5 Step To Seriously Approach Your Life's Work

Super achievers in life are the ones who work diligently at mastering their skills and talents to benefit themselves as well as others.
Their demeanor is one of seriousness because they possess focus and determination. Their destination will be reached because of their approach.
If you are ready to be taken seriously, below are 5 important ways to achieve this attribute.
Let's get started.
Get Clear First - Then Focus

Train Your Brain
Clarity of vision is the starting point to accomplishing any great task, but it must be clear what you want to focus on.
One of the greatest tools you can possess to help you master the distractions in life is learning to focus.
Learning requires training and training requires practice.
Train your brain to stay focused like you would train your muscles to become strong.
Exercise by setting aside a time of day to practice really focusing on a single task.
Start small. Take a few minutes each day to really make yourself fully focus on a single task.
Pay attention to any wondering or drifting away from your task and reign yourself back in.
Realizing when you are getting off track is half the battle.
Here's The Important Thing

This next point is one that can change your whole outlook on life. Embrace the fact that time is Finite. It is not Unlimited.
Therefore, we can use it as a resource when we learn how to decide how to best use our limited time to our greatest advantage.
To do that, we want to learn to set our priorities.
Setting Priorities
Make list the night before of all the things you want to accomplish the next day.
Then ask this question, "What are the three most important tasks that will help me make the most progress toward advancing my goals?"
Do those three things first.
To help stay organized use an app on your phone so that you can easily keep track of your progress. Remember, do the most important tasks first.
Maintaining Behavioral Maturity and Professionalism

Want to be taken seriously? Deliberately controlling your behaviors to reflect the highest levels of professionalism will be your responsibility.
As the saying goes, "You are how you act." Your behavior is important. When you act in a serious fashion, even in the small things, people will know how serious you are.
Pain Vs Pleasure
We all like to experience the pleasures in life, but exhibiting professionalism is not alway fun. Sometime being responsible and taking care of business outweighs satisfying our short-term pleasures.
Wake up everyday with the intention of making decisions that will involve forgoing fun in favor of making accomplishments.
Always Be In Control Of Your Emotions
One of the most import parts of being mature is having the ability to control your emotions. If not kept in check, your emotions can take control of you.
Check out my post from last week entitled, "Manage Your Emotions For The Best Problem Solving" for some more insight.
Taking Pride in Yourself and your Appearance

To be taken seriously by others, start taking yourself seriously.
Learn to love yourself first, and that means taking care of your health and your appearance.
Recognize that you have value and worth that no one else can take from you. You bring a unique perspective on everything you touch, so make sure that you deliver your best self.
Treat your body with respect by eating well, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep.
Not everyone will see your value the way you do, but you have the choice to surround yourself with those that respect you most. You can limit your exposure to those who make you feel less.
Make a conscious effort to make sure you respect yourself and value your uniqueness.
Remembering the Golden Rule

Practicing the golden rule is not just a good morality move, but when you contribute to the betterment of the lives of others, your life is the one that gets enriched as well.
It is easy to get caught in the "me" mentality these days, and forget that there are others out there who need your help. Look for those opportunities to help anyone in anyway.
Remember that one of the most rewarding and productive things you can do is to focus on the well-being of others.
As you do unto others as you would have others do unto you, a loop of generosity is created that always comes back to benefit you.

How serious is your approach to tackling your life's mission?
This seriousness can be demonstrated to yourself and to the world by learning some important principles.
Seriousness requires focus on your goals by training your brain to concentrate deeply on what you are trying to accomplish.
Making the decision to set priorities is the next step. Make a list and ask what are the most important tasks to get closer to meeting your goal.
Controlling your emotions displays that you are in control of the professional image you want to portray.
Love yourself and take good care of yourself, so that you can help other people in a special way that only you can deliver.
When you seriously approach your life's mission, you will gain much respect for yourself while enjoying the respect from those around you.
What is your focus, and how serious are you about it?
Leave a comment below.
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Albert Powell
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