Super Achieves Keep Working In Spite of Fear


— Henry Ford

“One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do.”

Super Achievers Keep Working In Spite of Fear 

Follow The Plan

At some point in your live, fear is something you will experience. The level of intensity depends of the task at hand. If the consequences of failure are high, the fear you feel will also be high. 

Failure is the one common fears that many people struggle with. Fear of failure is so damaging because it can literally stops people in their tracks from doing what's most important to them. 

Conversely, failure is often the first step towards success. For example, highly successful people such as Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling and billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson are very vocal about how often they failed. They cite these failures as the thing that shaped their success. 

You can do the same thing. Take a close look at your fear of failure, and then work through it to shape your future success. 

Keep reading to learn how you can do this too. 

Let's get started. 


Examine The Fear Of Failure

Is It Realistic

If we look hard enough, there is a reason for everything. So if we look more deeply into your fear of failure, it is often tied to some underlying reason. 

Fear is only a general response to a greater underlying issue we want to uncover. So take a deeper look into your fears to find out what other issues are in play.


You may discover that your fears are associated with protecting your self-image. If you attempt something and it doesn't go well, you are afraid that it will damage your self-image.


Another example would be that the fear of failure could be tied to a self-esteem issues. You may not feel adequate in the first place, and a failure could make you feel even worse about yourself.


Keep digging until you discover what the fear is all about. When you know this, you will have a better chance of defeating it. 


Stop Personalizing Failure

Female Achiever

As you look a failures to figure out what they are and why they are occurring, try to make it a point to separate the facts from general opinions. 

In other words, listen to the mental scripts you use to explain that failure. You may think that one failure means that the total project is a failure. Or worst yet, you may interpret one single failure to mean that you are a failure. 

Avoid personalizing failure not matter how many times it occurs. Instead, look at the facts and come up with a resolution based on those facts. 

Thinking that you are a loser or are worthless will not get you the results you're looking for. Stick with the facts and come up with better solutions. 

Your failure may put you just one step close to success. 


Resist Perfectionism

Making A List

Some people believe that perfectionism is the same as healthy ambition, or use it as a measure for excellence. However, perfectionism can actually be the cause of failure. 

Perfectionist are often obsessed with the fear of failure. This striving for perfection is often a reason to procrastinate. Worrying about being perfect can be the reason for not starting something, or not finishing something. 

Set healthy, ambitions standards for yourself and acknowledge that things will always go wrong. Plan for what could possibly go wrong, and determine to find solutions for the rest when issues arise. 

Remember no one is perfect. 


Stay Positive

Positive Self Talk

It's easy to just focus on the failures, and let them prevent you from future success. Instead focus on what went well and how much you've learned along the way. 

It's better to keep your mind positive, and to focus on everything that encourages you to continue. 

Focus in the "why" of the situation. Why are you working so hard in the first place? What will it feel like when you achieve your goal? These are the things that will keep your mind on the positive side of the tracks. 

Encourage yourself with positive self-talk even in spite of a failure. This will help you stay motivated to make it through the rough times. 


Never Stop Learning

Examine All Angles

If you find yourself experiencing failure after failure, you may be suffering from a lack of knowledge. That's where continuous learning comes in. 

Continually keep learning to keep you skills up to date. Things are always changing and keeping up with the up-to-date best practices is a never ending job. 

Identify areas where you can further your development and concentrate on getting that knowledge. When you do get more knowledge, use it as much as you can to reinforce it. 

Learning new skills will enrich your life and make you better prepared to handle a wider variety of situations that you'll be exposed to. Plus learning just enhances your own self-confidence. 


Take Some Action

Self Motivation Is The Key

The only true failure is the one that happens when you never even try. 

Taking the first step in generally is the most difficult. However, it is also the most important one. It's natural to feel afraid and uncomfortable when trying something new. 

So acknowledge this, but take some action to do it anyway. Sometimes that's all you need to do to help deal with this discomfort. 

Give yourself permission to feel uncomfortable and acknowledge that it's just natural and okay. Work to resolve your fear the best you can, but keep taking action. 

Taking continuous action will give you the information you need and allows you to adjust your course when necessary. 

You can achieve your success in spite of fear. 


Expose Yourself To Failure

Multi Tasking

If you want to overcome your fears, actively expose yourself to failure on purpose. This technique is helpful because during the process you will learn that failure is not as frightening as you may believe it to be. 

This technique is called exposure therapy, and can be used to lessen the effects of fear in your life. You get exposure to dealing with fear and discover you can work through it to experience success. 

Experimenting with this concept by attempting something you are unfamiliar with, like starting a new hobby or learning to play in instrument, is a great start. 

Look forward to the failures you encounter and realize that these are the things you can work through to get to success. 

It won't be long before you will see failure as a learning opportunity. 


Jump Hurdles

Everyone encounters fear to some degree, and as a "Super Achiever", you will too. In order to work through it to get to your goal, you must take a deeper look at fear to determine it's true cause. 

Fears you experience by not have anything to do with you as a person, so look at the facts behind each failure to find its true cause. 

Perfectionism should be avoided because striving for perfection can actually hurt you instead of helping. Instead of setting perfection as your standard, you may want to set healthier ones to strive for. 

Experiencing failure is not fun, but stay positive and think about what you've already accomplished. Use failure as a learning experience. Keep your skills up to day and never stop learning. 

Expose yourself to failure on purpose and take the actions necessary to overcome them. Soon you will become the master at dealing with failure head on.

You can do this.

Remember you are


("Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect").


What fears are you facing and what can you do to work in spite of them?

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"How To Overcome Failure"

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