The 5 Things You Need To Turn “Good” Into “Super”

New Habbit

― Mark Twain

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”

The 5 Things You Need To Turn “Good” Into “Super”


Are you ready to stop being just average? Or are you ready to let the world know you have something unique to offer? 

If it's time for you to start excelling in the things that you love doing, it's time to polish your skills to take them to a new level. 

At one time or another, Super Achievers determine it's time to stand out from the crowd. They decide that it's time to start their journey to fulfill their dreams. 

When this happens, they quickly discover that there are some fundaments they need to understand before they begin their journey. 

The 5 Things You Need To Turn "Good" into "Super" will explain each one. 

Let's get started. 


Believe You Have Unique Gifts And Talents

Flower Arranging

Preparation for any great achievements start with the right mental outlook. So let's start with mindset No. 1. 

Believe in your self first. 

Believe that you been given a unique set of gifts and talents. When you recognize this, you also realize that those gifts and talents are only meaningful if you continue to develop them. 

Making the effort to go through that development process is what turns "Good" into "Super"


Believe You Determine Your Own Success

Super Achiever

Whatever you do in life has tons of obstacles to overcome along the way. However, the outcome that you experience has more to do with the decisions you make than anything else. 

Therefore, believe that you, and only you, are the one who determines your success or failure. 

It's the idea of taking full responsibility for your life that gives you the ultimate control of the things you do. 

When obstacles do show up, you are in control to find solutions that get you where you want to go. You are also in control of refusing to reach your full potential. It's up to you. 

My hope is that you choose to steer your life in the direction of success. 


Believe That Doing The Hard Work Is Worth It

Have A Strong Why

Using a principle from Stephen Covey in his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, start with the end in mind. 

Believe that the hard work you have to do to become successful is worth the effort it takes to get there. 

Doing anything excellently takes hard work. When you are in the fight, it's hard to see the end result sometimes. Keep focused on the ultimate target to stay motivated to keep going when things get hard. 

Hard work will ultimately pay big dividends in your favor. 


Believe You Can Change Anything You Want About Yourself

Remember What Is Being Said

The next mindset that will help you navigate the path to success is to believe that you can decide to change anything you want about yourself. 

It may not be the easiest thing to do, but it is possible. Changing things you don't like about yourself takes will power, determination, and lots of work. 

When you realize and embrace the fact that you, alone, can decide what those changes are, you become empowered. Now it's up to you. 

You probably can't change another person, but you can totally decide what you want to change about yourself. 


Believe That The Time To Start Is Now


Last and probably the most import point is to believe that the time to start is now. 

The now word implies action. Action is the key to success, but only works when you start that action right now. 

Procrastinators know all about taking action, but they want to start that action some other time. The ones that win are the ones that start taking action now. 

Adopting the attitude that the time to start is now, will get you on the road to success one action at a time. 

There is no better time to start than now. 


Learn a new activity

When you get the hunger to become more than average, you start the process of moving from "Good" to "Super". 

Before you get too far, there are some principles to feed your though process to make your journey a lasting one. 

First, you must believe that you have unique gifts and talents that were given to you to develop to their fullest.

Those are the things that set you apart from the crowd. 

Next understand that you are the only one who can determine your success. You are totally responsible for you and you alone. 

Doing the hard work is an unavoidable part of the process. So determine ahead of time that the hard work you put in will be worth it in the end. 

When it comes down to it, you are the one who can decide what you want to change about yourself. Change the things you don't like about yourself because those changes will make you the best person you can be. 

Lastly, ingrain in your mind that the time to start is now. Action is the key to success. Decide that you will take some now instead of putting it off till later. 

Following these steps will give you the best chance of becoming that best version of you. 

You can do it. 

After all, you are a

"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".


If you could choose one thing to become super at, what would be?

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"Your Time Is Now"

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Albert Powell

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And remember, 

"Make something great happen today."