The Super Achieving Entrepreneur Defined
Super Achievers excel in many areas of life. In sports, the arts, dance, music, and even in business, there are those outstanding individuals that thrive for the best. This article is about Super Achieving Entrepreneurs. We will look at who they are and what qualities they possess.
So, who is this Super Achieving Entrepreneur anyway? Pinning this down to one concrete prescription is a hard one. The definitions found online say things like, an entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater then normal financial risks in order grow a business.
Another definition says an entrepreneur is “a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money” or “one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.”
But the definition of a Super Achieving Entrepreneur take the definition to another level.
The stakes are higher, the intensity is more, and there is not room for failure.
The Super Achieving Entrepreneur is an individual who decides to take hold and control of his own future and therefore become a self-employed person with a determination like no one has ever seen.
The word daring comes to mind. Winning or losing is second to the pursuit of meeting the challenge.
How can an individual who wants to tackle the world of business and commerce excel as a Super Achieving Entrepreneur?
Let’s look at some qualities you must have before you start down this path.
Champion In Planning and Organization.
The Super Achieving Entrepreneur is a champion in two things, planning and organizing.
Some people who want to start out in business, gets an idea or a product or service and just jump in to start making it happen.
In spite of all the unforeseen risks and challenges, they just jump in thinking that they are prepared for whatever happens.
Although entrepreneurship is about taking risks, the Super Achieving ones take the risks in a more calculated way.
They approach the process in a way that puts the probability of success in their favor.
To do this, they understand that success happens when there is a solid plan in place.
Building a building begins with a set of blueprints, and a great business starts with a solid plan.
Planning is an indispensable quality that great entrepreneur excels.
The other quality is organization. The Super Achieving Entrepreneur is a relentless master of organizing every detail of his, soon to be, enterprise.
Organizing the many tasks involved in launching a new enterprise makes the execution a lot more manageable.
Not only in the beginning stages of your business is organization necessary, but also it is a continual asset in launching and growing a new business.
So master it early and it will serve you throughout the life of your venture.
Organization is the secret to accomplishment.
Together, planning and organizing, will set any entrepreneur on the path to massive success.
What are we planning and organizing?
Many details that pertain to things like setting up and attaining specific goals are on the list.
Others include the following:
Raising Funds
Planning and Hiring Personnel
Organizing Work Schedules
Planning Budgets
Setting up Accounting Processes
Product Development
Organizing Standard Operating Procedures
Sales and Marketing
and on and on... For all these things, an entrepreneur must be an expert.
Expert In Management.
Anyone who does not have the management skills is not fit to be an entrepreneur. So the Super Achieving Entrepreneur makes sure to bring all of his management skills to the forefront.
The ability to work with people of all types in many different circumstances is what is needed during this whole process. This type of entrepreneur has already mastered the art of establishing a good rapport with all the employees, customers and vendors.
As a matter of fact, you may be considered an influencer of the people that you affect. If you are unable to influence people, then you will not likely succeed. Today, developing lifelong relationships requires the skill of an expert communicator to influence people to the point of garnering their trust. A people manager is what it takes excel.
Let’s continue exploring some more traits.

