How To Manipulate A Manipulator

Nose Flaring

Joyce Brothers

Love comes when manipulation stops; when you think more about the other person than about his or her reactions to you. When you dare to reveal yourself fully. When you dare to be vulnerable.

How To Manipulate A Manipulator


Deception is one of the hardest things to detect. Manipulation is another one, especially when it comes from someone close to us. 

Aiming to please others at your own expense is a sure way to set yourself up to be manipulated. If you are dealing with a master manipulator, it can be even harder to tell when they have their grips on you. 

Avoiding being manipulated by others takes a certain skill. This skill involves noticing when people go beyond accepting our help and care to actively cultivating it in order to avoid having to do things for themselves.

A manipulator is after some type of benefit like financial, emotional, or some other type of gain.

You can learn to recognize when you're being manipulated and put a stop to it.  

Let's get started. 


Realize It's OK To Say "NO"

Set Boundaries

A person will continue to manipulate you as long as you allow them to. 

Protect yourself by simply saying "no". You must stand up for yourself because you do not deserve to be treated disrespectfully. 

It's OK to say "No".

Practice by saying things like this:

  • "No I cannot help you with that."
  • "No, it's not going to work for me."
  • "I'd love to help, but I'm too busy right now."
  • "Thanks for asking, but no."

Some people have a really hard time saying "no". If you are one of them, practice in the mirror until you are ready to speak up. 


Learn To Set Boundaries

black and white thinking

Another form of manipulation to solicit your help is to use utter helplessness to suck you into rescuing them. 

This type uses comments like, "I am just absolutely terrible at this. Will you help me?"

They may say something like, "You're the only one I have to help me." 

If you hear things like this, it means it's time to set some boundaries. If you decide to jump in to help, set a time limit on it. Say, "I can only help you for five minutes," and stick to your word. 


Avoid Blaming Yourself

Female Achiever

Another tactic of manipulators is to make you feel bad about yourself. They want to accuse you of being the problem. 

Remember these are just tactics to manipulate you into complying with their requests. 

When you begin to feel bad about yourself, stop. You are not the problem. Recognize what is happening and put your feelings in check. 

Ask yourself these questions: 

  • "Is the person treating me with respect?"
  • "Does this person have reasonable requests and expectations of me?"
  • "Is this a one-sided relationship?"
  • "Do I feel good about myself in this relationship?

If the answer to these questions is "no", the manipulator is likely the problem, not you. Keep your eye out for this type of manipulation and protect yourself.


Be Assertive

Talk But Be Polite

Manipulators love to twist the facts to make themselves look more important. 

When you see this happening be assertive. Speak up by asking for clarification because you did not see the situation the same way. 

Ask the person simple questions, and look for a common ground that you can begin to rally around. If you both can agree on something. it's a starting point. 

From there you can start getting closer to the facts. 


Listen To Yourself

Seriously Conclusion

During you discourse with a manipulator, listen to yourself to get a gage on how you are feeling. 

Look at how certain behaviors of the other person make you feel. If you feel things like oppressive pressure or obligation to comply with their requests, call it want it is. 

You can then decided how you want to proceed. 


Curtail the Guilt Trip

Improve Memory

If using the guilt trip is their angle, the best way to handle it is to nip it in the bud as quickly as you can. 

With guilt trips, don't let the person's interpretation of your behavior determine the situation. Tell them how they are being unrealistic, inconsiderate, and down right disrespectful. 

The sooner these things come out, the quicker you handle them. Don't let anyone lay the guilt trip on you. 


Put The Focus On The Manipulative Person

Talking face to face

Instead of allowing the manipulator taking control, turn the situation around. 

Put the spotlight on them by probing them with a bunch of questions about the reasonableness of their demand.

Ask them questions like these: 

  • How does that seem fair to you?
  • Do they really think their demands are reasonable?
  • How will this benefit you?
  • How do they think their requests make you feel?

Don't let them off the hook. Keep asking them questions until they see your point.


Don't Get Cornered Into Making Any Quick Decisions

fight the urge

A manipulator may try to put pressure on you to make a quick decision. Don't let them get away with that. 

Tell them that you will think about it. This will buy you some time and keep you from agreeing to something that backs you into a corner. 

If they persist and want you to make a snap decision, just say "no". 


Build A Nice Support Network


You don't want to spend your time wrestling with a manipulator. 

Focus your attention on your healthier relationships. Spend time with people who make you feel happy and confident. 

Build a nice support network of friends, mentors, family, or supportive partners. 

These people help you stay balanced and happy with yourself. 

Don't let yourself become isolated. Take advantage of your support team. 


When All Else Fails, Stay Away From The Manipulator

How Beliefs Are Formed

If you find that it's getting too difficult to interact with a manipulative person, keep your distance. 

You will never be able to change them, so save yourself the aggravation and just avoid them. 

If you must interact with them, limit your encounters. 

When they realize they can't manipulate you, they will just move on to the next willing victim. 

When you don't give them control over you, you win.


fake smile

Dealing with manipulative people is difficult. It takes some skills to avoid their pressures. 

You can start by practicing the word "no" and using it often. You may also need to set some boundaries that limit the scope of your interactions. 

Often we blame ourselves for complying with the demands of a manipulator, and for not standing up to them. Don't let yourself fall into that guilt trap. 

Be assertive and call out the manipulator when they start seizing control.  

Listen to your gut to help determine how the situation makes you feel. Often it's revealing that something needs to change. 

Sometimes you may need to call the manipulator out on every point. Making quick decisions is not the smart move. Tell them you need time to think about the situation. 

Finally, tap into your support network and spend time with people who make you feel healthy and happy. 

If all else fails, just stay away from the manipulator, or limit your interactions with them. 

You are in control of your actions, and when the manipulator understands that, they move on. 

You can do this. 

Remember, you are a

"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect."


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