My mother said to me, "If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope." Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.
Pablo Picasso
Mother Was A Wise Soul
I may not have listened to everything my mother used to tell me, but now I wish I had.
Mothers have an inborn desire to raise Super Achievers. If anyone wants you to succeed in life, it's your mother. They are in your corner every step of the way.
In their efforts to guide their children in the right direction, their admonitions, as funny as they sounded then, carry principles that Super Achievers can use on their journey to greatness.
Below is a list of 10 things my mother used to say to guide me on the path to Super Achievement. You may recognize a few of them.
10 Things Mom Used To Say

"You can succeed at whatever you put your mind to."
After being deflated from a test in school where I'd gotten an A- instead of an A, I'd be complaining about it to my mother. She would alway say, "You can succeed at anything you put your mind to."
That saying has surfaced in my mind from time-to-time when things seem to get tough. The journey to Super Achievement is not an easy one, and when I feel defeated, Mom's words surface.
Applying mental concentration to a difficult situation can be the medicine that makes your life a lot better. How often do we take the time to sit quietly and really concentrate on the one thing we need answers to?
The weapon of mental concentration in any area that you need a breakthrough can keep you on the road to progress.

"Keep your room clean."
My mother's insistence on keeping my room clean was something I didn't quite understand growing up. Little did I know what this would teach me in my work life.
The principle that this taught was the power of order and simplicity. My most productive days at work come when I can sit down to a clean, uncluttered desk, with only the things I absolutely need to get my work done.
When my room is clean, my mind doesn't have to spend energy subconsciously thinking of what I have to do to straighten up.
I can fully concentrate on nothing but doing my work.
For productivity's sake, "Keep your room clean."

"Choose your friends wisely."
This one is a saying that mother's know we need to hear, because the influence of those closest to us is powerful. This power can be used for good or bad. The choice is up to us.
Many times harboring toxic relationships cause damage that's hard to trace back to its source. Moms know that source could be from those people we call friends.
Being a Super Achiever is an import task that may cause you to drop your interactions, even with those we call friends. Their influence may not give positive effects that we need to get us where we want to go.
Separating from friends is hard, but the wise person will make the sacrifice to get better outcomes from people we consider friends.

"One good turn leads to another."
Only a mother would find a way to communicate to her children the complicated law of reciprocity in such a simple way.
Robert Cialdini, in his book, "Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion", explains this human reaction to acts of kindness, and its powerful use in selling anything to anyone.
A good definition of reciprocity is when two or more people have equal exchanges of goods or services, they are enjoying reciprocity, a situation where each enjoys an equal benefit from the relationship.
What mother was saying was that the more you give, the more you will receive. Super Achievers master their gifts and talents to give them to the world. Their compensation is what the world returns back to them.

"Be careful what you wish, it may come true."
It is well known that burning desires in your heart will eventually come out of your mouth. Once they leave your mouth, nature starts the process of bringing them into existence.
Mothers know where dreams originate, and putting in the work to bring about their accomplishment can make your dreams come true.
Sometimes this process happens so fast that it may surprise you. So, what ever it is you wish, think it over very carefully, and make sure it is exactly what you really want.
It just may come true.

"What a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive."
Always tell the truth. The message to this saying is that it's easier just to tell the truth. Living in our online world, it is easy to deceive. With Photoshop, and the magic of photo filters, it's easy to be anything you want online.
Super Achievers don't need to pretend because they put in the hard work to develop real skills that can be delivered any day, anytime.
A counterfeit is hard to spot sometimes, but when placed against the real thing, the differences can become obvious.
Be the real thing. It's just easier.

"Don't forget to say your prayers."
Don't forget to say your prayer is more about tapping into the inner motivational force that gets you up at 5:00 am to do your grueling exercise routine.
Mother wanted to teach you to practice quiet reflection and meditation that will help you get in touch with the inspiration that keeps you going when all else fails.
It's that place deep within that matters more than any external influence. Every one has to find it on their own. It can come through prayer, meditation, quiet reflection, or any way that works best for you.

"Conduct yourself like someone is always watching."
Living a transparent life is the message a Super Achiever can learn from this admonition. This message hits home because the thought of privacy is becoming an unlikely proposition these days.
Living a life of integrity is more important now than ever. Not only are other people photographing what we're doing, we willfully photograph ourselves to publicize to the world.
When you live your life with integrity, it really doesn't matter who's watching. As a matter of fact, you invite people to see who you are. They will only see the good that you are doing, on and off the clock.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you."
One of the most valuable skills a Super Achiever can put into his arsenal is listening. It's becoming a lost art. It's different than hearing. Listening requires your full attention.
Giving your full attention helps you hear and interpret what's being said. Words, body movements, and voice inflections are all factors to consider for the correct translation of the message.
There is no greater compliment you can give than listening. Make sure the speaker understands that you heard what was said.
Look them in the eyes for full acknowledgement.

"Always wear clean underwear."
What in the world is that supposed to mean? In Mom's eyes, if you were hit by a car, and had to be taken to the hospital, you don't want to be embarrassed wearing dirty underwear.
The Super Achiever's translation is to make sure you know your stuff, so that when people look beneath the surface, you have your facts straight.
Outward appearances are one thing, but what's below the surface by reveal a different story. It's like the integrity thing, due diligence, and being clean from the inside out.
Make sure you're wearing clean underwear.

Mother Knows Best
Mothers say things to us sometimes that are meant for our well-being. We might not get it at first, but there is usually a principle that we can learn.
The Super Achievers motivation and drive could be the result of listening to the words mom used to say. Not matter what, it's the heart that said them that matters most.
Be a Super Achiever that has the heart to help others become the Super Achievers that you know they can be.
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"Make something great happen today."
Albert Powell
Albert, that certainly brought good memories for me. Keep up the excellent work.