Show Some Respect - My 10 Step Action Plan
Showing respect means showing that you value other people’s perspectives, time and space. This also means respecting yourself.
Respecting others can involve putting yourself in their shoes to understand them better. This sounds easy enough, until you try to show respect to someone who doesn’t respect you back.
When this happens, take the high road and remain respectful in spite of their actions.
Sometimes people will be difficult to get along with and can be downright rude. Defend yourself when you must, but don’t sink to their level.
Follow “My 10 Step Action Plan” to handle these situations. They will help you maneuver in a way that keeps you dignified and respectful.
Let's get started.
Show Kindness And Common Courtesy

As simple as it sounds, showing kindness and courtesy goes a long way in making people feel respected.
.To really become a “SUPER” person, start treating everyone with kindness and courtesy. Strangers on the street, co-workers, classmates, friends, and family want to be treated in a way that shows you care about them.
When you are courteous and kind to them, they feel valued.
Think about how you want to be treated and treat others that way. There will be other situations that may require you to help someone in need. Regardless of what’s happening, showing respect starts with showing common kindness and courtesy.
Be Polite

With all the mask wearing, social distancing, texting, and zooming, my hope is that politeness and manners don’t become a thing of the past.
Practicing good manners is another powerful way to be respectful to others. The skillful communicators really master this influential skills.
You can apply politeness in all your interactions, but some other applications are listed below:
•Keep your distance when waiting in line
•Don’t cut people off in traffic
•Avoid disruptive talking in public
•Clean up after yourself if you make a mess
•Speak politely
•Follow the rules that keep things safe and pleasant
The most powerful words you can use are "please" and "thank you". Those words can completely change the disposition of anyone, and can make their day even more pleasant.
Refused To Discriminate

Don't limit your greatness by showing respect only to those you think can benefit you in some way. Be respectful to everyone.
There’s a saying that goes, “You can judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them.”
Be kind to everyone regardless of who they are.
Refuse to discriminate based on social status, race or gender, and economic status. If you are human, you deserve to be respected.
Respect Differences In Beliefs And Opinions

Respect differences in beliefs and in the opinions of others to find out how you can benefit.
Respecting differences broadens your knowledge and better prepares you to master this world we live in. Understanding is power. When you respect the things you don’t understand, the more your knowledge grows.
Don’t fear the differences in people. Differences make life interesting. Be courteous and civil even when people are different from you.
You don’t have to love everyone you meet, or agree with everyone, but you can still show them respect.
Some of these difference can be the following:
•Cultural differences
•Different religious beliefs
•Different political beliefs (aside from violent extremism)
•Sports team preferences
Our differences can be many, but so is the opportunity to expand your knowledge.
Respect Spaces And Boundaries

Personal spaces varies in different situation, but be sure to respect the space of others regardless of the circumstances.
We share space with people at home, in schools, in stores, on the streets, and in many other situations. Any space that you share with other people should be treated with respect.
Before you encroach on someone else’s personal space, make sure that you get their permission first. If you are denied, respect that decision.
With social distancing, it is even more important the we respect that spacing. Your own health and the health of others is at stake.
Think Before You Speak

In your conversations, take some time to really think before you speak. Think first and then formulate a respectful response that supports what the other person is talking about.
Avoid insulting the other person by being rude or callous. The three biggest ways of talking disrespectfully are the following:
1. Being condescending - Over explaining things other people already know just makes them feel they are being talked down to. When you do this, you may not be as smart as you think.
2. Being patronizing - Talking down to someone can make them feel disrespected. You really don’t know what other people know and understand.
3. Talking about inappropriate topics - There are some topics that need to be avoided, period. Asking personal questions when you don’t know someone well enough is an example.
Be clear about what you want to say, and pay attention to how you say it.
If You Disagree, Do It Respectfully

Being respectful doesn’t mean you can’t disagree. People have disagreements everyday. However, even though you disagree, you can do it respectfully.
An earlier post entitled “Disagree When You Must But Do It With Integrity” covers the how-tos on this topic in detail.
The most important point to remember is this; you can disagree without undermining a person’s worthiness.
When the conversation deteriorates to name calling, you’ve already lost. Nothing productive results after that.
Communication can be difficult when you don’t agree with another person, but be patient, listen a lot, and be kind and understanding.
Don’t Stereotype Other People

Everyone is an individual with a lifetime of experiences that you cannot possibly be aware of. Making preconceived assumptions based on someone’s race, gender, religion, nationality or any other factor puts you at a more severe disadvantage.
That’s why stereotyping people is harmful and disrespectful. A better approach is to take the time to learn about who you’re communicating with before engaging in conversation.
When you are wise enough to realise that everyone is unique with their own experiences, you set yourself up for a more productive interaction. Treating them as a unique person can show them the ultimate respect.
Show Deference To Those With Rightful Authority

In certain instances, certain people hold positions of authority that command an extra level of respect. A school principal, a boss, a coach, religious leaders, and political dignitaries are some examples.
Show deference to those figures.
Beware of occasional times when those authorities act in ways that don’t deserve your respect. People of authority are human beings that sometimes make bad decisions. When that occurs, respect yourself first and act in ways that are the healthiest for you.
If you are in a position of authority, never abuse your power by treating subordinates disrespectfully. Be an example of how leaders should show respect to everyone.
Practice Showing Empathy And Compassion

True respect has its origin from a sense of caring and empathy for others. When you can put yourself in another person’s shoes, your understanding helps you respect what they go through.
You can be courteous to someone without really caring about them, but if you can empathize with them, it is easy to show them respect.
There are common bonds that can tie us together and rallying around those bonds brings mutual respect. We all share this earth together, and when we find ways to respect each other, this makes the world a better place to live.

Showing “SUPER” respect to everyone shows them that you value them as a person. The first step is to make up your mind you will treat all people with kindness and courtesy.
When you are polite and mannerable to others, it is easier to foster positive conversations that lead to positive outcomes.
Not everyone will reciprocate your sense of respect and may even disagree with you on many issues. Your sense of dignity and self respect should keep you on guard from sinking to someone else’s level.
Respect the differences in others and learn from them before you make premature judgments. Respect their differences, their spaces, and their boundaries.
There are certain instances when certain people are in positions that traditionally command respect. Give them the respect they deserve, until you have reason to feel otherwise. If they misstep, don’t be afraid to protect yourself and speak truth to power.
Remember, when you are in a position of power, respect everyone. Don’t use your power to make anyone feel disrespected.
Put yourself in the shoes of others by showing empathy and caring. If you can do that, showing respect will be a natural sentiment.
Use showing respect as your attempt to make this world a better place.
Remember, you are a
"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".
How do you handle people who disrespect you?
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"Gratitude Means a Lot - Thank Someone Today"
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Albert Powell
Thank You
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Albert, enjoyed the reminder. To treat people with kindness and to treat people the way you want to be treated. That’s the right thing to do. Job well done.
Regina, Thank you for your faithfulness in reading my blog posts. Your comments are right on target., and I greatly appreciate them.
Everyone deserves to be treated with the utmost respect. Showing kindness goes a long way.
Thanks again,
Super Achievers Network