How To Motivate Yourself To Finish What You’ve Started

If you've started a bunch of projects but nothing is getting done, here's how you can motivate yourself to finish what you've started.
Motivation comes in two type, motivation to get started, and the other is motivation to finish what you've started. For some, motivation to get started is no problem.
However, the motivation to finish doesn't always come when we need it.
If you are struggling to complete your projects, you may need a little self motivation to get to the finish line.
In this article, there are some timely suggestions and tips to show you how to motivate yourself to get things done.
Let's get started.
Remind Yourself Why It's Important To Finish What You've Started

When you decided to start a project, there must have been a good reason to get things going. That reason must have been strong enough for you to take some concrete action, because starting is often the hardest part.
If you are having trouble finishing it, remind yourself of all the benefits you'll receive when this project is finished. Knowing the "why" for finishing your project can inspire you to persevere to the end.
To motivate yourself, write down those reasons, and then repeat them to yourself over and over. Keep this thought in the forefront of your mind until you are inspired again to finish.
The quicker you finish, the quicker you can enjoy all those nice benefits you've outlined.
If You Can, Break Down Your Work Into Smaller Chunks

Make your final tasks easier to complete by breaking them down into smaller pieces. Sometimes the final pieces of a project can be complex.
To make it more manageable, each day do small segments of work that you know you can finish that day. Yes, just take a task a day, and keep at it until that task is finished.
Start with some easy tasks that you know you can complete quickly. This will give you the motivation to take on the bigger tasks.
You can use a calendar, an app, or a planner to track your progress. Then identify the different tasks you can put on your calendar for completion.
Do this everyday and before you know it, your tasks will be done in no time.
Turn Your Activities Into Fun

If you're dreading some key activities, it can make finishing them even more difficult to get them completed.
Think of how you can make these activities fun. It's easier to work on things when they are fun. Add some fun to the process.
You can even make it a game by adding another person to the project that you can compete against. This could be a challenging game you can play.
Whatever it takes to get you going again, is the key.
People have a tendency to get the things done that they see as fun. So add some fun to whatever it is you want to complete.
Promise To Reward Yourself

Promise yourself a reward when you get something done. To make it more interesting, challenge yourself by making the reward commensurate with the size of the task.
If the task is a small one, as soon as it's complete, give yourself a small reward. But if the task is difficult and challenging, make that reward a big one.
Keep the reward system in place until every task is done. Celebrate each completion along the way. Each reward that you earn will motivate you to get your next one.
Give Yourself A Break Every Now And Then

Some project don't get finished because you go so hard that you just get burned out after a while.
Give yourself occasional breaks to avoid this. While it's important to avoid distractions, too much work can make you less productive.
Schedule occasional breaks throughout your day, and take even longer breaks over the weekend to rest and refresh yourself.
Schedule these break as something to look forward to. Even with these breaks your productivity will increase.
Keep Your Task List Going

Create a daily list of tasks for yourself to work from. Keep it somewhere visible.
As you complete each task, cross it off your list. Each task that you can cross off give you a little more motivation to keep going.
You can use several to-do apps for your phone, such as Apple Reminders, Microsoft To-Do, and Google Tasks. You can even set reminders to keep you on task.

Find An Accountability Partner
Make yourself even more accountable by adding an accountability partner to keep you focused.
An accountability partner is someone who checks in on you from time to time to see how well you are doing with your project.
Find a trusted friend, mentor, or colleague to be your accountability partner. It's better when they have a strong interest in seeing you succeed.
Schedule regular meetings or phone calls in advance so that you have a definite date to complete your goal. This will motivate you to complete something by that date.
Send work to them and give them permission to give you some honest feedback. This doesn't give them a license to criticize, but solicit some constructive feedback that will make your project better.
Tell Yourself "You Can Do It"

Last, but not least, tell yourself that you can accomplish anything to get to the finish line.
Sometimes we can be our own worst critic, so monitor your self-talk and give yourself some positive feedback.
Push yourself to do what needs to be done, but tell yourself, not matter what the task, you can get it done.
This positive reminder can never be stated enough. Repeat it out loud every day, if necessary, to give the motivation to get things done.

If you've managed to start one or more projects that are not complete, this article offers some suggestions to get you going again.
First remind yourself "why" it's important to finish what you've started. That "why" could be the thing that motivates you to get it done.
To make your work easier, take some complex tasks and break them down into more manageable chunks.
We all like to do fun things, so turn your activities into fun. Make a game out of getting things done.
Then reward yourself for everything that you complete. This can be a good motivator.
Even though you want to get done as much as you can, give yourself a break every now and then just to collect your energies.
Keep that task list handy, and schedule tasks on a daily basis. That way you can get things accomplished each day.
Some people may need more help staying on track, so you can solicit an accountability partner. Pick someone who wants you to succeed. Schedule meetings or phone calls to review your work.
Finally, tell yourself "You Can Do It".
After all, you are
("Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect")
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