Perfection Never Happens But Self-Improvement Happens Everyday

Positive Affirmations

“Beginning today, set an intention and a relentless focus on living your life as the greatest person you can be, in all situations.”

Perfection Never Happens But Self-Improvement Happens Everyday

Take Care Of Yourself

Life is a constant stream of challenges that cause us to stretch, learn, and grow. 

That's because we are imperfect creatures constantly in need refining. Even though the thought of being perfect, attracts our attention, it's impossible to achieve. 

Instead we are constantly exercising our options for self-improvement in a quest to become the very best that we can be. 

That is a worthy pursuit that we all can participate in. 

If there are some areas of your life you want to improve, this is a way to get started today. 


Self-Improvement Is A Process

Thinking Different Solutions

You can probably think of many things you'd like to change to become a better person, but you can't do everything at once. 

Becoming a better person is a process that you will probably spend a lifetime. Self-improvement helps you change and grow. You learn to develop flexibility which is the key to constantly responding to the need to get better. 

Accept that you are on this long journey, and get ready to improve in every area of your life. 


Examine What You Believe Is True About Yourself

Super Achiever

When it comes to make any changes in our lives, it's good to take a serious look at where you think you are.

What is it that you really want to improve?

What the world say about your is one thing, but what you say about yourself could be totally different. 

Examine what you really believe about yourself based on your own values and perceptions. 

Do they all meet the standards that you set? If not, your self-improvement could start there. 


Determine What You Want To Improve

Solve problems

To effectively start your journey, it's important to start narrowing down exactly what it is you want to change. 

Prioritize by picking a small one that will require little effort to accomplish. This way you can get a quick win, while you're changing your routine to accomplish your goal. 

As you mark one off your list, take on something a little more challenging. Keep doing this until you get into the habit of adding self-improvement into your daily life.  


Set Some New Goals For Yourself

Goals Setting

For some, it may help to write down on paper what your goals are. Just seeing them can give you a better understanding of what you want to work on. 

It's important to make a list to work from. As soon a you accomplish one goal, you can just cross it off the list. 

Then pick a new one from the list. You don't want have to go through the introspection process every time you want to set new goals. 


Determine A Strong "Why"

celebrating victories

Determine a strong "Why". What is the reason you want to make these improvements? 

Decide what are the benefits to you and the other people in your life.

If you want to really motivate yourself to accomplish your goals, attach your "why" to a strong emotional connection. 

The reasons become personal to you then, and you will do whatever it takes to make sure you accomplish what you are after. 


Determine Your Baseline

Starting Point

From my book, "Are You A Super Achiever?", I talk about determining a baseline before you start working on our goals. 

It simply means, examining your skills and resources to make sure you are ready to begin. If not, don't worry.

Just mark this stage as your starting point from which you can measure your progress along the way. 

Begin your self-improvement journey with the tools you have, and just get started. 

More resources will become available at the time you need them. 


Stop Criticizing Yourself

Controlling Emotions

For the critical minded people who are hard on themselves, stop criticizing yourself. 

Criticism brings out a negative aspect that really affects your progress. There will be times when you don't hit your mark. When you drown yourself with criticism, it can discourage you from trying again.

Look at all the accomplishments you've made to day and concentrate on those accomplishments. This puts you in a positive frame of mind, and encourages you to keep working.  


Examine Your Routines

Addressing Your Problems

Examine your daily routines to see which ones are actually contributing to the accomplishment of your goals. 

Sometimes negative routines are simply habits we've fallen into. See if there are some parts of your routine that you can alter to make sure include self-improvement routines in your daily schedule. 

Don't be afraid to experiment with some new routines that my be more productive. 


Take Some Action Every Day


Knowing that you want to change your life is one thing, but doing something to make it happen is a completely different story. 

The key to your success is action. Nothing changes in your life unless you decided to take some action. 

Determine that you will become an action-taker. Take some action everyday to work on yourself. 


Notice How Your Behavior Impacts Others

Respectful people

We can get so wrapped up on our own behaviors that we can forget how what we do affects others. 

Look around to see how others are impacted by the smallest things we do. If we can create a more positive affect on others, then it is worth making a change. 

That doesn't mean that we base our actions on the opinions of others, it just mean we should not neglect to observe how we affect others. 

If we can improve our own lives and in turn improve the lives of those around us, that's a win-win.  


Stay Strong

Achieving perfection in our lives is a virtual impossibility, which leaves us with the next best option: self-improvement. 

We can make a choice to make improvements everyday that will help us become the very best we can be. 

Self-improvement is a process that we can enjoy for the rest of our lives. Take you time and commit to going through the self-improvement process every day. 

Take some time for an honest look at yourself to determine if you are living your life according the values you've set for yourself. 

Determine exactly what you want to work on. Then set some goals. You can prioritize them and start with something small and work your way up. 

To help you reach your goals faster, determine a good reason for making your changes, set a baseline to get started. 

Once you get started, remember to take it easy on yourself. Being to critical can stop you in your tracks. 

Look at your daily routines and eliminate the ones that don't directly contribute to your end goal. 

Action is the key to accomplishing anything, so take action everyday to reach your goals. 

As you improve, watch how you improve the lives of those around you in the process. It ends up being a true win-win. 

You can do it. 

After all, you are a

"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earing Respect". 


What is the biggest improvement you want to make in your life this year?

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Albert Powell

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The information you share with someone could be the difference between success and failure in their  life. 

And remember, 

"Make something great happen today."