We've had isolation, financial uncertainty, health crisis, and social unrest. The world has changed.
One thing we can be certain about is that we will not avoid change.
We have had time to see how our lives have been so deeply affected by sources that were beyond our control.
Assessing how we can best survive to maximize these changes to help us gain more control of our lives, it's time to tap our resourcefulness to properly position us for the future.
Instead of struggling to avoid change, let's embrace this change with a vengance. We can decide what this change looks like for us, define it, and take it to the next level. If our new direction requires us to start over from scratch, dig in and get started.
Here's how we can win the change game in our new normal.

Reflect on Your Life
Step back for a second and take a look at your life. No matter where you find yourself, one thing is for sure. Things have changed.
Accept the fact the the past is gone, and in order to move forward, we must leave the past behind.
You may have lost a relationship, lost your job, lost a loved one to the dreaded virus. Even though you may be feeling these devastating effects, we have to accept what has happened.
Acknowledge it, and lets figure out what's next for us.

Remember Things Happen For A Reason
Even though we may feel powerless to change "fate", it helps to realize that the events that happen to us happen for a reason.
We may not realize it at the time, but nothing happens by accident. The events of our life take place to helps us develop the life skills we need to keep moving through our growth cycles.
Our job is to objectively look at our lives to discover exactly what life is telling us. What do we need to discover about ourselves during good times and bad.
In order to live the life we ultimately want, the experiences that we manage to get through, prepare us to realize our vision.

Take Stock Of What Is Working
As we reexamine our life, let's start on the positive side of the equation.
What is working in our life right now? Write out a list of the things that are getting the result you want. What circumstances seem to bring out your best qualities?
No ones life goes according to plan, but even those situations that may not work out for you can carry some good lessons.
Make it a daily practice of noting the successes you experience everday until you fully understand where you excel.
As you make it a habit to focus on the positive, you will attract more positive events in your life. The more you understand about what works, the more you can promote that into your life.

Discover Your Reason For Change
Adjusting to the new normal is cause enough to make some changes that could take some getting used to.
In the process of self discovery, we want to identify the reason for our change because that reason will determine how successful we are in navigating this new normal.
The first step is thinking what our ideal life will look like. What are we good at, what do we really enjoy, and how can we fill our life with more of those things?
Finding and living your passions in life means living a life of fulfillment.
What changes do we need to make to live the kind of life that fuels our passions. Those are the changes we are interested in igniting.

Don't Announce That You Are Changing
Although we live in an interconnected world where there is a lot on interaction between people in our lives.
Making the changes to make our life the best it can be is an individual choice. It's your choice.
You don't need to tell other people you are making changes. Just do it. You don't need any outside validation, or getting someone's opinion about how you should live your life. This is your life.
As long as you are not doing anything illegal or maliciously hurting other people in the process, make all the changes you need to make. People have a tendancy to adjust. If not, are they meant to be in your life at all?
Only you are the one who needs to be comfortable with your life choices.

Set Your Goals And Make Decisions
Once we know where we want to go, it's time to set some goals, and make some decisions on how to get there.
Let's write our goals down in the form of short-term, medium-term, and long-term.
Then keep these goals in the forefront of your mind by placing them in a prominant place so that you see them everyday. That daily reinforcement will keep you motivated to work on them everyday.
Once this is done, put together some action plans where you determine the actions to be taken to make those goals a reality.

Take A New Route
As you start implementing the action plans that you have in place, challenge yourself a little each day.
Try to take a new route to getting your tasks accomplished. Do something that may be totally foreign to you, like using a new app to mangage your time better, or taking a course on something you know nothing about.
Tackling something new keeps the mind challenged and active. It also keeps you growing in ways you never thought possible.
Keep things fresh and exciting. Your view of life will become an endless string of new possibilities.

Live In The Moment
The present moments of our life are the only moments that we can live most effectively.
Facing the challenges of following through on our life plan can be daunting if we tried to do everything at once.
Live in the moment. Give your full attention to it because that is the only time that really matters.
When that moment is over, note your successes and move on to the next moment. Each moment gets you closer to creating the life you want.
This may sound cliched, but is true none the less, we have to take this one day at time. Do what needs to be done today.

Determine Your "Why"
Determining your "why" means asking why does making any changes to your life matter to you.
Will achiveing your goals make you happy?
Will it give you satisfaction?
Will it help you fullfill your purpose in life?
The stronger your "why" the more determined you will be to reach those goals.

Rely On Others And Ask For Help
I know in Step 5, I mentions that you don't have to announce your plans to the world, but there will be a time when you will need help.
You cannot know everything, and there will be a time when you will have to depend on others for help.
You can solicit the help of others even if you have to hire them to bridge your knowledge gap.
Needing or wanting help is not a sign of weakness, but instead actually makes you smarter and resourceful.
When you need some help, don't be afraid to ask for it. Everyone has different skills and talents. No man is an island, so get help when you need it.

Prepare For Moments Of Weakness
No matter how determined you are to get somehere in your life, there will be times of weakness. You may not feel movated to work hard today. You will want to pick the easy route and lower your standards because it is much easier.
Before you face those moments, plan how to handle them ahead of time. It's like looking at the worst case senerio, and putting a plan in place to handle the situation before it even happens.
Experiencing moments of weakness will come. We are going to stumble and fall, but having a plan in place for dealing with those moments will make it easier to overcome those times.

Celebrate Your Progress
Nothing supercharges your motivation to keep going like celebrating your victories along the way.
As you make progress on your goals, set some milestones that you can celebrate along the way.
Acknowledge your progress every chance you get to keep yourself pumped up to take on the next task.

Keep Moving
Life never stops evolving and you shouldn't either. Every step along the path to accomplishing your dreams changes you.
Determine to improve your performance everyday. Keep you starndards high, and always challenge yourself to keep moving forward.
We can't afford to stand still or get stopped in our tracks by some unexpected challenge. We must figure out a way to keep our forward progress.
There are always new opportunties, new experiences, and new people to help us get where we want to go. Seek them out and keep the ball rolling.
If you don't stop, you will win.
What changes did you embrace to make your life better in times of uncertainty?
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Albert Powell
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