the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.
What does a hurdle mean to a Super Achiever? It means something that gets in your path to block you from going where you want to go. Super Achievers never let their progress get stopped. They figure out a way to jump over hurdles and keep going.
In this article we will take a look at how the Super Achiever uses the power of resourcefulness to overcome hurdles that get in the way.
There are six items to keep in mind when getting past things that threaten to slow down their progress. No matter what comes in their way, Super Achievers will keep making progress.
Let's get started.

The Super Achiever Keeps An Open Mind
First, be clear that obstacles that threaten to stop your progress are going to get in your way. Make it your policy by saying, if you can't go straight through the obstacle, you will go around it. Determine that nothing will ever stop you.
When you are faced with the obstacle, immediately open your mind. Take a long look around the entire situation.
Start asking questions to get your mind focused on what is hindering you. What is really happening? Who are the players involved? What opportunities does this situation present? What are some possibilities for getting past this obstacle?
You may not know all the answers yet but that's OK. What you do know is that you are determined to use this situation as a learning lesson. Even when things look impossible, keep saying to yourself, "Yes, I can get through this."
Although you may already be experiencing a difficult set of circumstances, know that you may need to experience a little more discomfort before it gets better.
Thinking about what you will learn once you overcome this situation, can give you an extra boost of motivation to keep moving forward.

Practice Confidence
Secondly, understand this; You are capable to handle any problem that comes your way. You have everything you need within you to overcome any obstacle that gets in your way.
Trust your own ability to solve any problem. Even if you've never encountered this particular one, you know how to solve problems period. This one is just another one of many that you will solve.
If you still don't believe it, just think of all the problems you have solved to date to get you where you are today. You have been solving problems all your life. Don't forget all your accomplishments.
Lastly visualize yourself solving this one. Picture how you can get through this situation to accomplish what you are going for.
Then, determine how you will celebrate your success once it is accomplished.

Get More Creative
Third, now it's time to get creative and brainstorm some possible solutions. To get started, let's look at all of our resources to see what we have to work with.
Then we can put some possibilities on the table that may be able to get us heading in the right direction.
Apply some more creativity. How can we take what we have and think outside the box? We might have to do something completely new to solve our problem. But creativity doesn't necessarily mean creating something new.
Applying old methods in a different way can also be considered creative. There is really nothing new under the sun, so we may want to see how others have solved this problem, and do the same.
You may discover your "aha" moment by keeping your mind open to the possibilities.

Always Be Proactive
Fourth, once we come up with game plan, don't wait. Take a stab it and test out your solution.
Being proactive means getting fully engaged in applying a solution by taking massive action. Continued action will give you the information you need to make the moves necessary to get to the solution you're after.
Look out for the enemy of procrastination. For steps on how to handle procrastination when it comes, read "Warning: Procrastination Ahead". It will help you take action now.
Be prepared to re-adjust your strategy if you don't get where you want on the first try. Keep plugging away until you get the right combination that works.

Be Persistent
Fifth, that brings up the subject of persistence.
If you stop before the problem is solved, the problem wins. But if you don't give up, you win.
The question is, How many failures are you willing to experience before you give up? How many times are you willing to repeat the same experiment until you find the perfect solution?
The longer you are willing to keep going, the more persistence you have. Don't give up. Keep at it. You learn something with every attempt.
Think about the motivation that drives you and use that motivation to keep you going.

Stay Positive
Lastly, throughout this problem solving process, remind yourself that there is always a solution. There is always an alternative. You may have to do some work to find it, but it is there.
Keep your mind positive by looking forward to the benefits you will gain if you can work out this solution. Getting through rough times is what success stories are all about.
Overcoming negative thoughts that derail you is possible. Read the post entitled "Secrets to Overcoming Negativity" to stay positive.
With every problem that you solve, the better and stronger you become. The bigger the problems you solve, the more valuable you become.

Super Achievers approach problem solving as something they continually get good at. It's a part of the entire process of mastering anything they undertake. Some problems are more difficult to resolve then others. However, there is always a solution.
When challenges do come, having an open mind will allow you to brainstorm many ideas to consider. Surveying your resources and applying creative ways to combine them will give you a plan for moving forward.
Proactively go after the resolution with massive action and keep at it. Determine never to quit. Your positive attitude will drive you to your best solution not matter how long it takes to get there.
Solving bigger and more challenging problems will turn you into a stronger more valuable person.
Out of it all, you will have your very own success story to tell.

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