Top 10 Ways To Live The “SUPER” Lifestyle

Top 10 Way to A Super Lifestyle

Maddi Jenkins

 “Live life to the fullest because it only happens once.”  

8 Tips To Live The "SUPER" Lifestyle

New Habbit

Life is a precious journey in which everyone has a chance to live it to the fullest. You can live it in anyway you choose, but remember that everything you do counts. 

If you want to have a life of accomplishment to earn your place of respect in this world, live the "SUPER" lifestyle. It's not always an easy road to travel, but I guarantee, it's a rewarding one. 

Living the "SUPER" lifestyle is when a "Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect" decides to live in an exceptional way. They choose to live a life of commitment and dedication in order to live the best life possible. 

To save you time, I've condensed living the "SUPER" lifestyle into these 10 steps. Since this journey is a long one, everyday will be a learning adventure.


Let's get started. 


Recognize That Life Is A Journey

Long Road

The first and most important thing to remember is that you cannot go through this process in one day, one week, or one year. Living a "SUPER" lifestyle takes a lifetime. 

The old cliché about that says, "life is as much about how you get where you're going as where you go", rings true here. 

Living your life to the fullest is a daily process that will take your whole life to master. So be patient with yourself and trust the process to get you where you want to go. 

Don't get frustrated if things don't work out exactly as planned. Setbacks will come, and you will face struggles sometimes, but those things are a natural part of life. So hang in there and never quit striving for the best.


Determine Your Values

Look Inside

Living the "SUPER" lifestyle will allow you to feel happy, fulfilled and respected when you live in accordance with your own core value system. 

Your core values are the beliefs that shape the essence of who you are. They are based on deeply-held beliefs that are the most important to you. 

Reflecting those values in the decisions you make and in the things you do, brings lifelong fulfillment. 

Goal setting becomes more meaningful when they are set in accordance with your core values.


Push Yourself Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Working Harder

The next point is an extremely significant one we all struggle with at times. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. 

Research shows that people perform their best when they push themselves out of their comfort zones. Everyone enjoys the daily routine of low stress and comfort, but rarely does this turn into a lifetime of greatness. 

Yes, it can be terrifying to take risks in life because the thought of failing is frightening. Once you realize that failure is only temporary, you can embrace it. Soon you will be comfortable entertaining new exciting experiences 

This doesn't happen overnight, so start getting out of your comfort zone by doing small things and working your way up. 

Try something you haven't done before, and make note of how it feels. Who knows, you may find something really fun that you have been missing out on. 

Push yourself out of your comfort zone and see what happens.


Be Realistic

Work Harder

Being realistic in this instance refers more to setting goals for yourself that anything else. Most people are realistic about most things they do. But when it comes to goal setting, things change. 

Setting goals requires a reasonable assessment of your skills and talents. Often it is hard to look at yourself to determine what your skills and talents are. Other people who know you well can see them right away, but it is hard for you to see them in yourself. 

So be realistic in what you can do and set your goals accordingly. Achieving goals takes time, dedication, hard work, and sacrifice.  

Just take your time and continuously work to get there. You can do it.


Be Honest With Everything 

Don't take it personally

Living a "SUPER" lifestyle means being honest in everything you say and do. It is a life choice you make. Being honest with others, and with yourself, keeps your life pure and simple. 

Dishonesty has a way of zapping away your energy and zest for life. It holds you back from learning and growing while damaging the trust and intimacy. 

Even though there may be a variety of reasons people tend to lie, most people lie because they want to hurt others. Jealousy, fear of confrontation, fear of looking "less-than", are other reasons people choose to lie. 

Sometimes it can be hard to be honest, but in the end you will be happiest when you always tell the truth.


Learn To Accept Yourself Just As You Are

Smiling in the Mirror

In the same spirit of honesty, learn to accept yourself as you are. Look at yourself honestly noting all your characteristics, good and bad. Learn to accept all of them. 

Too often, we spend too much time looking at what we don't like about ourselves. Our focus is on what we think we should change about ourselves. The more we think about the negative, the more we bring on the negative. 

Make a conscious decision to learn to love yourself, just the way you are. I think Billy Joel wrote a song about this. 


Embrace Uncertainty

Experimentation and Imagination

Deciding to live the exceptional lifestyle has risks. One of the biggest risks is that of uncertainty. It comes with the territory. Since you can't escape it, why not embrace it. 

When you go after what you really want in life, things don't always go according to plan. So we have to take chances. We don't always know what lies ahead. 

Embracing vulnerability let's us accept the possibility of not knowing the outcome. It won't hold us back from acting anyway. 

Note that Thomas Edison experienced 1,000 unsuccessful attempts inventing the light bulb. How's that for overcoming uncertainty. Maybe a bit extreme, but you get the point.  


Stop "Shoulding" on Yourself

Stress Management

This is a lesson I learned that has made a big difference in my personal productivity. I stopped "shoulding" myself. "Should" means that you "have to" do something, even if it doesn't fit your goals or values. 

So to remedy this, I replace the word "should" with "want". When making my plans, I say I want to do this today, instead of I should do this today. 

That makes me think that what I am doing is a desirable thing. There are things that must be done but I do them because I want to, not because I should. 


Look For Learning Opportunities Every Day

Little Things

Every day is a learning opportunity when you want to make progress on anything. The attitude of learning is one that will help you take on the unknown without fear. 

Learning means getting things wrong to find the right way to get the job done. During the correction process, it might not seem fun, the reward is what you learn from the situation. 

There are opportunities to learn something new everyday. Keep your eyes open to learning situations that we can experience every day. 

Life is exciting this way.  


Practice Mindfulness With Gratitude

Understand Motives

Being mindful in everything you do is the same as being purposeful and intentional about your decisions. 

Put thought into your daily actions, and make rationally thought out moves that get the best results quickest. 

You will have success and failures along the way, but be grateful for both. Both will give you the information you need to live the best life possible. 


Live in the Present

Living a "SUPER" lifestyle is something you create day after day with your own actions, decisions, and thoughts. You can live a life that reflects your most important values. That life leads to happiness, fulfillment, and much deserved respect. 

Start with the understanding that living the "SUPER" lifestyle is a journey. It's a lifelong commitment. You will want to push yourself out of your comfort zone and be realistic about what you can accomplish. 

This journey requires absolute honesty with others as well as yourself. Just accept yourself just the way you are, and don't "should" yourself. 

There will be times of uncertainty, but you will learn how to embrace it as a natural part of life. Treat your challenges as a learning opportunity, and commit to learning something new everyday. 

Living the "SUPER" lifestyle is something you can do. Make your decision to go after your best life. and stay on the journey. You will live a life of no regrets. 

Remember, you are a "Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".  


What challenges do you struggle with as you live the "SUPER" lifestyle?

"Put Your Head Down And Grind"

Watch This Video For Some More Motivation

Become A "Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect"!

Albert Powell

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Hope it helps you in some way. 

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And remember, 

"Make something great happen today."