It could be fear, avoiding some dreaded task, injury, or just lack of interest. What ever it is, find it and identify what it is.
Then, focus on the cause, so that you can come up with a way to solve the issue.
Next, put some organization into your life. People are more prone to work when their environment is neat and organized. Once you are there, put some checklists of items you want done that specifically relate to achieving your goals.
To help stay motivated, regularly revisit the importance of achieving your goals. Remind yourself that you can do it.
Now get started and reward yourself along the way.
You can do it.
After all you are
"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect"
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Albert Powell
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