“Happiness doesn’t come from achievements, or money, or any sort of treasure. Happiness is a frame of mind, not a destination. It’s appreciating what you’ve got and building relationships with those around you.”
―Janette Rallison―
The Super Achievers Top 10 Quick-Tips To Put Yourself A Better Mood

Everyone, even Super Achievers, feels down or blue occasionally, but the Super Achievers understands the power they have to change their situation,
If you are feeling down, and need a quick way to improve your mood, these 10 Super Achiever Quick Tips will help.
Try a few and see how well fast they make you feel more optimistic and up lifted.
Super Achievers Top 10

Spend Time With A Friend
Call up a friend and arrange to spend some time with them.
You don't have to do anything special. It can be fun just to watch a silly movie, take a walk or just sit around and chat.
Hanging out with a friend is a great way to take your mind off of what’s bothering you.
Friends have a way of making you feel supported and cared for. They let you know you are not alone.

Go Outside For Some Sun
Being stuck in the house on rainy, cloudy days tend to have an affect on your mood.
Your body needs a certain amount to sunlight. So, the first opportunity you get to go outside and enjoy some warm sunlight on your face, take it.
This sunlight will boost your mood by increasing your body's production of melatonin, a hormone that affects your mood.
Try to get at least 10 to 15 minutes of sunlight a day. That should be all you need to keep your body producing the right amount of melatonin.
An alternative for people who live in an area that doesn't get much sun is to buy a high-intensity indoor light. It's not as good as direct sunlight, but will serve as a good alternative.

Just Move Your Body
Still in a bad mood? Just get up and get that body moving for about 10 -15 minutes.
You can take a short walk, do some jumping jacks, run in place, dance around your room, or go for a bike ride.
Even short spurts of activity can be effective in reducing stress and lifting your spirits.
Don't want to go crazy with the exercise, you can try simply stretching while sitting in a chair.
Just getting the blood circulating can do wonders for uplifting your mood.

Start A Project.
Get out of your funk by creating a distraction from what's going on right now, and starting a new project will help you do just that.
It doesn't have to be a brand new project. It can be something you've been putting off for a while and just want to jump back on it.
Either way, start with something small and enjoyable at first to get you out of your funk.
Can't think of anything? Here are some ideas:
- Organize photos
- Redecorate your bedroom
- Find something crafty to do off of Pinterest
- Start a blog
- Wash and clean out your car
- Learn a new language
Not only will these projects get you mind in a good place, doing these projects will help give you a sense of accomplishment.

Listen To Music
Listening to the music you enjoy is a great way to get you in a great mood.
Choose some music you enjoy that’s positive and upbeat. Turn it up and dance it out.
The music itself will activate the pleasure centers in your brain and dancing will release endorphins, both of which will lift your mood.
Since I played with the band "Wild Cherry", my song recommendation is "Play That Funky Music". Great song to dance your butt off to .
Music can bring back happy memories, give you a boost of energy, and allow you to let go of some negative emotions.
Crank up some tunes. and "Play That Funky Music".

Watch A Funny Movie Or Stand-Up Comedy
Laughter is one of the best remedies for changing your disposition. It's hard to stay in a bad mood with lots of laughter and smiles coming out of your mouth.
Watching something funny or listening to a comedian go through their routine will likely make you laugh and smile.
Laughing and smiling naturally stimulates happier emotions, even if you weren’t necessarily feeling happy at the start. .
Scientifically, laughter releases dopamine in the brain, which lifts your mood, and releases more oxygen in the body. Dopamine allows you to feel less stressed and more relaxed.

Cuddle With A Pet
Spending time cuddling with a beloved pet will not only get your mind off your worries, but will also lower your blood pressure.
Playing with pets can help change your mood while also reducing other signs of physical stress.
If you are not able to have a pet, you can consider visiting a friend who does have one.
Other stress relievers can be to socialize with other humans by volunteering at a charitable organization. The act of helping others will get your mind in a happier place knowing that you are doing something good with your time.

Hug Someone
If you have a friend or loved one nearby, surprise them with a big hug for absolutely no reason.
The act of hugging lowers stress hormones and releases oxytocin, which can also boost your mood.
If you don't have anyone to hug, try rubbing your shoulders, neck and temples to reduce your stress hormones and lower your heart rate.

Practice Deep Breathing
Another way to lower your heart rate, and ease tension in your body is to practice deep breathing.
As you get control of your breathing, you mind becomes focused and allows you to take control of your mood.
Below is a quick exercise to try.
Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit before you get started.
- Close your eyes
- Inhale slowly through your nose for several seconds
- Exhale slowly through your mouth for several seconds
- Silently repeat a word to yourself every time you exhale, like “relax”
After a while, you will feel the tension leaving your body, and will feel more in control of your emotions.

Buy Yourself Some Flowers
Go to a florist and get yourself a bouquet of flowers. Another option is to plant some flowers in a pot or in your own garden.
Being around the colors and scents from plants and flowers reduces stress and feelings of sadness.
Plants and flowers typically lift your mood more than buying any other gift for yourself.

If you find yourself in a bad mood, try not to stay in it too long. Realize that you do have the power to do something about it.
Practice using these suggestions individually or in combination to get your mind back into a positive space.
The point is to take action when a mood hits you that is keeping you from enjoying all the wonderful things your life has to offer.
You don't have to waste one minute of your time in a funk because you can't shake a bad mood.
These tips are for the short term and are not intended to be a long term solution for mood alteration.
Tips for longer term solutions will be coming in future blog posts.
In the meantime. Check out an the inspirational video below for more inspiration to keep you pumped.
When you are in a bad mood, what is your best method to change your disposition?
Write your answer in the comments below.
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Thank You

Thanks Albert – have done them all but #10 I do for ME! And Play That Funky Music always gets me moving! Hope you are well in these crazy times 😀