Serious Super Achievers Don't Waste Time - Here's Why

There is a direct correlation between how much you can produce and how well you manage your time.
Time is your most valuable resource. It's even more valuable than money because, without properly managed time, it is impossible to generate money.
One of the most valuable skills you can cultivate is that of good time management.
Learn this skill well and you can make every day super productive. It can lead to success in any area of your life.
When you make it a point to convert your time to productive time, you will reach any heights that you set.
The following are ways to manage your work to get your highest priorities done.
Don't waste time, because in the end, you will waste your life. Instead, use the following 8 Steps That Serious Super Achievers use to get ahead.
Let's get started.
Determine What's Important

One of the hardest things to do is to figure out what the most important thing you have to do each day.
Make your job easier by dividing your daily tasks into three categories:
1. Urgent: Extremely Important. Must be done today.
2. Important: Not urgent but important
3. Low Priority: Can be put off if necessary
List your daily tasks under each category. This will help put clarity about what you need to accomplish. There will always be unexpected items not on your list, but when they arise, handle them as quickly as possible and stay committed to completing your list.
To becoming even more effective, the following tips will make sure you are working on the right things.
Prioritize Your Day

Get your day off to a good start by choosing the most important tasks on your list and do them first. Once you finish that first task, your day will feel like a success.
Try finishing your most critical task first thing in the morning. You will get a huge sense of accomplishment that can keep you motivated for the rest of the day.
Continue to work your way down your list working one item at a time. Concentrate on each task fully and pat yourself on the back for finishing them.
Keep Work With You - Take Advantage Of Your Downtime

It's surprising how much time is wasted driving from one place to another, waiting for meetings to happen, and looking at your phone.
To supercharge your productivity, take your work with you. Use that waiting time on more productive tasks. Every little bit of time can be converted into productivity.
In your downtime moments, listen to audio books, answer emails, read e-books, make some important calls. Those spare minutes add up to hours of additional productivity. Take full advantage of it.
Do Not Multitask

Many people assume multitasking is a great way to get more done.
In my article last week, "Resist The Attraction To Distraction - Stay Focused" , it talks about this very subject.
The truth is that focusing on multiple tasks at once actually makes you less, not more, productive.
Things take longer when you don't give them your full attention. Jumping from task to task takes ramp up time every time you make the switch from task to task. This ramp up time adds up, prolonging everything you do.
You're better off focusing on one thing and getting it done. You will get things done quicker while making the best use of your time.
However, focusing on multiple tasks at once actually makes you less productive. Things will take longer, because you're not giving any one thing your full attention.
Focus completely on one task at a time instead. You will get your work done quicker this way, allowing you to make the most of this limited resource.
Identify Times When You're Most Productive

What part of the day are you most productive? Everyone is different. To find your peak performance hours, try tracking your energy levels at different times of the day.
When you find your perfect time, schedule your most challenging work then. Arrange your highest priority tasks during that time.
It might take awhile for you to find your peak time, but keep at it. Getting it right will be a big productivity boost to your day.
Spend 30 Minutes Planning Your Day

One of the best tips I've learned over the years is to make a game plan for your day in the morning. The first thing I do is write in my journal, then I work on my daily game plan.
I write down everything that I want to do that day, so that I can easily organize everything into three categories.
I make an estimate of the amount of time it takes to complete each task. Then arrange them in order of importance.
Once that is done, I put them on a timeline in 30 minute intervals until my day is filled. Then, I just follow my schedule.
Spend 30 minutes everyday to put your game plan in place and make it a habit.
Include Breaks and Planned Interruptions In Your Schedule

Working for maximum productivity does not mean you work non-stop. That is the path to burnout which is counter productive.
Instead, schedule breaks in your day to recharge. Depending on what you do, some recommend taking a five minute break for every hour of work.
Only you know how much breaktime you need to recharge your energy. Do the same for interruptions. Schedule some time in your day for them as well.
Lastly, schedule time in your day for rest. Get adequate sleep every night to allow your body to recharge.
Get Some Work Done On The Weekends

Weekends are usually reserved for rest and relaxation, but to get ahead, you can carve out a few hours for work.
It can be a good time to take care of small issues that aren't too challenging. You can't work 24/7, but a few hours over the weekend could be all you need to get ahead of the game.
If nothing else, spend some weekend time planning for the upcoming week. The more organized you are, the more productive you can be.

Super Achievers take managing time seriously. They know that time is not infinite. Therefore, good time management is a valuable skill.
The starting point is finding what is your most important task. You can create categories to prioritize tasks. Putting your schedule together everyday is critical to keep you on target.
Since no one is a machine, plan tasks around the time of day you're most productive, and take breaks to recharge. To get more productivity, work a few hours on the weekends to get caught up and get ready for the upcoming week.
People who control and manage their time effectively will get things done. It will get you respect and admiration from friends, family, and peers.
My hope is that you will use this information to become a "Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".
What is your favorite time management hack?
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Albert Powell
Thank You
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Albert, great information on time management.