The Secret Power of the Super Achiever

The Super Power of a Super Achiever

“Success, or failure, very often arrives on wings that seem mysterious to us”

- Dr. Marcus Bach-

Sometimes, in life, we have to just sit back a marvel at how the successes and failures seem to come out of nowhere, and land right in our laps. Is there some mysterious force that randomly chooses to drop fortune on some, while handing disaster and misfortune on others? 

I have been fortunate to spend time with some very success people who have made their mark in history. From my point of view, some of the successes seem to have happened overnight. Sometimes, even surprising the people themselves.  

Others can come upon total disaster, but seem like the nicest, most undeserving people on the planet. Yet, they were the ones flagged for misfortune. It's very hard to see any logical rationalization whatsoever.    

Viewing events like that suggest that the universe has total control over our lives, and we are just passengers along for the ride. But when you look closer at the reasons, some people, especially Super Achievers just beginning their path to their destiny, we may be able to see another scenario. 

Super Achievers Picture

Use The "Picturization" Process

When you listen to a lot  of famous people talk about how they got started, many of them will admit that their lives were destined for greatness. They had a vision of what they wanted life to look like. Some will even admit that they had a picture in their minds of what they wanted.  And they just held on to this picture until it became a reality. 

This mental image that they held on to is called "Picturization". Athletes use this method to practice making a perfect shot, or running their perfect passing route and catching the ball for a touchdown. It's like playing a mental picture through your mind of the exact way you want your life to turn out. 

As this mental picture gets ingrained so deeply, your mind begins to create the events that move you closer and closer to that image.  This is the picturization process set in motion. 

The mind is a power thing. No one knows exactly how it works, but for those that use it, all they can say is that it does work. When you hold on to that image so tightly that it becomes ingrained in your mind, your actions subconsciously start moving to bring about that thing you so desire.  

Super Achiever Expecting Great Things

Expecting Greatness 

Is The Super Achiever's Super Power

The secret weapon that gives the Super Achiever Super Power is the fact that, great Super Achievers expect greatness. The real power is not in having a mental picture of what it is you want life to bring. The ingredient that brings that picture to life is the power of expectation.

My favorite definition of the word expect is to look forward to; regard as likely to happen; anticipate the occurrence or the coming of what ever it is you want life to bring. 

This anticipated occurrence is not just based on a hope and a prayer, it is the result of preparation, hard work, and dedication. These are all things that each of us can perform as a matter of choice. 

The more we use the power of expectation, the better our outcomes will be. Champions don't go into the ring expecting to lose. They use the power of expectation to bring out the absolute best in themselves.

The power of expectation is something we can all use anytime we want.  

Defeated Super Achiever

Avoid Defeatist Expectations

With power comes responsibility. The super power of expectation is one that can be used for good or bad. It can bring about negative outcomes just as quickly as the positive. 

The saying, "If you think you can or can't, you are right", holds true with the power of expectation.  But there is even a more confusing twist. Sometimes, we anticipate negative expectations without really realizing it. 

If you listen to people who always experience "bad luck", very often they say things like, "I knew this would happen to me, I seem to always have bad luck."  They may not recognize it, but they are using the power of expectation to bring about the negative. 

With this super power, we have to exercise an awareness of what our inner dialog of expectation is actually saying. If we want a certain outcome, but keep getting something different, we may need to reexamine out inner voices to determine if we are sabotaging ourselves. We may need to realign our expectations. 

The Secret of Expectation

The Secret Power of Super Achievers 

Is No Secret Anymore

Now that we know the secret that Super Achievers use, we can also use the power of expectation to bring about some amazing results in their lives. We can use this in our own lives  whenever we wish. If you want good things to happen, start expecting them to happen to you.  

Plant your clear picture firmly in your mind of what you want your life to be, and begin to expect that it will manifest, just as your picture presented it.  If you are getting results that are not what you intended, do a negative awareness check to make sure you are not, unknowingly, expecting the negative. 

Most importantly, a clear vision,  hard work, and dedication will help bring about your positive expectations for the Super Achiever you intend to be.

Albert Powell Founder of Super Achievers Network

Albert Powell

"What great things are you anticipating for the upcoming year. 

Let me know your thoughts. 

In the meantime, make something great happen. "

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