How Super Achievers Earn Their Stripes

Earning Respect

Colin Powell

“A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work."


Super Achievers are labeled "Super" for many reasons. The big one is that they are where they are because of the magic word called "Earning".  

Super Achievers put in the work to earn their stripes. What does earning your stripes mean? One definition is to gain a position through hard work and accumulated experience. 

Another one states it this way: Earning your stripes means doing something which shows that one deserves to be accepted and respected by others in a field or profession. 

Earning implies the act of doing hard work, and gaining experience through continuous practice over a long period of time. 

Below are the ways you can earn your stripes to claim your title of  "Super" Achiever. 

Stand Out

10 Practice Points To Earn Your Stripes

Practice that persists over a long period time builds expertise.

To really stand out in the the crowd and become "Super", practicing these 10 things will help you earn the ultimate respect in your field and in life. 

Let's get started. 


Practice Being Reliable

Reliable Team

When others can see you consistently meeting your deadlines, doing quality work, and always being there when they need you, you are earning your first stripe called reliability. 

Adding reliability to your daily work ethic causes others to depend on you always being there for them. That's how you practice being reliable.


Practice Being Dedicated


Being dedicated is a personal thing, because there is always a "why" attached to it. And that "why" is different for each individual. 

There is a reason why you commit. There is reason you can stay focused on the task at hand without becoming distracted. 

That reason causes you to display complete dedication. Find out what your "why" is and give it your focused attention until you finish your job.


Practice Being Disciplined


Practicing being disciplined means being able to work in a controlled manner which involves maintaining high standards with rules that you choose to obey. 

Those rule are the ones that you choose to follow because they are the rules that get results. Anything else is not acceptable for you. 

Discipline is a quality that should be a part of your strong work ethic.


Practice Being Productive


Productivity is the practice of producing higher and higher outputs. You really can shine when you produce more output than your peers. This makes you really stand out. 

Show productivity by completing your assignments early and always doing more than you're required.

This is going the extra mile to get results.


Practice Being Cooperative


One of the quickest ways to increase your effectiveness is to collaborate with others. Working in a collaborative spirit to increase your knowledge will benefit you and your collaborators. 

No man is an island and with a willingness to become a vital part of an innovative team will surely put you in the way of success.  


Practice Demonstrating Integrity


Integrity is equated with keeping a high level of honesty and high moral standards. Most of us do well but there are times when we are tested. 

Sometimes it seems easier to ignore what we know is right at the moment. But that's where exercising the practice of integrity comes into play. 

Make the decision to do the right thing even when it seems hard. The long-term payoff is always more rewarding.


Practice Being Responsible


The ability to control your outcomes revolve around the amount of responsibility you are willing to take for your own actions. 

Take responsibility for your successes as well as your errors. Blaming others will cripple your ability to effectively resolve your challenges.

Be the one who proactively takes responsibility to drive to a timely solution.


Practice Being Professional


The pleasure that comes from working with a professional is something we can give to others when we carry ourselves in a professional manner. 

Professionalism can be seen in the way we act, the way we dress, and how we speak to others. When we make it a practice to display professionalism in everything we do, people notice. 

Keep ourselves neat and organized. Stay focused on delivering our best, and treat others with extreme respect.

We will be the ones who become the outstanding professionals we strive to be.


Practice Being Positive

Clean Slate

Being positive is an approach to every situation that will get you started on the right path. It provides the possibility that there is always a solution. 

That positive attitude can provide you with the motivation to keep digging in even when things get difficult. 

It takes practice to automatically take the positive position, but continued use will help make your job more enjoyable.


Practice Generosity

Helping hands

Above all the practices that can put you in the "above and beyond" status is that of practicing generosity. 

Practicing generosity to improve the lives of others is something that rates high on the scale of being an outstanding performer. 

Only exemplary people put this practice high on their list. Be the exceptional one who continues to practice generosity to improve the lives of all those around you. 



Super Achievers earn their stripes by doing the hard work it takes to exhibit the finest qualities that make them exceptional at what they do. 

The items they practice include things like practicing being reliable, dependable, disciplined, and productive. 

In relation to enhancing the lives of those around them involves practicing cooperation, integrity, and professionalism. 

On a personal level, they practice taking full responsibility for their actions, while maintaining a positive attitude. 

The crowning attribute to set you apart is exhibiting the habit of generosity in everything you do. 

My hope is that you will adapt the practice of earning the right to gain the respect and admiration of those around you.

When you do, you put meaning to the word "Super".  Enjoy earing your stripes. 


What is the secret weapon you use to earn your stripes? 

(Leave a comment below.) 

Watch This for Some More Motivation

"Discipline and Drive, Not Motivation"

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