The Myth Behind Greatness

There is a big myth behind greatness. One of the biggest hindrances to making your life bigger than you can imagine is believing a myth that can lead you down the road to mediocrity.
The myth is that there are those who think of award winning actors, superstar athletes, and Nobel Prize winners as the real Super Achievers. These people are either voted to some level of honor, or are recognized for winning a prestigious award. So, when we equate ourselves to people like that, we immediately dismiss our own greatness.
This myth makes achieving something great seem like an impossibility for the ordinary person like you and me. We go about our day-to-day routine with the thought of just getting through the day, not really thinking about reaching some level of greatness.
The truth about greatness is this. Anyone can be considered a Super Achiever when they take their first step on the road that leads to the accomplishment of their goals, if they choose to stay on that road to the end. It's a matter of choice.
Decide to take the road that leads to success in whatever area you choose, stay on that road to the end, and you will be headed to join the ranks of "Greatness".
Let's get started
Becoming "SUPER" - Start Here

To start your journey to become "SUPER" start with the simple act of dreaming.
It's time to start dreaming again, but not just any dreaming, dreaming that helps you envision what your life can be.
Start making notes about what it is you want to that will make you happy. Once you have your list, put the items your desire in order from least to most desirable.
Don't let the amount of time it takes to get what you want hinder your dreams. When it comes to working toward something you truly love, time is of little consequence.
Having Trouble - Experience Something New

Some people know instantly what it is that will make them happy, but for others it's not that easy.
They may not be about to readily identify what they want to do that will bring the happiness they desire. If you fit in that category, do this exercise. Try something new.
The more things you try, the more you learn and experience, the more you find out about yourself. The discovery of new interests will help you figure out what really makes you happy.
Soon you will stumble across something that you love.
Know What You Want? Create A Vision Board

Once you identify what you want, record it by putting together a vision board. A vision board is nothing by a poster with pictures of the things you want.
By having a visual representation of the things you want helps you create the right mindset to achieve everything that's on your board. It's just visual motivation.
Figure Out What It Takes To Accomplish Your Desires

The next step is figuring out what it takes to accomplish your desires. In my book "Are You A Super Achiever?", I call this process the skills and desire audit.
Take an adit of where you are right now to determine what it will take to get to you desired destination. You may find that you need more training, more money, or more motivation to undertake your new journey.
Do the groundwork and preparation to find out exactly what you will need along the way and figure out a plan to get the resources you need.
Make A One Year Plan

Knowing what you want in life is not enough. To actually obtain your dreams, you can make it a reality by putting a plan together.
There was a time people wanted you to put together a 5 year plan, but my recommendation is to just do a one year plan. I think a one year plan is more actionable.
List what is possible to accomplish in one year then divide that by 365 to come up with a daily action plan. When you break it down to daily tasks, your goals are easier to accomplish one day at a time.
Take It Step By Step

Sometimes our aspirations are so great the it can be overwhelming to know exactly where to begin. Nothing happens overnight as much as we would like it to.
So take a deep breath and understand that achieving anything substantial is probably going to take a while.
Make up your mind be patient, and just take it one step at a time. Make a goal for what you want to do that day, and get that done. The next day do the same. Before you know it, you will be making serious progress one step at a time.
Believe In Yourself

You know yourself better than anyone else in the world, so never let anyone tell you what you can and can't do.
Believe in yourself even if others may not see your ability to live the life of your dreams.
Write down your best qualities and keep them at the forefront of your mind everyday. For more reinforcement, write down all the notable things you have already accomplished in your life so far. When you see it in writing, it should give you even more motivation.
And talk positively about yourself by thinking positively. You can do anything and be anything you set your mind to do.
Don't Be Afraid Of Failure.

If I can extend any good advice to you, it would be this: Don't be afraid of failure, plan for it because it will come, sometimes more frequently than you would like. Understand this even before you get started.
My philosophy is this, if you are going to fail, fail fast because the valuable lesson you will learn will come just as fast. Plan for failure and when it comes you will not be caught off guard.
Take Opportunities When They Arise

Take opportunities when they arise because once you get started, more opportunities come you way. It may seem like you are starting at the bottom of the totem pole but start anywhere because you will get your chance to advance your circumstance.
Opportunities don't just come around once in a lifetime. In fact, they are around us everyday when we keep our eye out for them. We live in the land of opportunity. Make sure you take advantage and get yours.
Stay Motivated With Affirmations

Now you are ready to climb your mountain. Stay motivated to keep up the fight by using positive affirmations that inspire you to action.
Look in the mirror everyday to tell yourself, "I am more than enough to accomplish my goals." "Every day in every way, I am getting better and better."
There are those positive statements that resonate with your personality. Use them to get you charged up and ready to go.

Being "SUPER", "Seriously Unstoppable People Earning Respect", is an impossible task if you are living under the myth that only famous people can live their dream.
The real Super Achievers understand something else. The road to Super Achievement means creating your vision, setting your goals, accessing your resources, and getting a plan in place to get started.
Becoming "SUPER" is a journey. Those who embark on that journey for the long haul will end up as "Seriously Unstoppable People Earning Respect."
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Watch This for Some More Motivation
"Super Achievement Fastlane - Keep Moving Forward"

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Albert Powell
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