Traits of a Super Achieving Entrepreneur
Whether we realize it or not, success and failure always depends on one and only one person; the entrepreneur. His traits and personality are directly reflected in the companies they create. So why are some successful, while others fail?
We don’t always know, but there are some traits that seem to follow the successful ones. Though the traits we’ll discuss are not all inclusive, they are ones that the successful master.
If you don’t have some of the qualities, don’t worry. Most Super Achieving Entrepreneurs weren’t born with them. They are traits that were developed. Some were developed through study and education, while others were learned through the strictest teacher of all; Failure.
Your own careful evaluation of your skills and traits may reveal where you need to concentrate. Let’s begin with the first on our list.
Goal oriented
Successful entrepreneurs never miss an opportunity to fuel the fire by setting goals, whether short term or long term. This process alone can be one that propels any person or organization into aggressive action.
And with the addition of an emotional attachment to the goal, there is nothing that can keep you from its attainment.
Being goal oriented is definitely a skill that can be taught, and developed at an very young age.
For instance, a parent that sees how badly their child wants a certain toy can teach the child to set a goal for obtaining this toy by a certain time, and help him figure out a way to get it.
Over time, this will instill the quality of goal setting as a means to getting what they want.
But it does not stop there, successful entrepreneurs know how to revise or rewrite his goals whenever there is something that needs to be changed.
Adopt this mindset in ever area of business, and this trait can lead you right through the open door of success.
Opportunity Seeker
To the truly exceptional entrepreneur, opportunity never always comes just once. They see opportunities all around them. So much so that it is hard to pick just one to concentrate.
What do they see opportunities that others can’t? These entrepreneurs know how to search for opportunities in a different way. Instead of looking for the money, they look for the needs.
The need presents an opportunity for problem solving. Solve a problem, and there you will find opportunity to help people and make money at the same time. There is always a problem to solve. So there will always be opportunities.
The smart entrepreneur knows how to take advantage of them, and turn them into a business. It’s just a matter of figuring which one will do the most good for the biggest number of people and allow you to make the money that you need to fulfill your dreams.
Knows His Strengths And Weakness
Another good trait of a successful entrepreneur is knowing his strengths and weaknesses. This type of trait will enable him to define his limits. Remember, the entrepreneur is the business. So knowing your strengths and weaknesses has serious implications.
An entrepreneur who does not know his strengths and weaknesses is like a person facing a mirror without clearly seeing his face. A successful entrepreneur sees his face clearly in the mirror, and recognizes his imperfections as well as his strengths.
He accentuates the positives, and puts a plan in place to strengthen those that need work.
The most important part is to be honest in your assessment. Polishing your imperfections and converting them to something special will benefit personally and professionally.
The point is that successful entrepreneurs not only know their strengths and weakness, they also recognize these as part of his personhood and a reflection on their business.

Always Wants To Be The Best
One of the strongest qualities of a successful entrepreneur is that there is no room for being second best.
Improvement is a built-in part of his nature, and will not settle for nothing but the best.
This becomes especially important in relationship to competition. In light of competition, the Super Achieving Entrepreneur uses this quality of continuous improvement to find ways to out perform his competition.
This quality can set the business apart from the rest.
Some people call it the unique selling proposition.
I equate it to striving to be the best in whatever you undertake.
Enjoys What He Does
In spite of all the work and seriousness involved in launching a new endeavor, the smart entrepreneur enjoys every minute of everything he is doing.
The work is hard, but some people don’t consider it work when you really like what you’re doing.
And a Super Achieving Entrepreneur lovers what he is doing.
A perfect balance of work and play is something to strive for, but the challenge with a driven entrepreneur is that it is hard to know where that balance is.
Sometime the drive to accomplish puts relaxing time on the back burner.
Be very conscious of this, and keep a look out for it.
Once in a while, it is mandatory to enjoy life itself.
When you are a Super Achieving Entrepreneur, it is a prerequisite to recognize when it is time to work and time to play.
Knows When To Get Help
A successful entrepreneur recognizes that he could not do everything. He understands that he needs a hand in order to get things done. Picking the right people for the right jobs is the hallmark of a great business person.
He knows and respects other’s view. The strengths of others can be used to ensure all areas of the business are in the hands of the best possible people. The strength is in numbers, especially with the numbers are filled with the best possible candidates.

These Must-haves
These must-haves are the qualities of anyone who aspires to be an entrepreneur.
But to be the Super Achieving Entrepreneur, you must examine yourself honestly to understand your strength and weaknesses.
And master your strengths and cultivate your weaknesses.
These traits are the beginning ingredients of the makings of a great organization, which is a reflection of the entrepreneur itself.
Start your venture on the right foot, and develop these Super Achieving Entrepreneur traits.