Seriously Unstoppable People Earning Respect – Are You One Of Them?


Stephanie Lahart

I am RESILIENT, therefore, I am unstoppable. It’s important to always remember who YOU are. No matter what challenges you may have to face, ALWAYS stay true to yourself and NEVER give up. Never!”

Seriously Unstoppable People Earning Respect - Are You One Of Them?


Like most things, my perspective on the meaning of the word "SUPER" is better understood with a little bit of a backstory. 

The Backstory

Albert Powell Sr.

This story involves my father who had a favorite saying. 

Every time I asked how he was doing, he would always respond boldly, "I'm "SUPER". How are you?" 

Not matter what was going on in his life, whether good or bad, I would ask, "Dad, how are you doing?" "I'm "SUPER". How are you?" 

Just before he died, I visited him in the hospital while he was hooked up to all kinds of tubes. I walked in and asked,  "Dad, how are you doing?" His response was still, "I'm "SUPER". How are you?" 

It took me awhile to figure out how he could respond that way, no matter what he was going through. 

Black Man

My Dad understood that the words you speak can define your outcomes. The word "SUPER", for him, was his state of mind along his journey through life. He knew who he was and why he was here. The word "SUPER" says it all. 

"SUPER" stood for a man who knew he was a Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect.

His hard work and a positive attitude is what kept him on his journey that lead to a life of admiration and respect.

Everyone of us are on our own journey down a road that leads to our crown of respect from friends, family, and peers.

Let's take a closer look at what the word "SUPER" really means. 




How serious is your approach to tackling your life's mission?

This seriousness can be demonstrated to yourself and to the world by learning some important principles.

Seriousness requires focusing on your goals by training your brain to concentrate deeply on what you are trying to accomplish.

Making the decision to set priorities is the next step. Make a list and ask what are the most important tasks to get closer to meeting your goals.

Controlling your emotions display that you are in control of the professional image you want to portray.

Love yourself and take good care of yourself, so that you can help other people in a special way that only you can deliver.

When you "seriously" approach your life's mission, you will gain much respect for yourself while enjoying the respect from those around you.




Becoming "Unstoppable" is something that each of us can accomplish when we know some helpful tips to get in the game.

Everything happens when we formulate a concrete vision for what we want our future to look like.

If we can articulate a clear vision, then we can break them down into achievable goals.

Believe in yourself and your ability to achieve those goals by putting them in writing, setting a deadline, and reviewing them daily.

To reinforce your commitment, form a support team that can give you assistance, and hold you accountable.

With all these things in place, the magic weapon that will make you "Unstoppable" is consistency.

Decide today to become "Unstoppable" and make your vision a reality.




The exceptional "person" that you are can be defined by the personal qualities that you constantly exhibit day after day.

Super Achievers spend their time developing the traits that help them maximize their skills and talents to benefit all those they encounter.

In the article, "10 Personal Traits That Put The Word "Super" In Super Achievers, there are 10 great personal traits you can start developing today.

The person that has a strong ambitious drive, with self discipline and persistence can go a long way to making you the exception to the rule.

If you can take total responsibility for the things that happen in your life and constantly learn and improve, you will have total control over your success.

Possessing a positive attitude, and a pleasing personality will help you generously give to others by transferring your knowledge intelligently to contribute to all those around you.

Obtaining these personal traits and displaying them daily will help you become the "Super"  person in "Super Achiever"




Super Achievers earn their stripes by doing the hard work it takes to exhibit the finest qualities that make them exceptional at what they do.

The items they practice include things like practicing being reliable, dependable, disciplined, and productive.

In relation to enhancing the lives of those around them involves practicing cooperation, integrity, and professionalism.

On a personal level, they practice taking full responsibility for their actions, while maintaining a positive attitude.

The crowning attribute to set you apart is exhibiting the habit of generosity in everything you do.

My hope is that you will adapt the practice of earning the right to gain the respect and admiration of those around you.

When you do, you put meaning to the word "Super".

Enjoy earning your stripes.




Our health and happiness is at it's highest when we are able to experience the respect and acknowledgement of our peers. 

To earn the respect that we all need, there are things we can do to speed up that process. 

We can start by being sincere with people, learn to listen and sympathize with them. If we see them making notable accomplishments in their lives, we can let them know by complimenting them. 

Gaining respect by always doing what we say we'll do is key. Help those in need even before they ask for it, and speak up when we feel it's necessary. 

Go the extra mile in everything you do and let your work speak for itself. Before you know it, people will notice your willingness to contribute your skills and talents to make their lives better. 

Finally, remember the popular saying "Respect yourself, then you will be respected".

If you want to earn the respect of people, you should respect yourself first. 

Conclusion - "SUPER"

Best Version of You

Now that you understand the meaning behind the word "SUPER", you understand that it's a journey that involves bringing out the very best in you. 

Using all the tools available to help you along this path is what Super Achievers Network is all about. Every blog post explains my passion for helping you get where you want to go in life. 

Achieving at a high level is great, but how you travel through this journey tells a bigger story. 

My hope is that you will live everyday with your life's mission in front of you, and a "SUPER" determination to fulfill every one of your objectives. 

When you do, the respect you'll gain will come from not only friends, family, and peers, but also from yourself. You will respect how you ran your race. 

This is what "SUPER" Achievers is all about.

Your turn to become the next "Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".  


What is it that people respect about you the most? 

(Leave a comment below.) 

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"Super Achievers - Believe In Yourself"

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Albert Powell

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"Make something great happen today."