So You’re Living Your Dream. Now What?

New Beginning

    Roy Bennett

Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others.”

So You’re Living Your Dream. Now What?

Live in the Present

Everyone works so hard to get into a position that they can only dream about. But what happens when you wake up and realize that you are fortunate enough to be living your dream lifestyle?

It happens more often that you think. You finally get the job you've always wanted, you finally buy the house of your dreams, or you realize your investments have paid off and now your are rich. 

Dreams do come true. When you find yourself living your dream, what's next? How do you function wisely with your new fortune? 

This weeks post is about how you can make the most to maximize the best position you can be in. 

Let's get started. 


Fully Embrace The Moment


First and foremost, when fate is on your side, start living every moment of it. 

Don't worry about past or concern yourself with the future. Take advantage of each moment of every day. 

The position you are in is one to be cherished. It was probably not easy getting there. Now that you have arrived, let go of the things that have happened to you, and get on with your life.


Keep Things In Perspective

Seriously Conclusion

Once you are in the position you want, keep things in perspective. 

It is easy to get carried away and start letting things get out of hand. Instead, continue living your dream life but remain responsible. 

Guard the things that are the most important to you, and use a level head in all your decisions. 

Enjoy yourself, by all means, maintain your responsibilities.  


Be Grateful For The Things You Have

Celebrate Progress

The good part of living your dream is that you have want you want. 

The other part is being grateful for what you have. Developing an attitude of gratitude will not only get you want you want, but will also help you gain even more things you desire. 

When you are grateful for what you have, you increase you level of happiness with what you have.. 

Always be grateful even if things are not going exactly according to your plan. Things will work out in your favor with a grateful heart. 


Work On Creating New Experiences

Decorating project

One exciting thing about living your dream life is that you can look forward to creating new experiences. You can afford to try some things you've always wanted to do. 

New experiences can turn into lifelong memories that you can cherish. Isn't that what life is all about? 

If you've had bad experiences in the past, replace them with some new positive ones.

Instead of spending money on things, spend it on creating new experiences. They are more valuable than the things money can buy. 


Stay Curious


One other thing you will realize is that the world is a big place. You may feel comfortable in your space right now, but there are so many things to explore. 

Develop a healthy curiosity, and a willingness to consider new ideas. This attitude will keep you growing and learning. 

Even take some time and explore you own thoughts and emotions. Ask yourself why you think those thoughts. You may find that you will even learn more about yourself. 

As they say, stay hungry, and be curious about what else life has to offer you. 


Be Compassionate and Empathic Toward Others

Serve Others

When fortune comes your way. it's a good thing to look out for others. It creates an opportunity to be compassionate and empathetic towards other. 

 Being compassionate means showing concern for others. Being empathetic means putting yourself in someone else's shoes. 

Reach out to others who may not be as fortunate as you. Offer help when you can, and be an empathetic friend by understanding where they are coming from. 

They will appreciate you even more. 


Forgive People


To squeeze every ounce out of your good fortune, get rid of past hurts people have caused you. 

Simply forgive them and move on. Past pains can greatly impact your quality of life, so it's important to clear your past misgivings so you can move forward. 

You will find that this forgiveness is more helpful to you than the person who offended you. 

You don't necessarily have to forget what happened. That information may help you with future encounters. But clear the bitterness from you, so that it doesn't weigh you down. 

Keep yourself peaceful and grudge-free as you can. 


Be A Good Deed Doer

From the Heart

A sure sign of a truly successful person is their ability to do good deeds for others. 

It's true that it is better to give than to receive. Studies have show that the same parts of our brain light up when giving gifts as when receiving them. 

Get in the habit of being a good deed doer, and you will be surprised how much better you will feel. 

Not only will it help the receiver, but it will boost your disposition as well. 



Everyone has their own version of the American Dream. They work hard everyday to get it, and one day they wake up and find out they have arrived. Now what? 

This happens a lot and one day will happen to you. When it does, here's how to take full advantage of your success. 

Fully embrace the moment and fully enjoy your present situation. Be careful to continue to do the things that got you in the position you're in. You've worked hard to get there, and want to make sure you keep it going. 

Be a person with a grateful attitude especially for the new experiences you get to enjoy. 

Stay curious and continue leaning everything you can about the big world we live in. 

Throughout our journey be compassionate and empathetic to others by helping them when you can. Do good deeds that not only help those in need, but also help you live a happy fulfilling life. 

If you realize that you are in the exact position you've always wanted, live it to the fullest. 

You can do it. 

Remember, you are a

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