How To Make The Right “SUPER” Decision

Bothering You

Dalton McGuinty

There's no wrong time to make the right decision.

How To Make The Right “SUPER” Decision

Live in the Present

In our lives we are constantly making decisions. Everything we say and do is the result of a decision we've made. 

There are the small ones we make, sometimes without ever thinking about it, but the big ones can be the toughest to make. 

Of them all, how many would you say are the "right" decisions? That's the important question. The smaller ones may not carry the same consequences as the big ones, so let's take a look at the best approach to make the "right" decisions. 

As intimidating as decision making can be, here are some steps to help you become more confident in the decisions you make.



Face Your Fears


Before we even start, understand that decision making can be fearful for some. The bigger the decision, the greater the fear. 

So take a minute to examine your fears to identity what plagues you the most. 

For major decisions, ask yourself what do you fear the most about making it? How fearful are the consequences of making the wrong decision? 

Is the decision a permanent one that can never be changed, or can you make adjustments to improve on your initial decision?

Write these down if that helps you clarify your thinking. 


What Are The Worst Case Scenarios


Let's take step one a little further, and examine the worst case scenario. For each possible choice, if all goes wrong, what will that look like?

Pushing each possibility to the very worst that could happen, somehow makes it less frightening. Now, at least you can see upfront what are the possibilities. 

Understanding how the worst case could happen helps you put together a better plan for mitigating disaster should it come. 


Collect As Much Information As Possible

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The best decisions are the informed decisions. 

With all the resources we have available today, it will pay to do a little research to make the best informed decisions that you can. 

Decisions will want to be made in a more logical and strategic way. Without the right information, we leave ourselves subject to emotion. Those emotional responses can lead us down the wrong path. 

Stay calm and base your decisions on facts presented in a logically structured foundation. 


Use The "Five Whys" Technique

Ever talk to an inquisitive child who always asks why after everything you say? The "Five Whys" technique works the same way. 

When contemplating your decision, ask yourself "why" at least five time. Each time you will be surprised what new information you'll come up with. 


Think About Who's Affected

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Consider how your decision affects you. The first consideration is how it affects you personally. Does it fall in line with your values or will it help you reach your goals? 

If the decisions aren't congruent with your core values, it will eventually lead to unhappiness. 

Next, consider how your decisions will affect others who will be impacted by them. Will it create undue pressure or conflict?

Double check that your decisions don't create any compromising positions for them. 


Make A List Of Your Final Choices

Goals Setting

With all the choices swirling in your head, it may be a good idea to make a written list of the possibilities. 

Don't try to evaluate them until you have all the possibilities written down. 

Now you can weigh them according to the benefits they bring. You can even ask others to help evaluate the pros and cons. 


Trust Your Instincts


You probably already have a sense of which decisions are the right ones. This might be your gut instincts showing you the right way. 

Even though your decisions are based on research and logic, having a good gut feeling is also important.

Research shows that people who feel good about their decisions tend to be more satisfied with them.

The saying is "consult your head and your heart when you are making tough decisions".


Have A Backup Plan

Calculating Probability

No matter how good you think your decisions are, it is always wise to have a backup plan.

There is such a thing as "the unexpected" that can creep it's way into every decision you make. So it's always good to make a plan A and plan B. 

You may not be able to avert every unforeseen event, but at least you are thinking ahead.


New Beginning

Making "SUPER" decisions are a part of our everyday life. It's making the right decisions that really count. 

The big decisions are the ones that create the most fear because the consequences of making the wrong decision can be devastating.

Understand what your fears are and then do some research to get as much information that you can on the subject.

If you make the wrong decisions, what are the worst case scenarios. It's good to put your hands around all the potential liabilities.

To get clear on your thinking, ask yourself why five times to get a clear picture of the perspective of your decisions.

Then make sure you fully understand who will be affected by your decisions starting with yourself. 

Trust your gut instincts when you are considering your top choices. If you are feeling good about making your decision, trust your instincts.

Finally, every good decision should have a backup plan just in case things don't work out as planned.


What major decision did you have to make lately? 

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