Why Is It That Spotting Super Achiever Talent In Others Is So Much Easier Than Finding Your Own?
When my son was eight years old, I accidentally stumbled on a discovery about him that made me realize that he has some hidden Super Achiever potential for becoming a musician.
At the time I was a professional musician who played drums for the legendary band "Wild Cherry" who penned the timeless classic "Play That Funky Music". Even though I was constantly pounding on drums around the house, I did not want to encourage my son to do the same.
Children have to find their own loves based on their own personalities. I never wanted to force them to get into what I was doing as their career. But one day while cleaning upstairs, I heard my son downstairs tapping out a rhythm on my drums that sounded to me like a "long-stroke roll".
I bolted down stairs to see what was happening, and he had my drumsticks in his hands playing a roll that sounded pretty darn good for an eight year old.
"Who taught you how to do that, I asked?" It certainly wasn't me." No one, he said. I just picked it up on my own." That's when I spotted his undeveloped talent.
From there it turned into songwriting at 11 years old, recording his first 3 song demo at 12, marching band and drumline in high school, learning bass guitar in college, and the list goes on.
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Who Turned The Lights Out?
Now when it's time to point the lens at us to see where our talents are, the picture turns black. All the sudden, we can't see anything. It's like someone just turned off the lights.
It is hard seeing exactly where we stand out from the crowd when we look at ourselves. All we see is what we normally do from day to day.
When we ask, what is it that we really want to excel in, we can be stopped in our tracks. For our children, we are always thinking about what they could become. But how about us? What skills do we have that allows us to become everything we've ever dreamed.
Why not use the same process we use to discover the talents in our kids, and apply it to discovering our own hidden gems.

What Do You Do For Fun?
Want to find out what your children are good at, or at lease enjoy doing? Pay attention to what they do when they are playing and having fun. Just spend some time observing. You'll be amazed what you will see when you are really paying attention.
Want to know what you are good at? Do the same thing for yourself. Start consciously paying attention to the things you do when you're having fun and just enjoying yourself.
Are there projects that you find yourself doing all the time? What is it you gravitate toward when you are alone?
What about when you are in a group of people, what do you find yourself talking about?
Act like an outside observer and take some notes on just how you act.

What Are Some Real Choices?
The next thing you can do to uncover that one thing that you prefer over another is to give yourself some choices.
Present yourself with some activities to pit against each other. Then ask yourself which activity did I enjoy and why.
For example, I enjoy taking and editing photographs of little things I notice during the course of my day. But, I also like shooting video.
If I had to make a choice between the two, what would I choose? Why would I choose that one?
By presenting yourself with some choices, you can uncover some interesting points, not only about the activity, but also things about yourself that you never noticed before.
Take some more notes. And try the next exercise.

Am I Really Interested?
Just because a great idea crossed my mind doesn't necessarily mean I'm interested in it.
With all the "shiny objects" out there vying for my attention, it is easy to jump into the next big thing and convince myself that this is the one.
Adolescence, trying to figure out what they want to do when they grow up, try on many different things before they even know what they're interested in.
We can act the same way, sometimes , when it comes to finding our true talents.
But if we ask ourselves, "Am I really interested?", we can learn a lot.
To find out for sure, compare what you say you are interested in with what you actually do, and you may see some contradictions.
Talking about something, reading about something, and doing something are very different things. Pay close attention to what you actually get done, and that may be where your abilities really shine.
Time to make some more notes.

How Do I Express Myself?
Another clue to shed more light on the Super Achiever genius we have within is to watch how we express ourselves.
When you are emotionally attached to one thing over another, you may not notice, but other people will spot it right away.
How's that you say? People who know you can tell the change in your expressions when you are fully engaged in something that you are thoroughly interested in.
Your expressions change from lack-luster to fully animated. You're energetic, passionate, enthusiastic, happy, and turned on like a light bulb.
You just can't hide it. It just comes out naturally. That's when you know there is something to pay serious attention.

Is It OK To Just Think About Me?
Taking time out of our busy lives to concentrate on what really makes us tick can seem a little selfish at first. Is it really OK to just think about us for a while?
Sometimes we get so consumed taking care of the ones around us that we feel guilty about spending time on us.
However, if we take the time and discover something that we've been neglecting, the time spent is worth every minute. Finding that thing that invigorates us again is a win for everyone.

Can You Wear More Than One Hat?
If you find that there is more than one thing that lights your fire, that's OK too. Some people love their work and their hobbies equally.
You may be more than a one dimensional person also, and may even excel in many areas. That direction is totally up to you. The important thing is that you identify what that is and find a way to enjoy it every day.
Many Super Achievers master one area, and completely redefine their focus later and master something completely different. They challenge themselves with something new to continually keep growing.

Find Your Drum And Beat It Loudly
Everyone brings to the table that one gift that only they can deliver. My hope is that they will spend some time to really recognize what that is, so they can make it the very best it can be.
And when you find your drum, I hope you beat it loudly for the whole world to hear. That beat is you. The real you.
Everyone around you benefits when they can see you sharing your gifts that you've polished through sweat and hard work.
Just as you are able to see the gifts and talents of your children, I hope you find your own as well. When you do, beat your drum loudly for all to hear.
Thank You

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And remember,
"Make something great happen today."
Albert Powell
Thanks Albert for the reminder that we, ourselves, are important to spend time on also!
Tamra, The more time we spend building ourselves up, the more we can give others in return.