Tap Into The Power of the Mastermind
“One is a lonely number.”
“There is no “I” in Team.”
“It's lonely at the top.”
All of these sayings, have been ingrained in our minds, probably all of our lives. Their meanings all point to an often misconstrued fact about success. The picture is even more deceiving as we watch award shows like the Emmy’s or the Oscars when the award winners are applauded.
Do you really believe that all these notable figures make it to the top by themselves? Yes, we all single them out as the “Stars”, maybe even exceptional performers at their craft, but do they really stand alone?
Yes, we can all agree that mastering any particular skill takes a lot of individual effort practicing all by yourself. And somethings, it does seem like you are all alone on your journey. But one thing is for sure, if you think you can scale the heights in any activity without out the help of others, you are sadly mistaken.
In this article, we will talk about the real power behind the “Stars”. A power that turns any individual into a super power that literally has no limits.
This power has created massive wealth to those that use it, and has bolstered the success of just about all the great people at the top.
This power is the power of networking. The power of a network of people who share their individual gifts for the benefit of the network creates something special that you couldn’t create on your own.
I like to call this the Super Achiever’s Network (SAN). The power of this SAN is what inspired this entire website. Once you see the power that’s available, and what it can do for you, my desire is that you’ll use it to catapult you to heights you’ve never dreamed possible.
Those that take advantage of this network will undoubted be the ones rising to the top.
In this article, we will define exactly what the SAN is, discuss it’s numerous benefits, tell you exactly how you can use it to get to the top in your chosen endeavor.

The Power of Collective Knowledge
“United we stand, divided we fall” has been spoken by millions to describe the principle of the power of the group dynamic. One candle gives off a little light in the darkness, but add two, and see how much more the light grows. It is the power of magnification that the power of the group creates.
The individual human mind is capable of collecting all the knowledge you need to succeed, but what happens when you have access to a group of other similar minds to tap. Do this and now your knowledge is multiplied exponentially. In fact, one of the principles is so powerful that one can venture to say that no one can really achieve any level of greatness without using this principle. It is a must.
Because we avail ourselves to a group of other people doesn’t necessarily guarantee our success. There are conditions we have to put in place to get the real power of the group working in your favor.
The conditions are as follows:
The collective knowledge of the group must be organized and intelligently directed.
The group must be filled with friendly individuals working in a spirit of total harmony
They must be dedicated to achieving something bigger than themselves
Next, we will examine each of these conditions more closely.
Organized And Directed Intelligence
Group organization is most effective when the knowledge of each individual is directed to accomplishing some common goals.
For the Super Achiever’s Network, the common thread is to use the collective intelligence of the group to help each individual Super Achiever reach his goals.
You may want to be a great student, dancer, musician, lawyer, construction worker, dentist, athlete, banker, or whatever you want to excel.
Taking advantage of the resources of the group will get you there a lot faster than you could on your own.
Organization usually takes the form of some plan of action that each member shares in creating. Every football team runs by a playbook that each of the members use to get results, and good networks work the same way. Organized plans of action ensure that you are all playing from the same playbook.
The playbook explicitly describes each action step that must be taken to win. When all the intelligence in the group is focused on taking specifically directed actions, winning will surely be the result. Groups come for sub-groups based on common interests, geographic locations, or common industries. The organization is up to the group. But once the plan is in place, intelligently directed action to carry it out is a must.
Friendly People Working In Total Harmony
The foundation for accumulating any wealth or success is created when the coordinated efforts of two or more friendly people work in a spirit of harmony toward a definite end.
Friendly and harmonious characteristics must be an inseparable pair that helps everyone feel comfortable enough to give their very best. Negativity and friction should be avoided, because they become limiting factors that just sniffle creativity, and the flow of wonderful ideas.
Dedication To Creating Something Bigger Than Themselves

Napoleon Hill’s frequently cited classic, “Think and Grow Rich”, he states, “No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible , intangible force which be likened to a third mind.”
The third mind is the blending of the collective intelligence of the entire group. When everyone understands this, and start working to create it, we can tap into the power of the third mind. No one persons ideas, opinions, or knowledge dominates. The entire network operates at a higher level.
Your Benefits
For those seeking wealth, the economic advantages of participating in the SAN could be very substantial. There will be counsel, advice , and support from other Super Achievers who have the resources to help you accumulate all the wealth you could ever dream. When you align yourself with others in the spirit of perfect harmony around the goal of accomplishing wealth, you begin to build great fortunes. Nearly everyone who has great wealth developed it this way.
Being connected to other supportive people who want to see you succeed is the perfect place to find an accountability partner. Sometimes, just the act of stating your goals and aspiration to a group puts the added impetus to keep you doing your absolute best. Use it to your advantage, and tap into the power of the network.
Growth – Availing yourself to the resources of the network often exposes you to the resources that not only increase your personal growth, but often those with businesses are able to connect with opportunities to expand and grow.
Specific knowledge – A network of like-minded people from diverse backgrounds provides plenty of resources to expand your knowledge. Many times looking at your goals from many different perspectives can help bring creative solutions that you could not come up with on your own. It is really true that two minds are better than one.
Resources – If you are in need of added resources, you will be amazed at what the network can provide. Resources such as additional knowledge and expertise is available, but also the right connections can even provided financial resources that can ofter help to launch your business, or take it to the next level.
Support – Over time the associations with the group are bound to create a closeness that can give support and encouragement. As you support others, they will return the same. Help is never to far away.
Energy – The energy created by the group can be the energy that rubs off on you. Momentum seems to happen when energy meets energy. It’s the network effect. When you are around a group of focused and energized enthusiast, it can be contagious. Use it to your advantage, and let it take you places.
All of these benefits that the network gives, can be available when you lock in and participate. The resources and support could be the very thing that helps you achieve your dreams in record time. And the feeling you get when contributing to someone’s success is priceless. The possibilities are exciting.