Jump-start Your New Normal From Scratch

It seems that we are quickly approaching a time in our lives where finding a "new normal" seems like starting from scratch.
You may be in a position that forced you into a new job, career path, or living in a new part of the country. Somehow you must adjust just to survive.
It's time to define a "new normal" for you. To reach a new level of stability in your life, you may have to make some drastic changes.
Even though it is scary, it could be your time to redesign your life the way you want it to be. Act as if you are starting fresh, and build the life you've always wanted.
Here some tips that will get you started.
Yes, It's OK To Whine A Little

The first step in starting from scratch is to whine a little. Yes, I'm giving you permission to whine. Find a trusted friend or anyone who will listen. Share your displeasure with your situation.
Sounds wimpish, but there's some therapeutic value in doing this. It helps you release some stress that could be building up. Instead of holding it in until you explode, just talk it out with someone.
Acknowledging that you don't like your current situation will actually give you the motivation to do something about it.
Don't go overboard with this but it's always a good thing to get a little support from someone who cares about you. .
Take Some Time To Determine Who You Want To Be

Everyone seems to moving 1oo miles an hour these days just trying to deal with the demands of the day.
However, steal some time for yourself to sit quietly and do some reflection on the type of life you want. What will make your life exciting again?
Get a good picture of your new life and take a mental snapshot. Keep at until you are totally convinced that you have captured you perfect life.
For this journey to begin, we have to have a clear picture of where we are headed.
Start Thinking Proactively

Now it's time to start thinking proactively. You must know deep inside that you can become this new person you want to be.
Before you map out your goals to a path that will get you to that goal, condition your mind with a "can do" attitude.
Be confident in yourself. Act, think, dress, and carry yourself like the person you want to become. There is no room for doubt.
Think positively and confidently, then you will be unstoppable.
Break Unproductive Habits

It's been said that our current position in life is a result of the habits we voluntarily or involuntarily practice.
Some habits are performed routinely without any thought to the results they will bring in the future. Take note of the productive ones and break the ones that will not get you where you want to go.
If you are not sure which habits are good for you, look at someone who has already done what you want to do. What habits do they have that you could adapt?
Kick the unproductive ones completely out of your life. You owe it to yourself to be the best you can be.
Stabilize Your Income

Money or the lack thereof is one of the biggest causes of stress and anxiety. The economic changes happening in our society may have caused you to completely loose everything you once felt secure about.
So the next challenge is to find a stable source of income that will keep you afloat no matter what winds come your way.
This is a tall challenge, but if you are willing to work at it, no matter how long it takes, you will land in a good spot.
Challenges bring opportunities that may not have existed before. Explore every one. If that doesn't pan out, create your own opportunity.
Take Care of Your Body

Invariably with any kind of transition, the first thing that gets neglected is your daily exercise. When things are changing all around us, remember to take care of your body.
The two most important components in keeping you body in top form is diet and exercise.
Make it a concerted point to eat healthy food, even if it takes a little longer to make. We need every once of energy we can muster. Eating good healthy meals will keep you moving.
It sounds a little ridiculous to say, but if you are not exercising, start. You don't have to spend 8 hours in the gym everyday, but you can find 15 to 20 minutes to get that body moving.
You will be surprised at the mental clarity you get by reducing your stress level with some exercise.
Take Care Of Your Mind

Protecting your mind from negativity tends to be the hardest part of maintaining a healthy mind. When you are not exactly where you think you should be in life, negative thoughts seem to just walk right through your mental door.
You will have to designate yourself the guardian of that door to keep the negative thoughts from coming in.
If negative thoughts are starting to knock, immediately stop them. At least, when they do come in, change them into something positive before they cause you any damage.
Sometimes they try to get in the back door through the form of subconscious thoughts. You can condition your subconscious thoughts by practicing regular positive affirmations. Pretty soon that subconscious mind will start sending you positive messages automatically.
Make A To-Do List

Daily productivity is what you need to get from point A to point B consistently. When you assess your progress daily, you tend to stay on track.
If you don't already do so, start using a to-do list everyday. Write down what you want to accomplish in those 24 hours.
Don't overwhelm yourself by putting things down that take longer than a day to complete. Those small daily activities end up accumulating into major accomplishments.
I call this "Daily Success Planning". Take care of each day and the rest will take care of itself.
Be Patient With Yourself

Above all things, be patient with yourself. Things take time. You are not going to create a "new normal" over night.
If you are starting a new job, you won't be good at it over night. Be patient with yourself. Progress comes after many hours of practice.
When you come short of your mark, reset and try again.
We are all harder on ourselves than on anyone else. Treat yourself like someone you want to encourage, and encourage yourself to keep going.
Cultivate Your New Normal And Incorporate It Into Your New Life

Cultivate your "new normal" by incorporating the new tasks, habits, and plans that will make it a reality. Things don't change on their own. If you want a better life, you have to bring that new life into existence.
Do everything in your power to spend your time realizing your passions. Living your best life is so rewarding, but it will take you time and energy to make it happen.
Create new patterns that will support your new ideas of how you want to live. Make them a daily routine. It might take a while to establish them but you will get there.

We are all about to experience our "new normal". Why not take some time to build yours from scratch.
These have been some tough times, so before you begin to think about creating something new, whine a little. Tell someone how miserable it has been, and that now is the time to get things in order.
Then take some quiet time to reflect on the ideal "new normal" you want to create. Get proactive with it and really nail it down. Take a mental picture of your new self and use it to build your plan.
Focus on the productive habits you want to cultivate and break the ones that are holding you back. If you need help identifying some positive habits to develop, look at someone who is already doing what you want to do.
To help ease some mental stress, review your income plan to make sure you have an adequate supply to fund your "new normal". If not, turn your passion into income.
In this entire transition process, don't forget to take care of your body and mind. Eating healthy and exercising can give you the energy you need to keep up the pace.
Get in productivity mode by tracking your progress on a daily basis. You make progress one day at a time. However, please be patient with yourself. Progress takes a lot of time. Don't worry if you don't get there overnight.
Now that you have your new path charted, incorporate all the elements you need to implement the new journey you are about to take.
Sometimes you have to go through some difficult times to discover your ideal "new normal".
You can make it happen.
Remember, you are a
"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".
What will your "new normal" look like?
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