Open Your Mind To Ignite New Possibilities

There are two ways you can experience new possibilities. One is to keep an open mind and experience them whenever you choose. The other is to be forced into change by factors that are out of your control.
I would prefer the opened minded approach. Being open to different ideas, beliefs, and backgrounds helps you expand your knowledge in many different areas.
The more experiences you have, the greater your ability to spot and take advantage of new possibilities that can make your life amazing.
This week's post will show you how to open your mind enough to create those possibilities.
Let’s get started.
Ask Yourself How You Formed Your Beliefs

In James Allen’s book “As A Man Thinketh”, Allen presents the case that there is a connection between what a man thinks and how he directs his life.
If you want to develop more of an open mind, take a look at your beliefs. Then analyze why you formed those beliefs.
Examine whether those beliefs are being reinforced in your life or not. If not, ask why you continue to hold on to them?
It may be time to develop some new beliefs that better suit how you want your life to evolve.
Now let’s examine our assumptions to see how they could be holding us back.
Notice When You Make Assumptions

No matter how hard we try to avoid them, we all make assumptions. These assumptions are a natural part of our thinking, but the danger is that they lead to close-mindedness.
Since we know this, we can now consciously pay attention to situations where we automatically make assumptions.
What is your thinking process when you meet someone new? What goes through your head when you are asked to try a new dish for dinner?
If you automatically make an assumption, test it out to see if it actually rings true. If it does, you might me missing out on a new enjoyable experience.
Preconceived notions can shape the way you react. Your job is to make sure those notions carry weight. The wrong assumptions can lead you down the wrong path.
Determine You Can Change

If you find that your beliefs and assumptions are holding you back from enjoying your life to the fullest, remember you can change.
Make a resolve that when your assumptions are wrong, you are the only one who can change them. You have the ultimate power over the beliefs and assumptions you hold.
That means you can change them whenever they are not meeting your need for health and happiness. Keep your mind open to new possibilities.
Even beliefs that you’ve held for years can be changed when you determine a change is needed.
Investigate Something New

When your old assumptions aren’t valid anymore, it’s time to try something new. This may require some time to undertake an investigation.
That means looking at what was not working and finding something better to replace it.
You may have to search for situations that are working for others and implement these strategies in your own life.
Don’t be afraid of the word “new”. Even though “new” doesn’t always mean better, it means that you are willing to stretch yourself to become better.
Take your time and look for the right solution. You’re always growing and learning. So the newness doesn’t last forever.
Think About Why People Differ In Opinions

To create more of an open mind, think about why people differ in opinions. Try to look at both sides open-mindedly.
In our current climate of polarization, this should not be difficult. Take a polarizing topic and look at it from both sides. Listen to each side without making any judgments.
Try to think of the issues as the other person would. Gather the facts and glean as much information on the topic that you can.
In the end, your open minded approach will allow you to be the most educated on the topic. Once you've gathered all the facts, you can form your own opinion.
Browse Online For Information About New Topics And Perspectives

Want to increase your ability to keep an open mind, look online for new topics and perspectives. Things change everyday and with the access to tons of information at our fingertips, take advantage of it.
Look for reputable sources to find the latest information about anything you are interested in. You could research timely information from scholarly articles, reports, government, or independant new bureaus.
If you don’t have a lot of time, you can jump online in your spare time to quickly read something informative.
Do the digging yourself and get answers from many trusted sources that helps you make an informed opinion.
Start Conversation With New People Whenever You Can

A good way to practice listening to others while keeping an open mind, talk to as many new people as you can.
This might seem uncomfortable at first, but you can simply ask them and few questions. Ask them where they are from or what do they do for fun. Then let the conversation flow naturally.
It’s helpful to hear as many diverse viewpoints as you can. That way it will expand your knowledge base. Engage with people of different backgrounds or beliefs.
Work On Listening More Than You Talk

When you reach out to talk to a diverse group of people, make the effort to really listen. To do that, ask more questions.
Pay some undivided attention to what’s being said, and talk as little as possible.
Look them directly in the eyes, and acknowledge that you are paying attention.
While they are talking, visualize what they are saying. When you visualize the events, people, and situations they are describing, you can really learn a lot.
Lastly, keep your cell phone in your pocket.
Take An Online Class

To become more open to new experiences, take a class in something you are interested in, or take up a new hobby.
It’s the act of opening up to new information that makes this a worthwhile activity. With an open mind, receiving new information and ideas is a lot easier to comprehend.
There are online classes, educational opportunities at community colleges, and volunteer opportunities you can engage in.
It can be exciting to learn a new skill or learn a hobby that wakes up your creativity. When you stay open to learning, you keep your mind open to new possibilities.
Ignite New Possibilities

A mind open to learning something new is a mind filled with the potential for experiencing new possibilities.
As you keep your mind open to more knowledge, it creates more opportunities to use this new information to improve your life.
Set those opportunities on fire by taking some action. Make those opportunities come to life by trying something new.
Your future could be greater than you can imagine when you open your mind to new possibilities.

You have the power to choose to open yourself up to different ideas, beliefs, and experiences.
There are plenty of ways to open your mind and keep it open.
You can examine your existing beliefs and assumptions to see how they fit your purposes. When they get misaligned, open up to newer useful ones.
If you're determine to change, open up to new information from diverse people who differ from you. You can research information from credible sources to come up with your own conclusions.
Learn to converse with new people and really listen to what they are saying. You can go online to find new perspectives on various topics.
Taking a class to learn a new skill or a hobby is another way to keep yourself open for new experiences.
Make new possibilities come alive by taking action to bring them about. Your future is bright as you continue to learn and grow.
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