How To Develop “SUPER” Intelligent Communication Skills

“Seriously Unstoppable People Earning Respect” get where they want to go in part by being skilled at intelligent communication.
Whether delivering a speech to motivate thousands or just convincing your child to eat their vegetables, communication is extremely important.
Knowing the specific skills to get your message across intelligently is what we will talk about in this article.
Everyone can alway improve their communication skills, and below are some tips to get you started.
These tips will help your communications become more effective and confident.
Let's get started.
Know What “SUPER” Intelligent Communication Really Is

Most people think communication just pertains to the things we say, but it’s so much more. Verbal communication is important but there are many other ways we send out messages.
“SUPER” intelligent communication is the process of relaying signals/messages between a sender and a receiver. That includes messages through various methods.
It uses the spoken word, the written word, nonverbal cues, and body language. Using all these in conjunction with each other can take your communications to the level of “SUPER”.
With the goals of being delivered correctly and received, you can take charge of all your communication techniques to your advantage.
Have The Courage To Say What You Think

Sometimes it takes pure courage to say what’s really on your mind. There are others involved who bring their own opinions of what they think is important.
People can have such strong opinions that may cause you to be hesitant to speak up. Make sure you take time to be aware of your own opinions and feeling about them. Then, figure out the best way to convey them to others.
It’s easy to hesitate to speak up when you feel your opinion is not important. What is important to you may not be important to others, and vice versa. But muster the courage to voice what you think anyway.
Developing “SUPER” Intelligent Communication Takes Practice

Developing “SUPER” communication skills is like developing any other skills, it takes practice.
Start small with the interactions you make everyday, and consciously think about how you can make some improvements.
Pick something you want to practice and make an effort to focus on it. These small interactions can help you become better understood and help others feel that you care about what they have to say.
Now let’s talk about some specific areas you can practice improving.
How To Engage Your Audience By Using Eye Contact

Looking into the eyes of the person with whom you are conversing is the number one thing you can do to convey interest.
Whether you are talking or listening, here are three techniques you can try.
1. Consciously look into the listener’s eyes and move from one eye to the other.
2. Imagine a letter “T” on the listener’s face with the crossbar being an imaginary line across the eye brow. The vertical line coming down the center of the nose is important. Then continuously scan that “T” zone.
3. If you are the one doing the listening, every now and then, make a sound of approval to let them know you are engaged.
Eye contact conveys interest and is a good way to keep people interested in you.
Don’t Send Mixed Messages

Using gestures is another way you can improve your communications. Not only small gestures with your face and hands, but use you whole body to help broadcast your message.
Crossed arms means you’re not open or approachable. Taking an open stance with your arms relaxed at your sides tells people that you are approachable.
A big caution using gestures is to make sure your gestures match your words. Disciplining someone with a smile on your face sends a mixed message.
Be aware what your body is saying.
Portray Constructive Attitudes and Beliefs

The attitudes you bring to a communication has a profound effect on that communication. This works for the positive and the negative.
The attitude you bring to any communication is a choice you can make. Choose to bring positive attitudes that achieve positive outcomes.
Bring attitudes like honesty, patience, optimism, sincerity, and respect. These qualities will surely be reflected in your speech and your gestures.
This will have a huge impact on your message delivery and reception.
Develop Effective Listening Skills

In my post entitled “Deep Listening Heals The Heart - 7 Tips To Get Started”, offers some critical ways to use listening as a healing agent.
Not only is it important it speak effectively, but also you must listen in the same fashion. Improving your listening skills also takes practice.
You must be able to listen to a person’s words and engage in communication about what they are saying.
Using Your Words Effectively

The spoken word is so power that it can cut like a knife or heal like medicine. How you use your words is your responsibility.
Using the right words at the right time is what makes intelligent communication stand out. To use the right words, pay close attention to your vocabulary.
If you are not sure of the meaning of the words you want to use, look them up.
To be heard, speak clearly and enunciate.
People will judge your competency through your vocabulary. Make it a daily practice to learn new words by reading and finding the meaning of any words you don’t understand.
Slow Your Speech Down

Many times when given the opportunity to engage in conversation, we have so much to say that an avalanche of words come out fast and furiously.
Slow your speech down. If not, people perceive you as nervous, and unsure of yourself. You are not seen as composed and deliberate in your speech.
Slow down and communicate clearly. Use an easy-to-follow pace.
Animate your voice occasionally, and use the volume that is appropriate to the setting. Speak louder when talking to large groups and tone it down with smaller groups.
Develop Your Own Voice

Develop your own unique voice when you engage in any communications. Make it strong an authoritative but uniquely yours.
Everyone has their own style. The way you use your voice will be how others perceive you.
Using a high or whiny voice will not be perceived as authoritative. In fact, some people may perceive someone who speaks softly as weak.
Practice raising or lowering the pitch of your voice to portray the way you want to be perceived.

Developing “SUPER” intelligent communications takes skills that everyone can obtain. Effective communications can take you to heights in your efforts to create greater understanding and collaboration.
To become exceptional in your communication, there are many improvements you can make. First, don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind.
Getting better at anything takes practice and communicating better is no different. Examine your words as well as your body language to make sure you are conveying a congruent message.
Apply the right words to the right situation and make it a practice to learn new words all the time.
Work on your voice so that it portrays your unique personality. Speak slowly and deliberately to get your message taken seriously.
You can make “SUPER” communication your secret weapon to more confidence and effectiveness.
Remember, you are a
"Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect".
What words have you added to your vocabulary to improve your communication effectiveness?
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Albert Powell
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Great job Albert.
Regina, Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support. Hope these tips are giving you some good ideas to keep you growing into your best self.
We only have one life, and have to make the very best of it.
Remember, you are “SUPER”, (Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect).