Super Achievers Demands
The contributions that a Super Achiever aspires to bring to the world comes with conditions. These conditions are the ones that bring about greatness.
Accomplishments come with sacrifices and a lot of hard work. Super Achievers are willing to meet those demands to become the best at what they do.
Super achievement comes with a list of demands. If you can meet these demands, you are on your way to greatness. This greatness can be the contributions that you offer to make this world a better place.

I Demand The Right To:
As you move your life from ordinary to extraordinary, commit to following the demands that you place upon yourself, so that you can be the best version of you.

1. Be The Best Version Of Me
Habit no. 2 of the Stephen Covey's book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", is "Begin With The End In Mind".
To define the best version of yourself, start by looking at what your life looks like as if you already achieved your greatest accomplishments.
Can you define, in concrete terms, what those accomplishments are? I call this definition process visualizing your best future.
Everyone's vision is different, because each of us is unique.
However, we have a right to make this vision as big as it can be. Use this right to think big, dream big, and visualize yourself doing great things.
This visualization process is covered in more detail in my book, "Are You A Super Achiever?

As a Super Achiever, demand that you will commit to setting goals and working everyday to achieve those goals.
Research shows that setting specific goals helps people get what they want faster.
Start by setting some long term goals that will take at least a year to accomplish.
Here's how to get started:
- Write down a list of everything you want to achieve.
- Check over your list and seriously consider whether or not it is realistic.
- State your goals positively. Instead of “I want to be less worried about my appearance,” write “I want to be confident about my appearance.”
- Be specific. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to define success.

Once your long-term goals are defined, break those goals down into short-term goals.
Breaking your goals into small steps also makes you more likely to achieve them.
In my post about New Years Resolutions entitled,
"Why You Should Make Your New Year’s Resolution, And Break It On January 2nd"
talks about dividing your goals by 365 to break your goals down on a daily basis.
This gives you an opportunity to do something each day to accomplish your goals.
Push yourself each day to accomplish something, even if it seems like a small task. Those small tasks add up quickly.

Have Time Everyday To Work Toward My Goals
The next demand that Super Achievers impose on themselves is to carve out time in their daily schedule for goal accomplishment.
Allocate a portion of each day to work on your goals, and give this time priority.
- Commit to scheduling goal attainment everyday. Doing a little everyday makes achieving your goals easier.
- Build in the possibility that your goals may change. Times will change, people will change, and therefore, your goals will change. Goal setting not an exact science. Allow yourself some room to grow and change.
- Create a goals checklist of things you should do every day to work towards your goal. I call this your "Daily Success Tracker".

5. Be Confident And Self-Assured
Even though your goals my not all be accomplished yet, you have a right to be confident and self-assured that you will reach them.
To keep that confidence high, try doing the following:
- Take care of yourself. Dress well, eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and walk with confidence.
- Think positively. Control your thoughts to weed out the negative and replace it with positive empowering thoughts.
- Do not compare yourself to others. It's OK to be different, so don't compare yourself to others. Focus on your own performance.

As you travel the super highway to Super Achievement, you demand the right to change your plans as needed.
When you learn a more effective way to get where you want to go, make the change.
It's called pivoting. Here's how:
- Focus on the things that you can influence and then do them.
- Remember you are engaging in a learning and discovering process.
- Encountering new circumstances may warrant setting new goals.
- Be open and flexible to learning new things and growing along the way .

Super Achievers demand to have the right to fail-forward often to maneuver the road to success.
Setbacks and failures will happen, and dealing with them separates the winners from the losers.
Failures simply show what works and what does not. They actually help you figure out what you are capable of, and what needs work.
To deal with failures while achieving your goals:
- Do not take failure personally. Failure does not mean you are a failure as a person.
- Keep moving forward. After you have learned from your failed attempt, let the failure go and move forward.
- Look at setbacks as learning opportunities. One way to keep your morale high is to look at any setbacks as learning opportunities. The more you fail the quicker you will come to a successful working solution.
- Visualize your past successes. When stress get overwhelming, just think about all your accomplishments of the past. This should give you a confidence boost to keep you going strong.

8. Get Support When I Need It
Others my not be as passionate as you are about your goal attainment, but when you find someone that's rooting for you, it can be a great inspiration.
This could mean friends, family, or coworkers. You do not have to do it alone. Find some accountability partner who whats you to success and is willing to help.
Do the following to get started:
- Tell someone you trust about your goals, and ask for their support to keep you focused.
- When the people in your life know about your goals, they can help you achieve them and hold you accountable. Sometimes our willpower fails us, but the people around us can help.

Sometimes the best answer to new challenges may not be crystal clear. The decision to move forward may come down to nothing more than using your intuition.
Intuition comes from prior experience and instinct. Super Achievers retain the right to be willing to trust their own experience and knowledge.
- Trust your experience, but be open to discover new information along the way.
- Don't hesitate to use your intuition until you can make better decisions.
- Remember that intuition and contemplation are two sides of the same coin. You can use your intuition to help inform your decision-making process.
- Making quick decisions relies on intuition as a helpful tool. You do not need to dwell extensively on every decision, but acting on intuition does not mean that your decision is any less effective.
- You can use a journal and keep a list of the times your intuition helped you. Reference your journal when you are working through difficult problems.

One of the biggest demands of the Super Achiever is the right to keep achieving and never stop.
Achieving your goals one year doesn't mean you can stop. The Super Achiever will simply set higher goals.
Achieving your full potential is a lifelong process.
You will achieve many goals along the way, but always stay committed to the process of lifelong self-improvement.
Our abilities are not static and fixed. They are always in flux.
To keep moving forward:
- Consult your goals checklist to keep yourself on track. Keep moving the bar higher each year. This will help you continue to progress even further than you thought you could.
- Remember that failure is a learning process, so learn all you can to get where you want to go.
- Samuel Beckett wrote: “Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” Follow this simple premise and you will be able to continue to work toward achieving your full potential.

Demand the very best of yourself and you will reap the very best rewards.
Greatness starts when we meet the demands that we've decided to place on ourselves to become the best indivdual you can be.
This list is not an exhaustive one, but will definitely help you win the fight.
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