Integrity: The “SUPER” Achiever’s Most Powerful Weapon

The "SUPER" Achiever's most power weapon is personal integrity. It's the one thing that no one will ever be able to forcefully take away from you.
Your choices are your very own. Personal integrity is a part of your character that belongs to you exclusively and permanently.
If you choose to use it, this weapon can be used effectively in creating lasting results in your life. Or you can choose not to use it at all. It's entirely up to you.
If you choose to use your personal integrity for good, the following steps will help you increase your integrity even more.
Take your time to develop them as you learn from your daily experiences and make personal integrity your most powerful weapon.
Let's get started.
Understand What Is Integrity

Some people confuse integrity with a person's character. It can be a part of your character but I want to give you my definition so that we are heading down the same road.
Integrity in the strict sense of the word is a steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. It means being unimpaired, undivided, and wholly focused on a set of standards.
Integrity can be summed up by viewing it as doing the right thing for the right reason even when no one is watching.
It's following an internal code that you refuse to violate. That code is something internally enforced no matter what opposition you encounter externally.
It all centers around the code which we will talk about next.
Learn The Different Codes

Intensive study of the different types of codes people adhere to revel three different types.
First is the moral code called utilitarianism which refers to the idea of acting in a way that maximizes the greatest good. Meaning you will tolerate an undesirable act if it leads to a greater good.
The other code is that of deontology. It means that people believe that some things are just plain wrong, regardless of the ultimate consequences.
The third type is when people decided to set their own standards based on things like religious, psychological, or other beliefs.
Once you learn what these codes are, you can choose a code that you'll adhere to.
Determine Your Code

What standards have you set? Choose a set of rules, morals, or principles that you believe will lead to a happy, satisfying, and righteous life.
These rules should be based on your values and your moral compass. The code you choose is not stagnant. It continues to change based on your growth and development.
Whatever values you hold dearly are the ones that you will not violate. But make sure you do have your own code.
Having Trouble? Do This

Look At Your Past
If you are having trouble identifying your code, clarify your thoughts by first looking at your past.
Look at the choices you have made before, and observe how much you have or haven't lived by those principles.
Look At Others You Respect
Take note of people in your personal life, or others you consider living with integrity. Watching how they live their lives can be a great inspiration for you to follow.
Be Patient and Persistent In Your Pursuit Of Integrity
Acting with integrity is a pursuit that is ongoing. You may not always hit the mark, but keep pursuing adherence to your standards.
You will make bad decisions sometimes, and will be persuaded to forsake your standards. Be patient with yourself. Make any corrections that you deem necessary, and keep moving forward.
Determine Your Values

Looking from the broad view, we generally have an idea of what is important to us. However, when we translate that to specific values we hold dear, it may not be as apparent.
To get to the specifics, begin by asking yourself some probing questions like these:
- What is it that you admire about people who have integrity?
- When have you felt most satisfied or fulfilled in your life?
- What was it that makes it so fulfilling?
- What would you change about your life to achieve more happiness?
- What community or global issues that you are most concerned about?
- What changes do you think you must make to become a better person?
Asking questions like these will help you pinpoint what matters most to you.
Be Conscious Of The Decisions You Make

The center of integrity gravitates around the decisions you make. That's why it is extremely important to be aware of every one you make.
The biggest decision is whether or not you will act with integrity. Paying attention to your decisions will allow you to determine if they were made according to your integrity code.
If not, understand that there will be consequences. Those consequences are what makes your decisions critical.
Some consequences affect others, but ultimately, you are the one who pays the biggest price. So make your decisions wisely.
Believe In Yourself

Pursuing the goal to improve your personal integrity, is not easy. So, believe in yourself to make the necessary changes you want to make to achieve your mission.
Tell yourself you can make decisions to change your life for the better. You have the ability to improve on your mistakes and struggles.
Just think of this as a self-improvement project. The better your decisions, the more you will experience exactly what you want.
The more you can change for the better, the brighter your future. I believe in you, but also believe in yourself.
Decide To Change

No one likes the word change, even when that change leads to a more positive life experience. However, when that change is something you want to make, it becomes easier.
Based on your values that you've identified as important, determine that you will change when you are not living up to those values.
Look at how you ideally want to act and start looking for opportunities to exercise those values. Don't sit back and wait for those opportunities to find you. Proactively seek out ways to act now.
Actively take the steps to change your behavior and to align you life more closely to what you believe living with integrity involves.
Foster Your Self-Esteem

Integrity and self-worth actually go hand in hand. When you go against your integrity you can damage your sense of self-worth.
Having high self-worth can make you feel like you can live up to all the challenges in life.
When we improve our self-worth, living a life of integrity is a lot easier. Our attitude about ourselves has a lot to do with our ability to make corrections and changes along the way.
Avoid Succumbing To Peer Pressure

Succumbing to peer pressure is one of the most challenging things you will encounter when you commit to acting with integrity.
No one likes to be different and go against the crowd, but your code of ethics may not be what the crowd believes. They can put a lot of pressure on you to violate your principles.
Do not give in to others who try to get you to do things you don't want to. Believe me, they will try to pressure you to go against what you believe is right.
Think about the consequences you will pay if you give in. Those consequences could be felt the rest of your life. You don't want to take that chance.
Don't worry what they think about you when you go against the crowd. Do what's right and stick to your convictions. You will be rewarded.

"SUPER" Achievers understand that the way to enjoy a life of fulfillment and happiness is to use the secret weapon of integrity.
The quick definition of integrity is doing the right thing for the right reason even when no one is watching. This involves living according to your code of rules that you will not violate.
You define the code based on your values that you hold dearly, and acting according to those values. Every decision you make determines how strong your integrity is.
Believe that you have the ability to change by understanding that change is necessary to improve your behaviors to always exemplify your values.
The hardest thing may be dealing with peer pressure. Don't give in no matter how hard they try to convince you otherwise.
Living a life of integrity can pay great dividends that you can enjoy for a lifetime.
Exercise your "SUPER" weapon, because you are a "Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".
How do you regain your integrity if you give into peer pressure?
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Albert Powell
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