Stay Strong Mentally And Emotionally In The New Year

As we look forward to embarking on a new year, acknowledging the challenges of the last year that continue to challenge us requires a certain kind of mental and emotional strength.
These challenges can feel chaotic and out of control sometimes. But there is a way to face these with confidence knowing that we will bounce back from anything that is thrown our way.
Displaying emotional and mental strength does not happen overnight. Over a period of time, handling bigger and bigger challenges, we gain mental and emotional strength.
You can do this. Here are some tips to get you started.
Reflect On Your Past Experiences

Before we get going to far, let's take a minute to look back on our past experiences to see how we handled difficulties of the past.
How did we handle them? Are there things we would do differently? Did we learn some important lessons that can help us in the future?
Examining our past experiences can give us the best insight of how we react in certain situations. Everyone makes mistakes along the way, but those are the things that give us the wisdom to move forward.
Let's take a look at the mental aspects for handling challenges.
Think Before You Act.

Your mind is such a powerful tool that it can fill you with so many thought and emotions at once. It will be helpful to take a minute to think before you start reacting.
Consciously stop yourself from taking action until you've taken time to get your emotions under control and weight out your options. This is crucial in all situations no matter how big or small.
You may even want to write down your reactions, and possible courses of action before you make any moves.
Try using the 10 second rule, which means counting to 10 before you do or say anything. When you are composed, then take action.
Examine All Angles

Once you have composed yourself, the goal is to think as clearly as possible about what's happening.
To get that clarity, look from many angles to examine exactly what is taking place. There are many ways to handle challenges, so look at them from many angles to decide on the best route to resolution.
Know that there is always a solution, even if it takes creativity to get it. So how do you determine the right path?
Determine The Right Path And Take It

To determine the best path to take, it may be necessary to examine the facts, consult with other knowledgeable people, and consult your own knowledge and sense of decency.
No one has complete knowledge on any one subject, so you may want to find an expert to consult. If they are the expert on the subject, you will be getting expert knowledge you can use.
Ultimately, it is your responsibility to make your own decisions, and I know you will consult your own knowledge to make the best decision you can.
Make Yourself Strong Against Negativity

Negativity often comes after you decide on your course of action, or may come from outside critics that are scrutinizing your choices. Wherever it comes from, you can build your ability to resist it.
It is impossible to completely eliminate all forms of negative feedback or abuse from other people. You may be battling with your own negative self talk.
However, you can manage it in such a way to meet your challenges. You can strengthen yourself to minimize exposure to the negative forces that hold you back.
Use Positive Self-talk To Build Your Mental And Emotional Strength

You can build yourself up with the use of positive self talk. It's not hard to do. Take a few minutes everyday to look at yourself in the mirror and say something encouraging about yourself.
If you can't do that, then tell yourself something you would like to believe about yourself. You may not own it now, but if you keep confessing it, you will move in that direction.
Don't make the mistake of underestimating the power of this technique. Try it for yourself to strengthening your power over negativity.
Learn To Stay Calm Under Pressure

When the pressure to solve a pressing issue is pending, emotions can start to rise quickly to the point of boil over.
Instead of reacting to this overwhelm in an impulsive reactive way, it's time to use the 10 second rule to slow down.
It's time to take a deep breath to calm down, and think the situation through. Gaining that calmness can even be achieved through things like meditation and practicing relaxation techniques.
Maintaining a cool head, and thoughtfulness will always result in wise decision making. Even if your decision is wrong, you can be sure that the negative emotions are not leading you in the wrong direction.
Let Go Of The Little Things

Don't let the need for perfection hang you up on some unimportant issues that do nothing but increase you stress level and waist your time.
If you find yourself pounding your head on some issue that is eating up your time, ask yourself how significant is this issue to the overall solution.
If it is just a small minute part that only makes an incremental benefit, throw that issue out the window and keep moving forward. The stress and anxiety is not worth it.
Change Your Perspective

If you are struggling with a problem you just can't solve, no matter how much time you spend, it's time to get a different perspective.
Sometimes the best solutions come when you completely remove yourself from the situation and do something entirely different.
If you are not getting anywhere, do something that clears your mind. Take a walk, talk to a friend, read a novel, or anything that has nothing to do with your problem.
Take a break from the problem and come back to it when you have a clear mind. Sometimes that's all you need to get the ball rolling again. Solutions come better when you have a clear mind.
Be Honest With Yourself

One of the biggest signs of a person's emotional and mental strength is being able to be totally honest with yourself.
When you are trying to overcome any obstacle, dealing with the facts honestly is ultra-important. Lying to yourself about what's going on will only hurt you in the end.
Be honest with yourself about your challenges and you will get the most effective solutions.

As we approach the beginning of a new year, the challenges ahead will be many. It's important that we all display a "SUPER" sense of mental and emotional strength.
To be prepared for what you know and what you don't. Draw strength from your success from your past. You can tap into your calm critical thinking to assess the reality of what you're facing.
To come up with the best solutions, you can examine all the angles, consult experts, and rely on your own wisdom. You are ultimately responsible for your own decisions, so you can't get caught up on small insignificant points.
Most importantly, being honest about the problem and about yourself is the surest way to show emotional and mental strength.
Take these steps to display to the world your ability to manage any challenge that comes your way.
"Happy New Year."
Make it a "SUPER" one.
How do you stay strong during the mental and emotional pressures?
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"Never Forget The Bad Times"
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Albert Powell
Thank You
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Albert thanks for the insight. Great job.