16 Ways To Keep Cool Through The Chaos


My belief is in the chaos of the world and that you have to find your peace within the chaos and that you still have to find some sort of mission.

Ta-Nehisi Coates

16 Ways To Stay Cool Through The Chaos 

Super Achievers find themselves in situations where the events around them create so much fear and stress that it feels like they are losing control of their lives.

Fear and stress can cause them to react with thinking just to keep their head above water. Next thing they know, they are spinning on a negative spiral heading straight downhill. 

It's time to get their life back. It's time to do some deep thinking.

Sit down and think about what is really happening, and how you are reacting to it. Choose that behaviors that will bring you the absolute best results, and determine to incorporate those into your daily routine.  

Exercise Habit


Turn Your Most Helpful  Behaviors Into Habits

We now know what we should do, but what happens when the pressure is on? What do we do then?

Practicing the behaviors that benefit you the most can be turned into habits.
Habits are built in responses that are internalized over time. When those habits bring you the best results, they will automatically kick in when the pressure hits. 

Building good habits takes time, so start small and build up to the bigger ones over time. 

Avoid Temptation to Drink


Avoid Temptation

As you find the best behaviors that work for you, determine to practice the good things and keep the bad away.

Some of the most beneficial behaviors will be challenged by the temptation to stop. Turning good behaviors into habits takes time, discipline, and will power. 

The temptation to quit shows up in many ways and masks itself in the form of excuses. "I can't do this everyday because it's too hard", is a favorite one. 

Avoid the temptation and keep moving forward with your plan.

fight the urge


Fight Those Overwhelming Urges 

Never fails. As soon as you draw a line in the sand for yourself, the overwhelming urge to cross it starts taunting you. 

It can start out as a small urge, but the more you ignore it, the louder it gets. If you give in, you know you are in trouble.

To fight the urges, stop and think about the consequences, and then think some more.

Hopefully, you will decided to do the best thing for yourself. 

Get More Sleep


Get All The Sleep You Need

As soon at the stress hits. some of us find that our thoughts weigh on us so heavily that it becomes hard to shut them off long enough to get a good night's sleep. 

Sleep deprivation has a way of drawing you deeper into the the stressful issues. It is not helpful by any means. 

Make sure you get all the sleep you need to make you feel rested and equipped to deal with the issues of the day.

Working in the Morning


Do The Important Tasks In The Morning

To gain better control of your day, try doing your most important tasks for the day in the morning. 

Once you take care of the important tasks in the morning, you can spend the rest of your day dealing with other incidental things that may not be planned activities.

Also, later in the day, your energy may be waning a bit. So, it is good to take care of the importance tasks when you are at your best.

Change Eating Habits


Consider Changing How You Eat

To be at your best, you need energy. Energy is required to meet the hustle that's required to get everything done. 

Consider eating energy rich foods more often to keep your productivity level high.

Your body needs the right foods to produce the kind of energy that allows you to meet day to day challenges with enthusiasm.

New Beginning


Consider Challenges In Our Path As New Opportunities To Succeed

Challenges in our path can be viewed as new opportunites because every challenge has a learning lesson that make us smarter and more capable. 

Overcoming one challenge after another builds a body of knowledge of how to overcome even bigger challenges in the future. 

Each challenge gets you closer to you ultimate success.

Negative Nancy


Don't Be A 'Negative Nancy'

Why is it that some people seem to thrive on being the negative voice in everything. You say something positive and they say something negative. Listening to this for any length of time is exhausting. 

Don't be a 'Negative Nancy" and put down everything that is discussed. And stay away from people that are like that. 

It is better to say nothing at all, than to always point out the negative.

Open to New Possibilities


 Look For The Good Things

Instead of pointing out the negatives, be prepared to actually look for the positives in any situation that comes your way. 

Even when things look dark, and may not feel good, look for the silver lining.

There is some good in everything that happens to us. It may not be easy to find, but it is still there. 

Take the effort to find the good in everything you go through, even if it takes weeks to see. Finding the good will be the thing that keeps you positive and hopeful. 



Look Inside And Find Your Strengths

Find your strengths and understand what they are so that you can use them to the best of your ability. These strengths will make a way for you to contribute your best. 

To find them, quiet your mind so that you can take a look inside.  There you can explore the positive qualities that made up who you really are. 

You can meditate, do breathing exercises, or other relaxation techniques to calm your mind. 

Then, dig deep to view yourself as others do, and see all the good qualities that you posses. Make note of them. From there you can make a  plan to develop each quality even more. 

Teach yourself to be strong and to believe in yourself.

Look Inside


Learn To Talk, and Listen To Your Gut

Everyone has an inner dialog that constantly plays in our minds. Those thoughts come out in the form of self talk. 

When we listen objectively to the things we say to ourselves, it can be alarming. 

Talk good things to yourself and listen to you intuition. Negative self talk can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. So can positive self talk. 

Speak success and prosparity, and it will begin to show up in your life.

Self Reliance


Don't Expect Others To Fix Things For You

When problems come your way, take them as an opportunity to take full responsibility to find a solution. 

Accepting responsibility for everything that happens is a sure way to give yourself the power to solve whatever comes your way.

Whether or not you created the problems, when you take full responsibility, they are your problems to solve. Give yourself permission to solve them.

Learn A New Skill


Learn Some New Skills

One way to maintain order among chaos is to learn some new skills. It could be something you wanted to try but put off for some reason. 

Now is the time to get your learning caps on, and take on something new. Not only will it help you normalize your life but, you will gain confidence with every new skill  you tackle. 

What you Want


Figure Out What You Want In Life and Go For It

Do you know what you want in life? Have you written it down and made a commitment to get there?

If not, now is a great time to figure it out. Take some time out to think about what you would do if resources were unlimited and you couldn't fail. 

What is it that makes your enthusiasm high, and compels you even when you are not being paid.

Figure that out and you will be on the quest to fulfill your mission in life. 

Negative people


Stay Away From Negative People

Constructive criticism is great for improving your skills, but there is a limit to everything. 

When the constructive criticism turns into the negative, get away from it as soon as you can. 

Negative people can be a drain on your progress, even if it is done with good intentions. 

Get away from negative people as quickly as you can.

Stay Flexible


Be Flexible 

Speak success and prosperity, and it will begin to show up in your life. 

Be flexible and look for opportunities that come your way, and make the most of every one of them.

Your path may not be exactly what you expect, but be flexible enough to let life take you in the direction you want to go. 


Be flexible in life


Practicing these 16 steps will give you the ability to walk through life with confidence.

Knowing that the world around you can change from day to day, know that you are heading down the success path.

 The one who gets these principles will be doing everything to make sure that the cards are stacked in your favor.   

Find out exactly what you want and go for it, even in spite of all the chaos the world can bring.


What do you do to keep your head in the midst of chaos?

Watch This Video for More Inspiration

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"Make something great happen today."

Albert Powell