Stop Overthinking and Get Moving

Over Thinking

– Napoleon Bonaparte

“Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in.”

Stop Overthinking and Get Moving

Thinking Different Solutions

Don't get me wrong when I say stop thinking and start doing. We all know that it's always a good practice to think before we speak, make a decision, and take any important action. 

However, some "Super Achievers" can get into the trap of thinking too much. If you are spending countless hours of contemplation without taking any actions, you may be thinking too much. 

If that's the case, here are some things you can do to break free from this trap. 

Let's begin. 


Accept The Possibility That You're Thinking Too Much

Blaming Ourselves

Thinking is just like eating in the fact that they both are necessary, but we have a hard time deciding how much is enough. 

So here are some red flags to let you know you might me thinking too much. 

  • Are you consumed by the same thought over and over again, and not making progress because of it? 
  • Have you analyzed the same situation from a million angles before deciding how to act?
  • Have you solicited the help of twenty of your friends to get their opinion on the situation? 
  • Are people telling you that you are over thinking and acting like a philosopher?

These might be signs that you are thinking way to much.


Say Your Ideas Out Loud


Sometimes it helps to just get the ideas out of your head, One way is to simply state your thoughts out loud. 

Even if you have to talk to yourself, start speaking your thoughts so you can hear them. Once you do that, you begin the process of letting go. 

They go from your head out into the light of the real world. The process of vocalizing them can help bring some clarity. 

Don't worry if other people look at you funny because your talking to yourself. As long as you know you are not crazy, that's all that matters. 


Make A List Of Things On Your Mind

Find Something New

Another way to clear your mind is to make a practical list of the things your contemplating. 

It doesn't matter if the list is written or on the computer. 

The important thing is that you first define your problem, write down your options, and list the pros and cons of each option. 

Seeing your thoughts written down helps you from cycling them in your mind. Once this exercise is done, your mind may think it's job is done. 

Then you can free up that thinking space for something else. 


Keep A Diary

Take An Online Class

If you want to take a less intense route to quit over thinking, you may want to try keeping a diary of the things you are thinking about. 

Even doing that a couple times a week will allow you to unload your mind more frequently. 

Then take some time at the end of the week to read over what you've written. It may relieve you from thinking that everything has to be solved in one day. 


Start Using A To-Do List 

Post Notes Everywhere

One of the biggest detriments to thinking to much is that action gets put on the back burner. 

Start using a to-do list, and put on the list action items that you can do that day to handle some of the issues you've been thinking about. 

This will get you out of the purely thinking mode. Taking real action forces you to organize your thoughts and put them into something actionable. 

If you prioritize your list, you will be working on the most import things first. 


Designate Some Time For Thinking

Calm Down

Although I am not an advocate of thinking too much, I do advocate setting a designated time to sit down and give some thought to the things that are important to you. 

Set aside some time everyday to get into deep thought. You may want to carve out an hour each day for this. 

After your thinking time, you may want to take a pad of paper and jot down things you don't have time to think about at the moment. 

That list can be dealt with during your scheduled thinking time. 


Solve As Many Problems As You Can

Examine the Possibilities

The ultimate objective is get some problems solved. Thinking can contribute to that solution but nothing happens without action. 

Take all the steps you can to bring as many solution to the table that you can, and take the necessary action to get them solved. 

Get into the problem solving business instead of the thinking and thinking business. Make sure your thinking lead to action. 


Ask For Advice

Friends Talking

It may turn out that two heads are better than one. In that case, ask a trusted friend or co-worker for their advise. 

They may be able to offer you another perspective that you just can't see. 

They may even be able to tell when you are just thinking too much. 

Get help when you can. 


celebrating victories

Think before you act is always a good practice, but when those thought are consuming you, it may be time to get out of your own head. 

The first step is realizing that you can over think a situation without even realizing it.  If that is you, admit it. Then determine that you will do something about it. 

One thing you can do is to start vocalizing your thoughts. Just hearing yourself talk through them can bring more clarity. 

Another thing you can do is make a list of all the thoughts that are troubling you. Seeing them on paper helps you unload those thoughts so you can see them. 

You can even start keeping a diary of your thoughts on a daily basis and review them at the end of the week. 

Set aside some time for thinking, but give it a time limit. Then make sure you become a problem solver by going through your list and solving as many problems as you can. 

Tough problems my require some input from others. Seek out advice when you need some help moving forward. 

The most important thing is that you take action. 

You can do it. 

Remember you are a

"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".


What Have you been overthinking lately? 

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Albert Powell

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