How To Know, “For Sure”, What You Want Out Of Life
One of the hardest things you can do is figure out what will truly make you happy in life. You may think you know, but if you are really honest with yourself, it may be hard to make that determination for certain.
No two people are on the same path to life satisfaction, no matter how well matched you think you are. So it may be best to find out what you want individually, and them compare notes.
It may take some time and concerted effort to dig deeply to figure it out. But the effort will make it all worthwhile.
This post will provide some tips for how to figure out what will make you happy and show you how to get there.
Let's get started.
Evaluate Your Core Values

The first place to start your introspective process is to evaluate your core values. Identify what is most important to you.
Write down the three aspect of your life that are most important, and then rank them.
You may have many more but for this exercise, narrow them down to three. By narrowing down this list, you will be better able to tell whether or not you're devoting the appropriate amount of time to each aspect of your life.
What Are Your Favorite Activities?

If money was not a consideration, what are your most favorite activities? What is it that you would do with your life that brings the most joy or happiness.
There is no right or wrong answer. Each individual is different. Make a list of these activities, and see what you come with.
Look at the list to see what it is that you consider the most important and fun activities you could be doing.
These activities are the ones that really make you happy. These activities could change over time but make sure you make the list of things that are important to you right now. You can always change these in the future if necessary.
Let's consider this a list of passions.
Avoid Material Possession As Your Source Of Happiness

For this exercise, avoid relying on material possession, because, in my opinion, having "stuff" cannot make you truly happy.
Some people are fooled into thinking the more you have the happier you'll be. But the root of your joy is not the possessions.
For example, you may be mistaken that the instrument you play makes you happy, but in fact, it's the music that the instrument makes that brings you joy.
Find Your Quiet Place

Now it's time for some quiet reflection. Find a tranquil environment free from distracting sounds and activities.
Clear you mind of distractions so you can clearly think about your priorities. Take your lists and think through each item.
How does that make you feel? Does each item allow you to remain calm? Does each item still make you feel a level of happiness that you would expect.
If not, rethink your list until you come up with exactly what you see as your priorities.
This is what you can begin to focus on.
Make A Final List Of Passions

Make a new list of your final choices after you have closely examined them. They may have changed from your original list but now is the time to make your final choices
As your list progresses, remember that as time goes on, you can change this list to better suit your needs. As you gain more knowledge, you choices may be altered or changed altogether.
Keep reviewing your choices from time to time just so you are always heading in the right direction.
Don't Be Afraid To Make A Change

For some, just the thought of change is scary. Change can mean many things. But as daunting as it may sound, change is not always a bad thing.
In fact, when you consider living our ideal life, change is almost inevitable. So instead of avoiding anything that will rock the boat, look for ways change can make your life better.
Start with all the satisfying things you have identifies as your ideal life and see how they measure up to where you're at right now. If you're experiencing everything you want to make you happy, maybe all you need are some slight changes to go from better to best.
However, if your life looks nothing like your ideal life, big changes may be in order. Whatever rings true for you, learn to embrace change.
Take control of it, manage it, and be persistent until you see the changes you want. There is no such thing as standing still. So keep at it.
Living your ideal life is worth it.
Build Your New RoadMap

Now it's time to put it all together. Take everything that we've talked about and start building your new roadmap to your ideal future.
Take your values, priorities, and passions and put them together to create your new plan. This plan is the vision of the life you want to live. Put it in concrete terms with all the elements that are the most important to you.
Having a clear vision for moving forward will help you develop clear plans for getting there.
Do yourself a favor and write it down somewhere that you frequently visit so that you can see this plan as often as possible. Internalize it so that accomplishing it never leaves your mind.
Then everyday add more action to make it a reality. It may be a long journey, or you could get some quick hits. Either way, be prepared to see it through for the long-haul.
Map out all your moves so that there is not confusion about where you want to go. Then follow that map to your final destination.
You are now on your way to getting what you really want in life.

One of the big secrets to living a happy fulfilling life is to know exactly what it is you really want. Most people think they know but when pressed to define it in great detail, they find that it's harder to do than they think.
To get the kind of clarity that it takes to actually make living your ideal life a reality, here are some tips to get you on your way.
The first thing to do is to take a look at your core values. What are the things that you must have to live a totally fulfilling life.
Then list some activities that you really enjoy. These are the things that you don't want to be without. Add those to your list so you can make some priorities.
Next, make a list of some of your biggest passions. Then take some quiet time to evaluate everything you gathered so far. Is there anything you want to change?
If what you're doing now does not match your ideal list, you have some changes to make. So be prepared to face them head on and make the adjustments you need.
Finally, put your final roadmap together for how you want your new life to look. This clarification will make reaching your target a lot easier.
Be patient and persistent and go for the best life you know how to live.
You can do it. Remember you are
("Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect")
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