How To Be Happy Being You

Super Achievers spend a good portion of their time working hard to accomplish a goal or mastering something in their life.
Sometimes they look around and see other people getting things they don't have, and wish it was them.
Well, no matter who you are or what you're doing, you can learn to be happy and fulfilled with your life no matter what you have or don't have.
This article focuses on how to be happy with yourself just the way you are.
All it takes is little recognition of what's really important, and finding those things within yourself.
So let's get started.
Identify What Makes You Wonderfully Unique

Here's an quick exercise that I bet you will struggle to complete. Can you identify the things about yourself that you love? I challenge you to make a list of 10 things.
Were you able to do it?
When you are able to see the things that make you outstanding, then you can appreciate your own gifts and talents. These are the things that make you comfortable in your own skin.
Read this list out loud to make sure you internalize it.
Practice Gratitude In Your Daily Life

Now that you have a list of your 10 best qualities, add a little gratitude in your life by being thankful for every item on that list.
Actively giving thanks for everything on that list helps you recognize the wonderful people, things, and opportunities that made you who you are.
Appreciate your strengths, skills, and blessings that you have been given. Make it a daily habit of giving thanks for those things and for the people in your life that you love.
If you want to take this even further, keep a gratitude journal and write everything that you're thankful for.
When you are feeling down about yourself, pull out this journal and read some past entries. They are guaranteed to brighten your day.
Fill Your Life With Laughter

Want to add a little more happiness to your life? Take a little time out for some good old laughter. I don't care what's happening in your life, it's always a good time to add some laughter.
If you're doing something and make a mistake, find the humor in it and get in a good laugh. This can help defuse the situations and let you know things are not that bad.
Have some fun, tell a joke, or just dance around like a crazy person, but laugh it up every now and then.
Laughter is good medicine for whatever ails you.
Come To Terms With Your Flaws

Confidence is the key to happiness, but realize that everyone has flaws, so learn to embrace them instead of obsessing over them.
Here's how to get those flaws under control:
- Make a list of the things you want to work on. Turn this list into goals you can accomplish.
- Learn to live with some of your flaws. Some flaws will never be overcome. So the best thing to do is to learn to live with them.
- Forgive yourself. We've all done something we are less proud of. Whatever you did, you should recognize it was wrong and understand why you did it. After that, it's time to forgive yourself and move on.
Learn To Forgive Yourself

Speaking of forgiveness, not only should we make the effort to forgive ourselves, but learn to forgive others also.
Trying to hold onto hurts from the past does nothing but keep you stuck in the past. In to order to move on with your life, do what you need to, so that you can finally forgive and keep moving forward.
If you can get an apology from the one who hurt you, take it. Otherwise, clean the slate in your mind and move on as best you can.
If you are the one who hurt someone, own up to it and say you're sorry. The point is take care of cleaning up your past so it doesn't haunt your future.
Surround Yourself With Supportive Friends And Family

Having a network of close friends is one of the best ways to become happy with yourself in the long run. Also adding the word supportive to the list of friends will be the best ones to spend time with.
Having the right friend can improve your self-esteem, make you feel needed, and boost your self-confidence. The people who contribute these things are more valuable to have around.
Keep in touch with frequent visits, emails, phone calls, and facetime them occasionally. Whatever you do, maintain that healthy connection.
Foster Healthy Romantic Relationships

One of the best ways to enjoy yourself is to nurture healthy romantic relationships.
By that I mean, build relationships founded on love, trust, and strong communication.
If you have a significant other, communicate openly with each other on a daily basis. Make sure that both partners are fulfilled and satisfied with the relationship.
If you are single, date lots of people until you find the right person. If you're not looking, just be happy with the decisions you're making and live you life the way you choose.

Being happy being yourself is a journey that begins by recognizing all the wonderful qualities that you have to offer this world.
List the top 10 things you like about yourself and then become grateful for those things. Expressing gratitude for the good things in your life everyday will set you in a better place.
Try to add some laughter to the things you do, even when you make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, so embrace your flaws as opportunities to improve.
If there are some hurtful things that are haunting you from your past, deal with them once and for all. Forgive those involved and forgive yourself for things you've done.
Surround yourself with good, suppotative, positive friends and family. And supplement that with healthy romantic relationships that are built on love, trust, and strong communication.
You can do this. After all, you are
("Seriously Unstoppable Person Earning Respect")
What is the one uniquely endearing quality that you really like about yourself?
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"Love Yourself"
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