What is Inspiration?
After reading the post “Jump Into Action with Motivational Quotes”, it is clear to see how motivation plays a big roll in accomplishing everything you desire, but what about inspiration?
Listening to famous musicians about how they get the inspiration to write great songs, or artists being inspired to paint great works of art, one would thing that motivation and inspiration could be the same thing.
Both are capable of moving people to do some amazing things. Is there really a difference between the two? And is so, what are they?
Looking to put clarity around the meaning of the inspiration carries a lot on ambiguity, so for our purposes, lets look at inspiration in terms of an artist. Artistic inspiration is the kind that touched the artist so deeply that he feels free from any constraints that inhibit their artistic creativity. Some artists describe it as just freely flowing in sync with the universe. They say some of their best work happens when they are in this flow.
What is that element that creates this flow? Let’s call them triggers. Maybe it’s something that we read, a movie that we watch, a person that we admire or love, or just a certain place that we resonate with. Whatever it may be, it evokes a deep feeling of ecstatic creativity and a will to create something new.
These triggers are unique for each person, and can practically be anything, as long as it somehow carries a deeper meaning that resonates well with the person’s own mentality. That triggers is a unique as the individual who possesses it. None the less, it is an extremely powerful aspect of success in any field.
So what is inspiration? It can be defined as the sudden burst of creativity and productivity triggered by either our own personality or something that resonated well with our personality.
Now that we know what inspiration is, how does it differ from motivation? And why is the difference important?
The understand the difference is important because in order to be fully successful, we need both.
The comparison of the two reveal that the major difference between the two seems to stem from where each originates.
Motivation stems from our perception of the things that influence us from the outside world that we live. Inspiration stems from our personality and our mentality that triggers the influence.
In other words, motivation is evoked through some external stimuli creating the force to create immediate action. Whereas, inspiration is evoked through an internal stimuli that resonates with something deep with is that cause the trigger of creativity.
Motivation is the force that pushes us forward, evoked through external stimuli, as opposed to inspiration which evokes a burst of creativity and productivity through the resonance between our inner selves and something else.

DIY Inspiration
Inspiration can come from many different sources, and in different ways for each individual. It doesn’t have to be something that comes on time, and takes the most unpredictable circumstances to bring it about.
Our internal state of mind can put us in a state that is receptive to forces that bring inspiration into our lives. You might think about it like creating futile soil to plant your garden. We can actually live in a state that welcomes the flow of inspiration. I call it DIY Inspiration.
DIY inspiration is a state that we can put ourselves in by make some minor positive changes in our lives. If we commit daily to making these changes we can create a lifetime of inspiration. The secret lies in our commitment.
The following is a list of thing we can do to experience inspiration on a regular basis. Make some of these changes and you will begin to create a state of mind that induces creative inspiration.
8 Tips for Creating Your Own
DIY Inspiration
1. Find Your Inner Voice
These day we are all bombarded with so much information from outside sources continually vying for our attention. With that much outside noise, it’s now wonder that we don’t take the time to hear the still small voice with us. Even though this voice is probably screaming at us daily, we wouldn’t recognize it if we wanted to.
We must learn to find our inner voice. The outside noise must be deadened to allow us to hear what our inner voice is saying. To do this, spend time each day limiting our outside distractions: cell phone, computer, social media, listening to usually unwanted advice from friend, watching television, and anything that does not create a peaceful quiet.
2. Take A Time Out
Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the day, and take a time out. Take a walk outside and just breathe. Quite your mind and just enjoy your surroundings.
Listen to the birds, notice how green the grass is, and feel the wind blow across your face. Slow down and just relax. This should calm you down making your day even more enjoyable

3. Bring More Laughter Into Your Life
Laughter is truly the best medicine for bringing more positivity into your life. We seem to take ourselves way to seriously. Sometimes we need to step back, and take a look at the humorous side of life.
Laughing more brings a positive side that attracts more inspiration.
4. Live
In The Moment
To continue to find that inspired moment, how about taking one day to do nothing but things that inspire you. We go through our lives so focused on our day to day that when a great idea pops into our heads, we usually find a logical reason to dismiss it.
Why not trying putting logic to bed for a day, and try acting on all your inspired ideas that come to your mind. Don’t judge the idea. Listen to your inner feelings. If your idea makes your hear sing, do it.
5. Simplify Your Life
In this age of high productivity where multitasking is the standard mode of operation, it is very easy to be so boggled down with activities that clutter builds up all around us.
Sometimes simplifying our lives can free up more opportunities to tap into the actions that really inspire us. Take some time and work through your to-do list one item at a time.
Clean up the your work space, and organize all your tools. There is something relaxing about having everything in it’s place, and in order. It seems to free you mind for other activities. Why not leave some room for some inspired action.
6. Plug Into The Positive
Connecting to the positive things that are happening in your life can also lead to increasing the possibility of tapping into the inspired side of your personality.
Stop listening to the depressing new, and tune into the positive side of life. Listen to commentary with a positive message, and even subscribe to some sites that will even deliver a positive message to your mailbox everyday.

7. Trust Your Inspiration
Hearing the quite voice of inspiration inside you is a hard thing to do if you are not used to it. You may have to start small and work your way up. As soon as you hear that voice, trust it. Just like anything you’re learning, it takes practice. Be patient.
The most import thing is to take action. You will know you’re doing the right thing when it just feels right inside. Keep working at it.
8. Use Your Creativity
Creativity can be enhanced beyond belief with even a spark of inspiration. Spend as much time in creative endeavors as you can.
During those times, pay attention to how your are feeling. What is motivating you? What is driving you? What force is carrying you forward? That is your inspiration.

Listen From Within
Inspiration is the force within that gives you that spark of free-flowing creativity. This force emanates internally and resonates by moving something within our personalities that just fees right. Tap into it, and you will tap in to greatness.
Combined inspiration with motivation, you have the formula for massive success. Both are the secret weapon to greatness.