How To Soothe The Sting of Rejection

Super Achievers on their way to greatness, in any area that they choose, are no strangers to rejection.
No matter how you slice it, rejection does not feel good. Sometimes it feels excruciatingly painful. It's not a fun pill to swallow.
No matter how hard we try to avoid it, one day we will all suffer the pain of rejection. It's just a part of life.
The good news is you can learn to ease the pain in a healthy way and bounce back more determined than ever.
Here's how.
Set Aside An Appropriate Time To Grieve

Whether you get rejected for a part you were auditioning for, a business person who just lost the deal, or got rejected by a potential romantic partner, it's natural to feel upset.
So set aside some time to process your disappointment. Take five minutes to scream at the top of your lungs, take a day off work to watch movies, or take a walk in the woods.
Whatever you do, don't wallow in your misery for weeks, months, or years. Get it out of your system as fast as you can so that you can move on.
However, please don't kick the dog, scream at the kid, or resort to any violence.
Talk To Someone You Trust

If you are so inclined to discuss it with anyone, talk to a trusted friend or colleague, parent or teacher about your situation.
If they really care about you, they can let you vent and even help you sort through the details. Make sure they give you the straight talk so that you can get back on the right path again.
Please don't vent your frustration on social media. Once you do, it stays out there forever and may come back to bite you somewhere down the road.
Also, you don't want to go over board telling everyone you see about your rejection. You don't want to turn into a chronic complainer.
Accept Your Rejection Early

Accept your rejection early, because the quicker you accept it, the quicker you can move on from it.
Learning to move on quickly will prevent you from being completely flatten by it.
It's a part of your bounce-back initiative. When you learn to keep an open mind about the rejection, you will learn that there is usually something better in store for you.
Things have a tendency to work out, sometimes in a way you'd never expect.
Please Do Not Take Rejection Personally

The best reaction you can have towards rejection is to not take it personally. Many times decisions are made based on factors that you have no control over.
Getting rejected is a nature part of life and not a personal attack.
The other person who's doing the rejecting is basing it on what works for them. It can be a purely subjective process.
They don't have the power to reject you as a person because they don't know you. They are reacting to a situation that doesn't work for them. I can respect that.
It has nothing to do with your self-worth or your value as the admirable person you are.
Someone else may see things differently given the same circumstances.
Do Something Else That's Fun And Totally Unrelated

After your grieving period is over, don't just jump back on the saddle. First, find something unrelated to do just for fun.
Create a little space and time by taking a fun distraction from the whole rejection thing.
After the grieving, you need to do something that makes you feel better. Just because you were rejected doesn't mean that your life has to come to a complete stop.
Pump yourself up to keep your spirits high. Life goes go on after rejection.
Know When To Call It Quits

For future reference, rejection does have another aspect. It can be an important indicator that something is not working like it should.
That doesn't mean giving up, but it could indicate that you may want to change your approach.
Situations vary from one day to the next, but certain roads lead to places you don't want to go.
Keep an open mind and make corrections along the way that get you the results you're after.
Keep Rejection In The Past

Some people have such strong memories that they can't seem to let past rejections go.
They keep reliving the rejections in their mind to the point that it inhibits them from moving forward.
Keep past rejection where they belong: in the past.
Learn to let past rejections go and move on.
Use Rejection To Improve

There is such a thing called timing to consider. You may think that you can join the big leagues after a few good games, but the truth is, mastering anything takes time.
Rejection may mean that you are not ready yet. That's OK. You can use that as a signal to use your time to improve your skills.
Getting as much feedback as you can from the rejection may help you work harder to become better.
Use every opportunity to your advantage, and that includes learning from rejection.
Whatever You Do, Keep Moving Forward

Someone gave me some very good advice that I will share with you. "Keep moving forward."
Rejections will come, and some will hurt more that others. When you get one that really stings so hard that it seems to immobilizes you, rest if you will, but get back up.
Keep moving forward in any way you can. It may not be exactly how you expected, but keep moving forward anyway.
Don't let rejection get you down and control your life. You have too much to accomplish.

Rejection can sting so hard that you feel you will never recover. Yes, it can hurt, and sometimes badly.
However totally avoiding rejection is not an option. Super Achievers will encounter it as a way of life. To help lessen the sting, here are some things you can do.
Acknowledge that hurt associated with the rejection and set aside some time to grieve. Don't wallow in self pity for too long, but do set aside the appropriate amount to acknowledge the hurt and disappointment.
If you are lucky enough to have a trusted friend or confidant, talk it over with them. They may have some valued insight.
Learn to accept the rejection early so that you can quickly move to a better space. Also, don't take the rejection personally. People make subjective opinions that may have nothing to do with you personally.
Before you jump back into the game, do something totally unrelated that will be a pleasant distraction.
Use rejection as an indicator that something can be done differently. If the door closes, then open another one.
Everyone can make some positive improvements in their lives and rejection could be a signal to begin.
The most important thing is to keep moving forward in your endeavors regardless of how many rejections come your way.
Before you know it, the rejections will be few and the victories many.
Keep moving forward.
Remember, you are a
"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect'.
What rejections have you encountered that caused you some extensive pain? How did you get through it?
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Albert Powell
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