“SUPER” – Living Life To The Fullest

I have a simple question for you. How are you today?
If you can answer, "SUPER", "I'm living life to the fullest", you don't have to read any further.
If you can't say that now, but want to, then this post is for you.
There are some easy things you can do right now to start living life to the fullest.
Everyone has their own path in life and it's up to each of us to find it. When we do, here's how to live it to the fullest.
Let's get started.
Understand Life's A Journey

You've heard it a million times, life is a journey, not a destination. It is true.
It's just as much about how you get where you are going as the actual destination itself. My hope is that you will keep changing the destination as soon as you get there by challenging yourself to reach even higher ones.
Pay attention to how you get where you want to go. Do that well, and you will live a life of continual growth and satisfaction.
Reestablish Your Highest Values

When you are living according to your values, you seem to enjoy greater happiness and satisfaction with your life.
Decide what your highest values are and incorporate them in everything you do.
Your highest values are the beliefs that shape you and determine how you want to live your life. They can be of a spiritual nature or deeply held beliefs that are important to you.
Reflecting on those values helps you set your goals that are inline with your highest beliefs.
Stand up for what you believe, and don't let other people push you around. You can stand strong and be open to their ideas at the some time.
Accept Yourself Just The Way Your Are

Living life to the fullest starts with you accepting who you are with all your strengths and weaknesses.
For some reason, we usually spend too much time being critical of ourselves. We always focus on our negative qualities, past failures, and things we'd like to change about ourselves.
Make a list of all the positive qualities that you have, and learn to accept them as well. In other words, learn to love yourself just the way you are.
Keep Your Focus On The Present

Keep your focus on the present. The key word being focus.
When you get fixated on the events that happened in the past, it's time to change your focus.
We can affect the things that are happening in our lives right now in this present moment.
That's where all of our effort should be when we want to direct our outcomes. Pay attention to what is happening right now and take control of the present.
Push Yourself Out Of Your Comfort Zone

According to research, people need to push themselves out of their comfort zones to perform at their best. It's called embracing "optimal anxiety". It turns out that the more you push yourself out of your comfort zone, the better you become at handling the new experience.
To get started, look at what you are procrastinating about, and just do that thing regardless of how it makes you feel.
Most people are afraid to take risks in the short term, but in the long run, if they don't take the risk, they will regret it later.
Start small and build up from there, that way, doing something new won't be as intimidating.
Be Realistic

Making plans to obtain anything substantial always involves setting goals. Be careful that the goals you set are realistic ones.
Examine your skills and resources honestly to determine what is actually possible. Then set your goals accordingly.
These goals are your personal ones. You don't have to compare what you do with anyone else. You know yourself better than anyone, so set goals that are meaningful to you.
Set performance based goals that you can control. Meeting goals takes motivation, determination, and lots of hard work. When those goals are meaningful to you, they can be accomplished.
Embrace Vulnerability

To live life to the fullest doesn't mean that you will not experience setbacks and roadblocks. Things don't always go according to plan.
Understand that and embrace the possibility that you may have difficulties along the way. It's a part of life and growth.
Sometimes these challenges present some of the most valuable learning experiences.
Look For Learning Opportunities

Everyone would like to be knowledgeable about everything, but it's just not possible.
Instead of hiding your lack of knowledge about certain things, take it as a new learning opportunity. The sources for gaining knowledge are so plentiful now that you can literally gain knowledge every day on any topic imaginable.
If nothing else, make YouTube.com your learning channel. I call it YouTube university because you can learn anything there.
The more knowledge you get, the more meaningful life becomes.
Practice The Attitude of Gratitude

Knowing that you should practice the attitude of gratitude is one thing, but actually practicing it is another.
Actively practicing gratitude includes things like taking the time everyday to highlight the things you are grateful for and even sharing those things with your friends and family.
Research suggests that when you practice showing gratitude regularly, your disposition is a lot happier and you have a more positive outlook on life.
Take the time to savor special moments that happen with thankfulness and focus on the beauty all around you. You'll be surprised how much this brightens your days.
Enjoy More Laughter In Your Life

To really get the most out of your life, try laughing a little more.
Laughter lowers your stress hormones, releases endorphins which act as your body's natural mood elevators. It burns calories, and sends oxygen to your body helping you feel positive and healthy.
Laughter really is the best medicine.
Plus, it is contagious. When you share a good laugh, others are likely to join in thereby strengthening the social bond between you.
Love And Accept Everyone

One of the most selfless things you can do is accept people for who they are, and show them love even when they don't deserve it.
Although acting like this benefits the other person, it mostly benefits you knowing that you are living the highest value you can.
It can be hard at times reaching out to people who may not return your kindness,. Your reward is not what you can get in return from them. It comes from knowing that you are doing the right thing.
This does not mean you have to be door mat, but it does signify that you are a positive force in a negative world.

Living life to the fullest is an individual thing that we all must figure out for ourselves. Each person is different and holds different beliefs and values.
Regardless, with some simple steps, we can begin to live our lives to the fullest.
First understand that life is a journey that never ends. It's filled with meeting one goal after another while climbing the mountain of accomplishment.
Accept yourself for who you are and build a life that suits your strengths and talents.
Enjoy where you are in the present and focus on what you have control over this very moment. Then push yourself out of your comfort zone to forge new experiences.
Be realistic about your capabilities, and embrace the fact that everything carries a risk.
Life is built on new experiences that can bring about more learning opportunities. Keep an eye out for them.
Next, developing and practicing the habit of showing gratitude for the things around you will make your life much more meaningful.
While you are at it, share a good laugh with your family and friends to build stronger bonds between you.
Most importantly, accept and love the people that are in your life, even if they are hard to love sometimes.
Follow these principles and you can start to experience the "SUPER" life and living it to it's fullest.
You can do it.
Remember, you are a
"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".
How are you doing today?
I hope your answer is, "SUPER", "I'm living life to the fullest".
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Albert Powell
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