How To Save Yourself From Toxic People

Avoid Argument

― Germany Kent

“In order to reach your highest potential, it is imperative that you remove all negative people from your life.”

How To Save Yourself From Toxic People


Have you ever had a day when everything seems to be going right?. You're in a good mood, you feel happy, excited to be doing what you're doing. 

Suddenly, that one person appears. It's the one you always feel a little nervous around because they have a tendency to say or do something that sends you through the roof. 

These toxic people are the ones you want to get rid of, because they can make your life miserable. 

The good news is that they can only affect you if you let them. Here are some tips to help you stay in control. 

Let's get started. 


Spot Toxic People Before They Spot You

Female Achiever

We all have our dark days, but with a toxic person, the blues are a constant rain cloud hanging over them. 

When you get under that cloud, you end up getting wet and miserable also. 

Play it smart and get away from them before they even see you. Look for the following traits of a toxic person: 

  • Jittery, nervous energy
  • Constant whining and complaining
  • Clinginess and dependency
  • Criticism, usually aimed at you
  • Negative or cynical worldview
  • And in extreme cases, abuse

Be smart and trust your gut. If you see any of these signs, get as far away from them as possible. Your mental well being depends on it. 


Ask Yourself Honestly, If You Have Toxic Friends

Super Achiever

When it comes to your circle of friends, it can be hard to admit that there may be some toxic ones among them.

We often make excuses for friends that we wouldn't for anyone else. Honestly evaluate your friends to see if any are toxic.

Do your friends bring out the best in you, or are you a sponge for their negativity?

Are there some that make you feel bad about yourself, or that make you feel great when they leave? 

Don't let people displaying bad behavior stay around just because you think they are your friend. 

True friends don't want to bring your down. 


Empathize But Don't Try
To Change People

Get A Support Team

If you can't get away from a toxic person, try empathizing with them, but don't try to change them.  

Ask yourself, "Is there any reason someone would act like that? Are they going through something? Do they have terrible home life, or work life that make them act this way?"

Remember, you can't change another person, only yourself. So don't get to carried away with the empathetic thing. 

You can waste a lot of time and find that you're only making excuses for them. 


Tune The Haters Out

Say What You Think

Dealing head to head with a toxic person is not fun. 

One of he best tactics to use is to tune the haters out by canceling their negative comments. 

By that I mean, every time they say something negative, you cancel it out by saying something positive. 

Do this consistently, and they will not know how to handle you. After a while, they'll just leave and go to another victim they can work on. 

Battle away negativity with positivity, and they will never know what hit them. 


Avoid Toxic People Like You Would Toxic Sludge

Set Boundaries

It's not easy dealing with negativity, but it should be avoided like you would avoid toxic sludge. 

Stay away from it.

There comes a time when you just want to start limiting your interactions. As we've said, you can only change you, so start removing yourself from the equation. 

If you must explain your new behaviors, tell them that you are removing yourself because their behavior makes you feel unhealthy. 

That's as far as it needs to go. Avoid them completely, if possible. 


End Toxic Relationships Completely

Walk Away

When you are in a toxic relationship with someone and it's affecting your mental health and well being, end the relationship completely. 

This is not easy and it will hurt, no doubt, but it will hurt a lot less than a lifetime with a person who makes you feel terrible. 

Come to terms with it, and just cut it loose. 


Put Your Needs And Desires First

Improve Memory

As we have alluded to already, you are the most important part of this equation. 

Put your needs and desires first. What is most important to you?

What do you want out of your life? Remind yourself that you are the only one who has the power to make that decision for you. 

Get clear, write down what you want, and paste it somewhere so you can see it everyday. This will help you stay focused. 

Then keep the negativity out. 


Make Your Own Decisions

Thinking About Me

Make a choice, for better or worse, to clean your life of the toxic sludge that can creep in. 

If you know what it is that will make your life happier, don't hesitate. Decide to do something about it.

Other people have tons of advice on how you should live your life, but you are the only one that can decide what's right for you. 

Make the decision to be the best person you can be, not matter what other people say. 


Making Choices

Toxic people know how to turn a good day into something miserable. They do not have to ruin your day if you can manage to deal with them effectively. 

Keep an eye out to spot them before they spot you. Toxic people carry some distinctive personal traits that give them away. 

There may even be some toxic people in your life disguised as friends. Go through your circle of friends to see if you can find any toxic ones. 

You may be wondering what makes a toxic person that way. Empathize with them to try to understand them better, but don't make excuses for their behaviors. 

Some people just hate to see you happy. Tune those haters out by battling their negativity with your positivity. 

Avoid toxic people like the plague, and if you are in a relationship with one, end it completely. 

The bottom line is to put your need and desires first. Decide how you want to live and focus on that. 

You can do it. 

After all, you are a 

"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".


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