Is There Really A Test To Determine Success?
Believe it or not, there is. Success is determined by a certain set of characteristics that seem to reoccur in the ultra-successful people. These are very simple to detect.
They are so easy to determine that you can even do it yourself. Yes, you can perform a self-test, and get your answers.
Are you one of the ones destined to be a winner? Now, you can find out on your own in the privacy of your home.
All you have to do is answer a series of questions found in this post. These are simple yes or no questions. Each question is related to a success characteristics.

You Cannot Fail
Unless You Don't Try.
So Get Started.
Take The Test!
People waste tons of time tying to figure out the combination of characteristics that makes them successful. Do yourself a favor, and save your time by taking the following test. Each question deals directly with a particular characteristic that successful people must have.
By the time you finish, you will know which characteristics you have, and which ones you will have to work on to develop. The best part is that it is all up to you. You are in total control of your success or failure.
There are a total of 37 success characteristics presented in each question. It is unlikely that you will have all, but the ones you don’t have are very important to develop.
Use this test to determine which ones you already have, and make a plan to develop the rest.
So let’s begin.
Do I have a definite major purpose in life? (Y/N)
Do I possess sufficient self-confidence to actively pursue my major definite purpose in life? (Y/N)
Do I save at least 10% of my total income and invest it for retirement? (Y/N)
Am I enthusiastic in my undertakings. (Y/N)
Do I have a good degree of self discipline? (Y/N)
Do I usually do more than is asked of me? (Y/N)
Can I concentrate single-mindedly on a task until it is completed. (Y/N)
Can I adapt myself to people whose opinions differ from mine? (Y/N)
Do you have patience with other people? (Y/N)
Do you treat other people with respect? (Y/N)
Can I rally the support of others to help me achieve my goals? (Y/N)
Am I creative enough to solve most of my own problems?
Am I able to control my emotions when they are detrimental to my success? (Y/N)
Do I have good reasoning ability? (Y/N)
Do I correct my errors and learn from my mistakes? (Y/N)
Do I teach other people what I know to help them improve their lives? (Y/N)

Do you manage your time well? (Y/N)
Do I try to make other people feel good about themselves? (Y/N)
Am I rarely sick with colds, flu, and allergies?
If my relatives put my ideas down, am I still able to pursue them? (Y/N)
If my friends put my ideas down, am I still able to pursue them? (Y/N)
Am I a leader?
Do I have a set of goals for the furure? (Y/N)
Are my goals clearly written down on paper? (Y/N)
Do I review my goals daily? (Y/N)
Do I read books, listen to podcasts, and watch videos to make me more effective? (Y/N)
Do I rarely worry? (Y/N)
Do I take courses, or seminars to make me more effective? (Y/N)

Do I belong to professional organizations related to my career? (Y/N)
Do I belong to organizations that help me become a better person? (Y/N)
Do I control my own destiny? (Y/N)
Are my decisions congruent with my set of personal life values? (Y/N)
Do I have at least one person who truly loves me? (Y/N)
Do I regularly set and achieve increasingly difficult goals for myself? (Y/N)
Do I understand how my conscious, subconscious, and superconscious minds work? Do I belong to professional organizations related to my career? (Y/N)
Do I have a good relationship with God? (Y/N)
Do I have a set of personal life values that guide me in all that I do? (Y/N)
When I profit, does it infringe on the personal rights of other people? (Y/N)
If you answered yes to all of the 37 questions, you are on your way to success. If there was a few no’s in there, don’t panic. Those are the ones that can be worked on.
Everyone has characteristics that need developed.
If you answered yes to questions 38, forget ever achieving any lasting success. It is simple, if you are profiting with no regards to the rights of other people, you will never be a success.
The law of sowing and reaping will never be broken without consequence. Violate the rights of other, and you will reap the consequences.
Self assessment is the first step on the road to success. Keep this test handy and keep working, and success will be yours.